Justanother superfluous sequel. Move along, nothing to see.

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So, I have spent the last 2 days in HR LGBTQ+ sensitivity training. now, for those who have forgotten, I am an American who works for a global conglomerate with their headquarters in India. Much of my personal HR courses are designed to explain how to be sensitive to Americans, but are written by people who have spent virtually no time in America. This means they are sometimes rather amusing.

Well I can say this is very was very thorough. First, a large portion was cartoon videos. The dude in the turbin and the dude with the man bun led us through hours of exploration

The first course was on terms and definitions, beginning with LGBTQQIP2SAA. They explained everything from lesbian to queer to transvestite to demiromantic to intersex.

Then there was a section on non binary with teachings on how we can break the binary and transcend gender.

Then we explore bisexuality, and how it differs from gay and trans, and includes subsections such as polyamorous.

Then they cover transexual with subsections on transvestite, transgender, cross dressing, etc. My personal favorite was the section on drag queens. They made it all trippy and flashy with confetti and a dancing fan girl.

Then we cover allyship so we can learn how to "acknowledge you feel the struggle" while making sure to "speak up but don't speak for"

Then we have the section that covers like 300 pronouns from hers, he, him, his, they, them, to
sie, hie, hiz, ze, zie, zem, zir, zirself, xyr, zlrs. I suspect they just started combining letters randomly.

then we had the slide show on how to understand what pronouns.
I think they explained seeing eye dogs are zies

some involved checking a calendar I think.

then we discussed how to incorporate this into the workplace. They advised us to not just discuss pronouns with lgbtq+ because it might be offensive, and we might be best all putting our pronouns in our email signatures that way we all know.

I am wondering how much trouble I will get into if I change my signature to I have no pronouns because I am invisible and should never be spoken to or about.

Overall, I think the most interesting section was on the 2s gender. which is someone who is native american and has both a masculine and feminine spirit. I will admit I had never heard the term before.

Then my department received an email to remind us of the dress code being:

Please adhere to Business casual attire at your work site

Allowed : Jeans, pant, Colored T-Shirts
Not-allowed : round neck/ v-neck /sweat shirt/beach dress, 3/4th pant, Hat/ Cap/Shorts and any dress

I am still not sure how much of this applies to me, as women's colored t-shirts without a crew neck rarely fall into business casual and are more athletic wear. Most women's business casual t-shirts are v-neck or round neck. overall, I try to adhere by no capris or dresses. I am again the only female in my department, so I haven't pushed for clarity and I just wear the v-necks. I also wear sweaters. Once in 3 years I have worn a dress because I had something after work, and I was going to be in my office all day. If freaked people out, because they assumed I must have a job interview, but they calmed down.

Anyway, that was today's lesson on corporate something.

obligatory boobs

and something a bit more smutty

The titties look fabulous!

I can't help but think that focusing so much effort on what makes us different takes away from the importance of the things that bring us together. All of this diversity wokeness compartmentalizes people which ironically results in a less inclusive society. Division is the end goal. The dvision created only empowers those that want us devided.

Butt dem titties!!!!!!
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