Man, you are so fucking stupid. Do you realize that lots of people fly from Europe to LA, and from LA to the east coast? For many people, frequent air travel is part of the job. They’re called “frequent flyers.” Except unlike most frequent flyers, Biden didn’t fly coach or business class. He traveled on a plane called “Air Force One.” Read up on it. It features luxurious accommodations, including a bed and a desk.
After his luxury flights, he enjoyed A FULL WEEK at Camp David practicing for the debate. After all that rest and prep, he still shocked the nation with his incoherence. “We beat Medicare!!
Hope that helps.

BabyBoobs "thinks" they "won" something???

I’m still waiting for my APOLOGIES from BabyBoobs and ShandyLeer for LYING about things I posted.

NOBODY had more on their plate than President Biden at the time of the debate and leading up to it. Comparing some frequent business flyer to the POTUS is farcically inane.
President Biden had been handling things quite well (See: all of his legislative and foreign policy accomplishments) with his capable administration, but age and his schedule / workload (and a reported illness) caught up with him at the worst time

Hope that ^ helps.

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