Kingdom of Chaos OOC:

Hey Rone .. I think you should pm me with this character Idea... I am most interested..
at this point people we have a few interesting things that can take place.. I seemed to have many offers on people wanting to play evil characters.. so... ... ... I guess I need everyone else's input..

Should we expand so the evil people have plots of their own..
Should we keep it as is...
SHould we just see where this is going to go.. I mean .. we have a lot of people with thwo three characters and that is great.. I Hoped that we would get more interaction .. but i feel like people are not posting.. is it because of me.. or .. the story is dying out .. or ... what????


I need input people ..
The story seems to kind of be,....slowing down.

We definitely need to regroup and hit it hard.
Here we are, bad girl to kick some ass

Name: Rei Hino (Yes I know it is from Sailor Moon but I like it so there
Race: Oriental Half-Elf
Class: Fighter/Natural-Mage (I'll explain in a moment)
Age: 29 (I can't remember how the age of Half-elf goes since this is my only one that was ever any good)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 95#
Hair Color: Deep Black
Eye Color: Violet

Natural-mage: It is quite simple a Natural mage is a rare person it is someone who was born with the innate knowledge and ability to control and manipulate magic. In many ways she is a wild mage but through strict discipline and understanding she has learned to control the magic. She still has the limits of spell casting as say a wizard does but only gets tired and never needs to memorize any spell. The way she learns spells is diferent as well, she cannot learn them from a scroll but instead must see a wizard cast the spell she wants to learn and if she meets the level requirement which in her case is one level lower than a wizard for each spell she can cast it again perfectly without any misshapps and from then on. Another ability she has discovered is being able to combine like spells to make new spells. Spells from the same school can be combined easily, and spells from seperate schools takes longer and sometimes does not work. Such as a flamming web spell combineing the damage of a fire ball with the stickyness of the web spell. A very devastateing spell. She can also create items in the same way as she can manipulate spells. So far she can only create non-weapon items, things that help their user and never intend for harm. I would give other combinations but the character sheet is at my friends house.

A Brief Overview: Rei is a mercanary for hire, she holds alligence to no one except herself and money. She was once the princess of a very powerful warlord in her own country, when her father died she was only five years old. Her country was taken over by one of the neighbooring lands and now someone else is sitting on her birthright. Nearly all the gold she earns is sent to a secret location to be used to raise an army to take back her fathers lands. She has nearly enough about ten thousand more peices will do it. Work has been slow of late not much need of a small girl who will not expose her face. She keeps her body fully clothed at all times using the same wrap as a ninja would over Banded Mail that has been magically enchanted to give a +2 bonus and be totally silent. She went through theif training in the art of stealth but never for stealing. Currently she can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows just as a fifth level theif could. She carries two weapons, a wakasashi +4 and her fathers Katana which is a Vorpal weapon(17)+3. She uses two rings both one she created: Chill Ring-Has the ability to keep ones body regulated at a nice 74 degrees no matter what the weather is like. Plus it hides her from infravision and darksight.
Life Ring-The Heal Spell can be cast three times aday.
One more thing Rei is extremely beatiful with a charaisma of 20, she hides her face with a mask that filters air, protects her from gasses and the like. This was a gift from a wizard from her country that had saved her and gave her the initial training to control her magic. Because of the mask the people around her do not get to see the beauty that she has and her charaisma becomes 17. Her reason behind this is;

"My face is for two people, when I kill my fathers killer so he may gaze upon something so beautiful before I stab my sword into his heart. Second, for the person I come to love completely."

(Side note, Rei is Bi.)
And you're a villain, right?

Or more correctly, you're hired by the villain. At least, you said you wanted to be evil, but,...

Huh. Interesting Character.
She is a true mercanary, sometimes bad sometimes good. In this instance she is bad, though can change if you are not nice.
My evil character is never nice.

But, then again, he was released from Hell to find his body had been overgrown by a tree. And the Evil Gods are really on his ass to get things done.

So I guess he's got his reasons for being an ass.
well I am glad you guys are getting along.. although I am missing my buddy chris .. waiting for him to post .. so we can continue in the good side as well.. :) where is my buddy GECKO.. WAITING ON him as well..

so IM kinda stuck for a bit..
awww poor Rozes*comforts*
anyway time for a new evil guy
hair:dark black wiht a blue luster
special abilities:shifting-can change form somewhat,modeling teh appearance of others,often using teh image to draw close to someone or to break teh will of another.
Magic-illusion strong,so strong illusions can be semi-solid or solid to those who do not know how to break through his illusions.Also basic dark arts knowledge,curses,poisins etc.
torturing-knows almost any and all types
cold blood-completly uncaring,semi-insane,but the insane kind of sanity,you know...
Description:When truly formed,he stands tall but thin,pale but not sickly so.He is very handsome but for parts of hsi body on hsi left side,which are burnt,twisted,and otherwise deformed.His whoel left side of hsi face is that of a lich,noting but that of a rotting,tattered skull with straps of flesh and muscle and a normal,horribly so eye.He wears a black curved mask across the ruined half of his facemost of the time,or uses illusion to keep it there.
He was once good,but when a beloved fled form his ruined visage he turned in on himself and went insane,now he glorifies in the pain and torture of others as a solace to his own black twisted soul.
The only two thigns he actually cares for are a pet raven,and a locket around his wrist ona gold chain holdign a picture of someone imprortant,that looks strangely familiar....
hey great character.. DT you wnat to join up with the Evil gang in my new thread that takes place fifty years after this one..
