Krypton Reborn, a story set in the world of Superman!


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2008

He shook his head and looked up at his manager from the burger he was making. She was an older woman, in her late twenties/early thirties and Jack always found her sexy. Except when she was pissed off, which was most of the time.

"Someone destroyed the men's room, probably one of those worthless druggie bums I keep chasing out of here. I'll make burgers, you grab the mop and a bottle of bleach."

"C'mon," Jack protested, "I got the last one."

"Which is how I know you're good at it," his manager countered, "And wear gloves. You're going to want them."

That's where Jack was when he got the got the call about his mother, in the men's room of a Big Belly Burger, cleaning up someone else's refuse. Another glamourous adventure in the life of one of the planet's most powerful metahumans.

Jack was Superman's bastard son. He was sure of it. He had all the same powers as Big Blue; strength, speed, flight, x-ray vision, the works. If he wasn't Superman's kid, whose kid was he? He never knew his father and his mother, well, his mother used to be a whore. Literally. A street walker, a prostitute, a harlot if you're feeling archaic. At least she was until the life and the drugs made it hard for her to work.

His Mom was in the hospital. Again. From an overdose. Again. Jack was already on a payment plan with the hospital, trying to pay off her medical bills. The hospital couldn't afford to lend him anymore credit. He couldn't afford an increase in his debt load anyway. His paychecks from Big Belly Burger were already consumed by the rent from low income housing, food, electricity and Mom's hospital bills. He couldn't afford a cell phone, let alone internet. Somehow she'd managed to steal some money out of his wallet while he was sleeping to go buy more drugs. That just set him back even more.

Which was why he'd robbed an ATM. Wearing a balaclava and gloves he'd burned through the locking mechanism with his heat vision and taken the money inside. It had only been a few thousand dollars. That kept the hospital at bay for a little while, but he needed serious cash.

One big score. That's what he needed. One big score, get Mom squared away and move to some island in the Caribbean somewhere and let the rest of the world burn for all he cared. That was Jack's plan. And with his powers, he could pull it off, no problem. He lived in Crown City, so the Crown City Federal Bank looked like the best target.


OOC: Jack wasn't really Superman's bastard son. He didn't know this but almost 20 years ago there was an incident with a group of Kryptonian criminals who escaped the Phantom Zone. It took Superman months to round them up. During that time the Kryptonians enjoyed their time on earth. Jack's father engaged Jack's mother's services in her professional capacity. The Kryptonian DNA bred true. And Jack wasn't the only bastard Kryptonian child in America.

PM if interested. Looking for a female co-writer. Thanks!