Behind the mask (Closed for teazme)

Jack could tell Opal was enjoying the buzzing of the vibrator touching her clit. Heheld her tightly as her hips began grinding against it. Her rotating hips pressed back against his trousers where his imprisoned cock was rubbing against her ass. He was pleased when she nodded to his question asking if she liked watching Master Zane and his slave. She seemed to be enchanted staring at the the woman on the St. Andrews Cross.

Her body was swaying and he could hear her soft panting getting louder as the combination of watching and the feel of vibrator seemed to really stimulate her. But Jack was unprepared for what Opal was about to do. He didn't anticipate her cumming so soon as her hips bucked hard against the vibrator and her ass rubbed against his cock, still imprisoned in his trousers. He heard her whimpering and then he saw her head turning, her voice ragged and rough announcing she was going to cum.

He pulled the vibrator off her pussy but it was too late. He held onto her body as it jerked with each orgasmic wave. Her body was coated with perspiration as it danced in his arms. As her body began to recover, he continued to hold her seeing the eyes of Master Zand and his slave closely watching him. They both knew she had committed a huge error and they were waiting to see how Master J was going to handle it.

When Opal was fully recovered he stepped in front of her, lifting her chin up to gaze into her eyes. What was it about those eyes that were so mesmerizing? It was as if he had gazed into those eyes in the past but he couldn't remember a name. Was it one of his past slaves that were similiar? He shook off trying to remember as his gaze then took in her body. "I must apologize Opal for not telling you everything expected of you?"

Running his fingertips over a cheek and then across her lips, he gave her a soft smile. "When you are within these walls, you give up control as I told you on your last visit. What I failed to tell you is that you are not allowed to have any orgasm without asking and getting my permission."

Jack saw her eyes open wide and then glance at the woman on the cross. "Since this is my fault there will be no punishment for disobeying." His fingers gripped one of the nipple clamps and pulled, seeing a grimace form on her face. "But the next time you will be punished if the infraction is severe enough. If you understand .... nod."

Releasing her nipple when he saw her nod and what seemed to be a tear forming in her eyes, he picked up a flogger and began twirling it in front of her. Moving the twirling strands closer, he slapped them on her pussy seeing her body jerk. "I'm sure Master Zane's slave will oblige me in showing you the proper way to cum."

Master Zane smiled and looked at his client. "Are you going to show our newest slave how to properly ask to cum?"

"Yes Master Zane," was her only response as her Master returned the vibrator to her pussy.

Jack knew Master Zane was going to give them a great show as he turned the speed up on the vibrator. Jack smiled at Opal and hit her a few more times on the pussy before slapping the leather strands against the inside of her thighs and then on her stomach. "Watch closely and learn," he whispered striking her back and ass cheeks as she watched the woman unable to escape the vibratory sensations.

Putting his arms around her, he picked up the chain between her nipple clamps and placed it in her mouth. "Don't let it fall from your lips," he commanded as he replaced the flogger with the vibrator and turned it on low. Placing it on her mound, he didn't attempt to touch her pussy just yet. "Watch and learn," he whispered again.

Master Zane had his slave in a state of near losing control. The buzz of the vibrator grew louder and then softer as he changed speeds. The result was bringing his slave closer to orgasm and then backing off. He kept doing this until the woman cried out .... "Master I need to cum ..... may I please cum."

The Master didn't say a word as he went about changing speeds, making her body jerk on the cross. Her voice was becoming louder, "Please master ..... I need to cum."

But again that brought no response as his slave looked past him as if to ask Master J for help. Jack could feel the vibrator on Opal's mound beginning to have an effect on her. His lips were near her ear and he kissed her shoulder hearing her breathing begin to escalate. "Do you see what you are required to do slave?" He felt her head nod in the affirmative.

"You must learn that whatever you do within these walls must be down with my permission." he felt her head nod again. Jack placed the vibrator onto her pussy, pressing the round head against her clit and turning the vibrator to level 2 as he whispered, "Good now be a good little slut and show your master the right way to cum in his presence."

Jack looked at Master Zane and saw a smile. He was going to torture his slave to hold off until Opal was at the point of wanting ..... no needing orgasmic pleasure release. And only then would Master Zane allow his more experienced slave to orgasm.
Elle was so scared she was going to get in trouble for having an orgasm, but it had just felt so good. She had never even thought she would have to ask permission for something that was a natural occurrence. She felt Master J tug on the chain connecting the nipple clamps and whimpered, she couldn't believe the pain caused her pussy to twitch a little bit. She nodded her head when he asked if she understood she would have to ask permission in the future.

Elle watched with rapt attention to the slave across the room. Watching her body move against the vibrator, practically humping it made her wish she could feel the vibe instead of the flogger. Elle was scared as Master J put the chain between her lips, how was she to ask permission if she couldn't drop the chain. Suddenly Elle didn't care, feeling the vibe back on her pussy made her feel better. She blushed as she was never one to cum more than once, but the vibe was pushing her toward another orgasm already. She watched as Master Zane toyed with the other slave, changing speeds and driving the other woman crazy. Elle whimpered for the woman, she would be so frustrated.

As the woman began to beg Elle wanted to weep for her, Elle could tell the woman was reaching her breaking point. Elle heard Master J tell her to be a good little slut and cum the right way. She turned her head, eyes wide, as she started to mumble, "please let me cum." Elle wasn't sure how she was going to beg, but she was getting close to cumming again and she didn't want to find out what kind of punishment she would have to endure. Elle's hips started to buck again, her voice getting a little more desperate as she spoke around the chain, "please Master, please let me cum."

Elle threw her head back and growled in frustration when no answer was given. She turned her head to Master J, eyes wide, "please please please Master, please let me cum." Elle's hips were practically humping the vibrator and tears were flowing down her cheeks in fear of disappointing him again. She practically buckled, "please Master I can't hold it much more, I need to cum."

Finally Master Zane looked at his slave, "it seems like she has learned her lesson well." Master Zane smiled at his slave, "for your reward you may cum as many times as you can while I hold this vibe her on your pretty little clit." Master Zane's slave smiled and released her orgasm as she panted, "Thank you Master." over and over again. Elle watched, fascinated as the woman's hips bucked and she screamed as she came again. Elle was shocked she had never had two orgasms in one night, much less back to back.

Elle looked at Master J, "please may I cum?" Elle had been good and the chain was still in her mouth when finally Master J said, "yes little slut, cum for me." Elle jerked her hips and started to cum. Her pussy juice gushing and her hips bucking against the vibe. Her entire body rocked and rolled through the orgasm. Elle's head threw back and she accidentally ripped the clamps off her nipples, making her scream around the chain. She whimpered, panted and gasped as the orgasm moved through her body. She slumped forward a little bit as she slowly came down. She barely heard Master Zane say, "that was impressive J. Any time you would like to trade, please let me know."
Jack was pleased when Opal asked to let her cum as the vibrator hummed at low speed. He could tell she was getting more excited but it was no where near where he wanted her. No, he wanted her squirming, her body jerking with each little vibration from the toy. When her hips began to buck against the vibrator ball and she called out a little more desperate asking him to let her cum, he remained silent.

When she turned her head to stare pleadingly into his eyes, he was again caught in a moment that he knew that look. It would have been easy to take off her mask and see her but that would defeat his own rule. It was usually two or three visits before he wanted to reveal his face to his slave.

He could see Opal was becoming more frustrated as she pleaded over and over to let her cum. But Jack wanted to string this out like a rubber band being stretched until it snapped. At that point he knew just how much she could take. He also knew Opal was a newbie and if she hadn't held off on climaxes in the past, she may not know her own inner strength to derive more pleasure from denying herself.

The vibrations from the toy were making her body jerk every time it touched her sensitive clit. He saw tears streaming down her face and knew she had never held off this long from any release whether it was with some man or by herself. And as she confessed she couldn't hold out much longer, he knew it wouldn't be right to punish her so early in her submissive state.

Pulling the vibrator away, he heard Master Zane intervene on behalf of Opal, saying Opal had learned her lesson. Jack knew she was only a few moments away from totally losing any control and as Master Zane allowed his slave to cum, Jack heard his slave repeatedly thank Master Zane.

Jack was very surprised when he told her she could cum to see her head rear backward with such force that it ripped the nipple clamps from her breasts and she let out a primal scream. He was sure that any other masters and their slaves who were in the area would hear her painful cry.

After allowing Opal to cum, he waited for her to thank him but she was still gasping and panting hard. There was no doubt to those present that her orgasm rocked her to the core. He saw Master Zane and his slave watching, knowing that Opal had made another mistake. Jack looked at them and then at Opal, grinning, "Yes it was very impressive and maybe we will trade someday but there is another matter of more importance right now," he said lifting Opal's head, seeing her tear streaked cheeks and her red eyes. "I told you when you are with me you are under my control and you didn't thank me for allowing you to cum and for that you should be punished."

He saw her eyes widen and a look of fear appeared on her face. The nipple clamps were still attached to her collar and Jack quickly reattached them to her reddish color nipples. The force of ripping off her sensitive nipples must have been excruciatingly painful and he heard her whimper as each one was clamped back on to her sore nipples.

Jack wasn't sure why but he wanted to be patient with Opal. She was new and he didn't want to be so harsh that he scared her away by punishing her too much. He had already admonished her once today for not asking to cum, using the flogger to make his point. And while the strikes with the flogger were not harsh he knew he had to administer some punishment. But what type of punishment fit the disobedience.

He smiled and looked at Master Zane and then at his slave. "Your slave was very obedient and asked to cum and then thanked you for allowing her to cum. But I'm sure she wasn't perfect when she first started out. What would you suggest in the way of punishment for my slave to teach her the proper way to thank not only her master but any other master she might be so inclined to be with."

Master Zane smiled. "Mastrer J since she has had an orgasm like no other she may have experienced, I would suggest that such a newbie as yours be given a bit of lenency such as you suggested with one of mine a few months back. Let her think about her indiscretion for a few days so she may ponder the proper attitude when she is with you. It worked very well and as you see, she is very respectful now."

Jack smiled and knew Master Zane was correct and for a moment he forgot the slave bound to the St. Andrews Cross was at one time acting the same way as Opal. "Thank you Master Zane I will consider your suggestion."

Looking at Opal, Jack knew she was exhausted from the two orgasms. The second one seemed to take a lot out of her. He lowered her arms and unhooked her from the rope. He told Opal to thank Master Zane and when she did, he led her back to the intoductory room and had her kneel on the floor.

"I think it's time we get to know each other a bit better Opal. I have made reservations for dinner at the Adams Hotel downtown two days from now. I will meet you at the restaurant at 7 pm sharp and I expect you to be on time. I will be wearing a white carnation and I expect you to wear a red carnation. I think it's better we meet face to face and talk about your experience and if you wish to continue. I am very pleased with your progress and there is so much more to show you in our world."

He looked into her eyes and felt a shudder course through him. What was it about those eyes that haunted his thoughts and dreams? "Do you agree ..... you may speak and then I will take my leave." He waited for her to speak wondering if she would want to continue her journey into the world of BDSM. He wanted her to continue and knew that in the days to come, he would be wondering what her true face looked like. Would he like the way she looked without the mask?
Elle got so nervous when Master J told her she should have thanked him. She wanted to say she was sorry and she didn't know, but she knew she wasn't allowed to talk. She hung her head a little bit as she felt like she had let Master J down. She watched in what appeared to her to be slow motion as Master J reattached the nipple clamps to her nipples and she whimpered and felt a tear or two slide down her face. It was painful pulling them off and now reattaching them was even more so.

Elle breathed a sigh of relief when Master Zane suggested a little leniency. When her arms where down she nodded and softly whispered, "thank you Master Zane." She followed behind Master J slowly, her body still very overwhelmed from the two massive orgasms and the confusion in her mind. She had so much to think about and so many questions she wanted to ask, but she never felt like it was the right time. She knelt on the floor and listened to Master J tell her about the dinner reservations. She was excited to meet him in person of course, but she was also nervous, but it also gave her time to get her thoughts together.

She nodded her head and very softly agreed, "I would like to join you for dinner Master J. At dinner may I please ask questions so I don't disappoint you again?" Elle wanted to learn what was expected of her so she wouldn't have to face a punishment. She looked forward as she hadn't been told she was allowed to look at Master J and heard him leave the room. She took a few moments to recover a little bit before she tried to dress and leave.

In the morning Elle decided to gather her thoughts and organize her questions for Master J. She knew it was kind of nerdy but she wanted to be prepared to ask questions. As she thought Elle kept thinking about the actual man behind Master J, what was he like. She thought about his body and that brought his tattoo back to the forefront. She knew there had to be a reason he had that date tattooed. Maybe that should be one of her questions. Elle spent the better part of the day organizing her thoughts and after a couple hours she felt better and prepared for her dinner.

The next day Elle spent her day preparing for her dinner. She wasn't sure what to wear besides the red carnation, but thought she would need more than a flower to go to dinner. She decided you can never go wrong with a little black dress. Elle found a sexy but classic black dress in her closet that ended just about mid thigh, with a high front and a very low cut back. She paired it with a pair of red heels to match the flower which she put in her hair. She took a look at herself before she walked out of the house. She thought she looked good, but hoped Master J agreed.

Elle was nervous driving to the restaurant, what if she disappointed him, what if he didn't find her attractive. Elle was getting herself worked up over nothing, she took a breath as she drove and calmed herself down. She arrived at the hotel at 6:50, she wanted to be prompt so she didn't get into trouble. She wanted until she saw the clock in her car say 6:58 before she walked into the hotel and toward the restaurant. Elle stopped at the maître d' stand and said, "I am meeting a gentleman." The maitre d' smiled, "yes I was told to look for a red carnation. Let me show you to your table." Elle followed behind the man and was led to private table that was empty. Elle looked at the man confused before he said, "the gentleman said he would be over once you arrived, he is waiting at the bar, I will let him know you are here."
When Jack told Opal she could speak, he smiled and was relieved when she said she would join him for dinner. There was a brief moment when he thought she might not want to continue. The two orgasms had taken a lot out of her and he saw a lot of pain etched on her face below the mask when he reattached the nipple clamps. "Yes Opal you may ask as many questions as you want at dinner. I want you to feel very comfortable as we move forward."

It was nice to hear her say she didn't want to disappoint him. She had made a few mistakes and it was to be expected. She was new to the world of BDSM and could not be expected to know everything on how to be a good slave. As he watched her kneeling comfortably, looking toward the opposite wall where a lot of toys hung, he remembered she hadn't given him her "safe word". She didn't need it for the first couple of sessions but if things progressed, she might need the word to either delay or stop the session. It was something he would mention at dinner.

When she didn't attempt to turn around and look at him, he felt she was starting to understand the relationship between them. At dinner, he would learn her real name and she would learn his and he would mention that in this place she would be under his control, doing his bidding and enjoying the sexual pleasures she was seeking. He would refer to her by name or whatever other name he desired to call her but she would refer to him as master or sir. But if they were to meet on the street or in another establishment, he didn't want her to call him master or sir. Outside this establishment, it might be possible they could be equals.

Just as he left, he had another strong urge to know what face was hidden behind her mask. Those eyes mesmerized him and it was as if he had gazed into the them in the past but that was impossible. He would have to be content to wait two days before her real features would be revealed to him.

The next two days were filled with investment meetings with clients but in his spare time, Opal was always on his mind. He relived her two sessions and found himself becoming more anxious to find out more about the woman behind the mask. The more he thought about their upcoming dinner date at the Adams Hotel, the more he experienced a bit of unease and nervousness. He tried to think through the dinner date only to be left with a feeling of uncertainity as to how it would end. Would she want to continue coming to the Sanctuary?

On the day of the dinner, he dressed in tan trousers, white shirt, and a black sport coat. As he placed the white carnation in the coat breast pocket, his mind was filled with thoughts of Opal. He had also made a room reservation just in case they hit it off. It was better to be safe than sorry later on.

Arriving a half-hour early, he told the maitre d' he was expecting a woman who would be wearing a red carnation. Then he headed off to the bar area to wait. Sipping his bourbon, he tried to concentrate on the basketball game on the large screen behind the bar but every few minutes he looked at his watch, growing a little more anxious as the time neared to meet Opal. At 6:59 he thought she might not show when the maitre d' tapped him on the shoulder, telling him his guest had arrived.

Like a nervous kid he followed the maitre d' to the dining area, seeing Opal sitting facing away from him. He thanked the young woman and as he approached he saw Opal turn her head and he stopped dead in his tracks. His mind screamed ..... Elle ..... seeing her eyes widen with recognition. He stood stock still as if his feet were nailed to the floor, unable to move for a moment. His heart was racing and he was sure she saw the stunned look on his face. How could this be and why didn't he notice her at the Sanctuary. After a stunned moment, his astonished look changed to a broad smile. Now he knew why those eyes behind the mask were so mesmerizing. They were the same eyes that he remembered from five years ago in the hot tub.

Jack could see Elle was just as stunned a he was and as his heart raced with excitement, he pulled her from her chair. "Oh my God ..... Elle ...... it's you," he almost screamed with happiness as he wrapped her in his arms. His lips touched her cheek and he whispered in her ear, "I can't believe it's you ...... after all these years ...... my God ....." He was at a loss for words as he pulled back to stare into those mesmerizing her eyes, a smile plastered on his face.

Suddenly the past rushed past him, the text messages, knowing she blocked him, seeing her on campus and not approaching her, and figuring she really hated him for standing her up that night so long ago. A sudden fear gripped him that she still felt the same way and he had a fear that she would turn and walk away. It seemed like a life time as he looked into her face and waited for the ultimate bad news that she was not going to stay.
Elle nervously waited for Master J to come to the table, she hoped he wasn't disappointed with her appearance. She fidgeted with her dress as she waited. She heard the hostess say, "here is your lovely guest," and she turned her head. Elle couldn't believe her eyes, it was Jack. The man she had wanted to be her first but he stood her up. She couldn't believe how cruel fate was sometimes.

Elle felt Jack pull her from her chair and she slowly stood, she couldn't believe she was actually seeing him in person. She gave him a hug and smiled to herself, it still felt like the same old Jack that she remembered. She saw how happy he was to see her and she was unsure how she felt. She stepped back from the hug and looked at Jack, "can we sit down please?"

Elle gently sat in her chair, "well it is a shock to see you here." Elle has so many questions swimming around in her head. She takes a moment to just look at Jack, "well you have certainly grown up well Jack." She lets her eyes roam over his body before meeting his eyes again. She looks him in the eye, her mind suddenly unsure of his motives, was he Master J or was he Jack from her youth, "did you always know it was me?"

The server came over to the table, "can I start you two off with some wine or appetizers? Chef has a special appetizer tonight, scallops with a miso glaze that pairs delightfully with a glass of white wine." Elle makes a tight smile at the waiter, "can you please give us some time?" The server nods gently, "ofcourse, let me know when you are ready for me." Elle nods her thanks.

She then looks back at Jack, "I am unsure if I want to stay, if I do we have a lot to talk about. More than what we both thought when we arrived here. Do you want to do all that talking or should we say the two encounters were a good introduction for me and I should find someone else to show me more?"
Jack felt Elle's body stiffen as he held her and then felt as if an invisible frost formed between them when she asked if they could sit down. "Yes of course," he answered as dread covered him and for a moment, wished he was somewhere else as he gazed at her stunned facial expression. After sitting, he told her, "it is a shock to me to see you here too," he said feeling like he about to walk into a blazing fireball.

"And you have grown up too Elle," he said seeing her eyes roam over his body while his did the same. When she added, asking if he knew it was her in the Sanctuary, he looked into those amazing eyes. "No I didn't know it was you but I have to admit that as I looked into your eyes, I wondered but always dismissed it.

When the waiter arrived and Elle dismissed him with a look that seemed to indicate she might get up and leave at any moment, he remained silent. The waiter looked at Jack as if waiting for him to speak but Jack could only offer a smile. "give us a few minutes." he said indicating he agreed with Elle's request. It was very clear to Jack that Elle was struggling with this meeting just as he was and he was really unsure how this was going to end. A sudden fear roared through him that she might still hate him enough to get up and leave.

After the waiter walked away, Jack listened to Elle say she was unsure if she would stay and in an instant his heart felt broken. His only thought was of how he thought of her all these years and this was not the way he wanted to meet her again. And he definitely didn't want her to leave until he had at least a chance to explain what had been bottled up inside him for all these years. He was somewhat relieved when she offered that they had a lot to talk about.

He sensed a bit of sarcasm in her tone when she asked if he wanted talk about what happened between them or should they just end it and she would find someone else to take her on her journey. He wanted to reach out and take her hands in his but he resisted the urge. "I want to talk about us and I don't want our relationship that we formed over the past week to end."

He saw mouth open and he put up his hand. "Elle please let me talk and afterwards if you still hate me then you can leave. Picking up the goblet of water, he sipped, trying to get his thoughts in order. He had thought of this moment for so many years and now he was finding it was more difficult than he imagined.

"Let me begin with, I'm very sorry for what happened so many years ago. I was invited to a meeting in the city and had every intention of getting back to you on the same day. Unfortunately, I was faced with having to make a career decision on the spot."

Stopping for a moment to take another sip and trying to read Elle's facial expressions but he was unable to decipher what she was thinking. "After I texted you that I had to leave, I was unable to do anything while we were in the plane. When I called and wanted to leave a message, I found out I was blocked. I called Aaron who told me he would relay the message to you and when I tried to call again, my call was blocked again."

Taking a breath, he continued, "It was then I realized I had let you down and you probably hated me. Aaron said a few times when we talked that you were seeing some other people and I assumed you didn't want anything to do with me. So, I moved on but ..... (long hesitation) ... I never forgot you Elle.

Jack hesitated again and then asked, “why did you block me after Aaron tod you why I couldn’t come back?”
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Elle listened to Jack tell her about what happened all those years ago. She wanted to be angry that he left her behind so quickly, but she knew she would have made the choice back then. She looked at Jack's face and studied his eyes, he had never been one who was good at hiding his thoughts. Elle nodded gently, "I wish I could say I am still angry with you, but as the years have gone past, I realized I probably would have done the same thing."

Elle pauses, "I didn't hate you, I was just upset. I had always had a crush on you and imagined you would be the perfect prince charming." Elle sips on some water, "maybe I put you on a pedestal when we were younger." Elle cringes when Jack asks her about why she blocked him. Elle sips on some more water, "to be honest I was just being immature and let my anger get the best of me. I should have given you a chance to explain." Elle looked at Jack, "can you tell me what prompted that tattoo? Because I know it isn't just a bunch of numbers Jack." Elle took a deep breath, "I am willing to move past what happened if you can forgive me for blocking you."

Elle nodded for the server to come over, "I think we would like to try the scallops to start and maybe some of the white wine that pairs well with it." Elle looks at Jack, "I hope you want to continue this dinner?" Elle felt her body relax a little bit as she looked at Jack, she had always been comfortable with him and hoped they would be able to get that back.
Jack started to relax a bit listening to Elle tell him she probably would have done the same thing as he did, if the opportunity had presented itself. He was glad to know she didn't hate him and was surprised to hear that she put him on a pedestal. When they were younger, he had a feeling she liked being around him when he visited Aaron but never did he think she put him on a pedestal.

Her soft facial expression when she told him she was immature and should have given him the chance to explain, said it all. Jack was happy to know that she wasn't holding onto a deep grudge against him. When she asked about the tattoo, she knew the numbers meant a lot to him. While he was elusive in the Sanctuary, he knew it was time to tell her the truth. He had told no one about the meaning of the numbers and he wondered how she would take hearing the true meaning.

Jack took a sip of water and gave her a soft sincere smile. "In college, I was out with a few friends and after a few beers we decided to get tattoos. The parlor had so many designs and options but all I could think of was you and how I let you down." He took another sip of water. "You mean a lot to me Elle," he said reaching over the table and taking one of her hands. "I wanted something to remind me of you whenever I looked at it and ...... and it's the day of your 18th birthday .... the day we were supposed to be together." He hesitated for a moment and continued, "When people ask, as you did, I tell them it has special meaning to me and leave it at that."

Before Elle could speak, he added, “I got the tattoo in college and I saw you on campus a few times and wanted to say hi but figured you still hated me, so I only watched you from a distance when you were with your friends. I also figured you knew I was attending the same college so if you wanted to see me, you could have looked me up but you didn't so I thought you forgot all about me. Then after college I got a great investment job and found the Sanctuary to be a great place to relax from the hectic world of finance."

After the waiter came back to the table and they ordered and she said she hoped he wanted to continue the dinner, he felt happiness fill his heart. He took her hand again and smiled, "Elle I would love nothing better than to continue this dinner." The wine came and he offered a toast, "let this be the beginning of a new and exciting friendship."

Now that he felt confident she was not going to get up and leave, Jack told her about his investment business. How he had excelled in the company working long hours. The pace of the business didn't leave time for a lot of dating and the women he did date, didn't last. "There was always the question about the tattoo and I think that held me back from having a relationship."

He mentioned he had an apartment downtown, close to the office and it was about a year ago that a friend introduced him to the Sanctuary. He found it was a way to relax from the crazy world of investment and the volitile stock market.

Taking another sip of wine he smiled. "What about you Elle? Tell me what you've been doing ..... I want to know everything about you."
Elle was a little bit surprised when he said the tattoo may have held him back from being in a relationship. Elle briefly thought back over her romantic history and realized it was all just friends with benefits, nothing that allowed men to get close to her. Elle thought again, maybe that was why she could never orgasm with a man, Elle kept that bit of information to herself for now. Elle got nervous when Jack asked about what she had been up to.

She took a sip of wine and looked at him, "well I graduated from college and got a job at the same company I worked as an intern while in school. I work at a consulting firm where I started as an assistant, but I recently got promoted to political consultant instead of just the assistant to a political consultant." Elle was very proud of her work, "I made a few friends at the company and we were out celebrating my promotion the first night you saw me at the Sanctuary." Elle nervously chewed her lip, "they signed me up for a session because I had told them I never orgasmed with a man and they thought if I wasn't in control it might help." Elle hoped Jack didn't think she was lame for admitting that.

Elle sat back a little bit, "with my job there is little time to date as problems that need to be handled can arise at any time and most guys don't want to deal with a woman rushing off at 2AM after sex to go to work." Elle pauses, "there was one relationship that lasted two months, but he broke it off because I held back in the bedroom." Elle can't believe she is admitting all this to Jack, but she has always trusted him.

The waiter brings the appetizer and asks if they are ready to order their dinner. Elle smiles, "I will take the filet with a baked potato and asparagus please." The waiter nods and takes Jack's order. Elle smiles at Jack, "so the Sanctuary, I would um like to keep exploring with you, if that is something that interests you." Elle wants to talk with Jack about his rules during the Sanctuary and see if they could explore her submissive side.
Jack listened carefully to Elle talk about her job, proud that she worked hard and was promoted. "Congratulations Elle. I bet that must be exciting working as a political consultant," he mentioned softly and continuing to listen to her talk about making a few friends.

He was surprised but happy when she talked about her friends signing her up at the Sanctuary. He saw her nervously chew on her lip and as she told him she had never orgasmed with a man and maybe she would if she wasn't in control. He thought of the orgasms Elle had with him and smiled. She definitely had a huge orgasm during the last session and mayby there was some truth to it or maybe she had been with the wrong men. And she seemed to confirm that when she added rushing off at 2 am for work and how one relationship broke up because she held back in the bedroom.

The waiter came with the appetizer and he listened to Elle give her order. Then he ordered the bourbon encrusted baked salmon with new potatoes and broccoli. After the waiter leaves, he saw Elle's warm smile, seeing her lips gently curl up at the corners and her pupils dilate. He didn't have to wait long as she told him she would like to keep exploring with him at the Sanctuary.

"Yes that is something that very much interests me Elle," he says confirming that he wanted to also continue. He could see what he took as a lessening of tension in her body language. He had the same tension when he saw her sitting at the table. Would this relationship end so soon? She had just started on her journey and he wanted to be the one showing her the pleasures to be had at the Sanctuary.

But he wondered for a moment if this was all their relationship was going to be ..... meeting at the Sanctuary. To him, having the tattoo meant a lot more than a casual relationship but for now he remained silent. He had contemplated having the tattoo taken off in the past but always resisted with the hope of some day reuniting with her. Now that they were reunited, he had to be patient and wait before he knew how this was all going to play out.

"I'm glad you want to continue Elle. There is so much more you can learn about yourself and I'll be happy to be your guide." A surge of happiness washed over him as he continued. "you have only touched the surface and there are so many more pleasures to explore. There are different rooms and equipment to help with your sensual sensory and physical enjoyment to explore."

The waiter arrived with their food and they took a few minutes to eat and enjoy the delicious meal. Jack took this time to look at Elle, seeing how much she had changed from the young woman at her birthday party five years ago. She was more mature and self-confident at least in the political arena. But what about the sexual and sensual arenas? Those he wasn't too sure about and after a few more bites Jack decided it was time to continue their conversation about the Sanctuary.

Jack saw he had her undivided attention. "There are many different types of experiences and each one has it's own parameters and as such you will have many different feelings. In some there are pure pleasures as you submit to me while other situations may include some pleasure along with some pain which can be exciting."

He stopped for a moment and then added, "As I had mentioned, you must have a "safe word" as you continue your journey. You will experience different levels of pleasure that might include some pain that could be unbearable. We will work together to find the thresholds that become too intense. For that reason you need to tell me when to ease up or to quit the session with your "safe word. So before the next session, you will need to tell me your "safe word."

Jack could see she was taking in everything he was saying. "The orgasms you experienced in the Sanctuary were very intense. You willing gave up control but I wonder if, in the past, you were with the wrong men before you came to the Sanctuary."

He stoppped for a moment, considering his next words. "Elle .... you know that five years ago we were supposed to be together for a special night." He didn't know if this was the right time to broach the subject but throwing caution to the wind, he asked, "Would you consider staying with me tonight? I know we can't duplicate the feelings we would have had five years ago. It's inevitable we will complete the act at the Sanctuary but I thought tonight might be a nice reunion to share between us."
Elle nodded as Jack talked about what she could expect at the Sanctuary. She was excited to explore more, especially with him. It may have been 5 years, but seeing him again had made her realize how much she had missed him. She nodded, "I think a good safe word is hot tub." Elle smiles as she remembers back to the first intimate encounter they had in the hot tub.

Elle took a few more bites of her dinner as Jack continued to talk. She was caught off guard when he asked if she would consider spending the night with him. Elle took a moment to consider, "Um I think I would like that. But am I expected to act like we are at the sanctuary, call you Sir and ask permission to cum?" Elle would love to spend the night with Jack, her friend, but is nervous that he only wants submissive Elle.

Elle finished her dinner and passed on dessert she smiled as they left together. Elle said she would meet Jack at his apartment and drove herself there. She wanted to have a few moments to herself to gather her thoughts and be sure she was ready. As she arrived at his apartment she got out and knew she was ready for whatever happened tonight. She knocked on the door of the apartment and waited for Jack to let her in.

She followed Jack into the living area and took a seat on the couch. She was nervous and hoped he didn't plan on just jumping right into having sex with her, but she wasn't sure. She wanted to spend time kissing him, she remembered he was a fantastic kisser. She looked at Jack and smiled, "this is a nice place you have." Elle was nervous and was trying not to show it. She hoped Jack would take the lead and show her what he wanted from her.
Jack was very pleased and happy when Elle said she would like to spend the night with him. When she asked if she were expected to act like they were at the Sanctuary where she would call him Sir and would have to ask to cum, he smiled. "No Elle. When we are outside the Sanctuary, there are no restrictions on your part. You came to the Sanctuary to explore a part of you and I honor that. I want our relationship to be one of give and take when we are together. I am very excited to get to know you more deeply and intimately as a person."

After dinner, Jack did not tell Elle he had a hotel reservation when she suggested they meet at his apartment. He didn't want to do anything to spoil the moment between them. Jack was a bit nervous when he arrived at his apartment and had a panic moment, thinking Elle might not show up. But when he saw her car pull into the parking garage and waited anxiously for her to knock on his door.

Jack showed her view of the city from his apartment, watching all the lights twinkling in the distance. He told her the sunsets were fantastic and beautiful but also the sunrise when the morning light lit up the buildings downtown. Afterwards, he poured them each a glass of wine and walked into the living area. Jack could tell Elle was nervous about this meeting and if she knew, he was the same way, nervous and wanting everything to be just right. He had spent the last five years thinking about what it would be like to be with her.

When she commented that he had a nice place, Jack smiled and could see the nervousness in her eyes. He picked up his wine glass and clinked it with hers. "Thank you for compliment. I like this apartment being so close to everything downtown." He took a sip and hoped she didn't notice how unsure and nervous he was. There was a moment when he felt a bit of perspiration form on his skin as he fought for words. It had been five years and now that they were together again he wasn't quite sure how to proceed.

Placing his wine glass on the coffee table he took her glass and smiled as he placed it next to his. Turning to her his eyes searched hers looking for some kind of sign that she wanted him to kiss her. He took her hands in his and smiled as he began. "Elle I know we've been apart for a long time and we have a lot to catch up on. I've thought of the night of your birthday party and wondered what we would have had if I didn't get called away."

His lips were dry and he licked them before continuing. "I'm hoping we can have a great relationship and I hope you won't think bad of me but I've been thinking about this for a long time. I remember sitting in the hot tub." He chuckled and said, "I thought that was an interesting safe word you chose." He saw her lips curl into a smile.

"What I remember most about that night was kissing you." Jack knew this was a moment of do or die and leaned toward her. "I hope you won't think me being so forward but I have thought about kissing you and feeling your soft lips against mine for a very long time." He didn't give her a chance to reply, his lips meeting hers and wondering if she would push him away or embrace his tender but steamy kiss.
Elle was surprised when Jack took her wine glass from her. She was unsure what was about to happen, but she could tell he was as nervous as she was. Elle was surprised when he said he hoped they could have a great relationship. After she had grown up a little bit she realized she was wrong about Jack and should have reached out. Elle smiled, "I thought that safe word would bring up fond memories and help restore balance if I ever have to use it."

Elle smiled as Jack told her he thought about kissing her for a long time. She couldn't even get words out to agree with him before she felt his lips on hers. Elle was momentarily shocked by the kiss, but she wasn't unhappy about it. She took a couple moments as Jack kissed her to react but she knew this is what she wanted and she had wanted it for awhile. Elle didn't want to waste any more time so she deepened the kiss with Jack.

Elle kisses Jack back with equal intensity, wanting to communicate to him that she wants this just as much as he does. Elle breaks the kiss for a moment, "you were a great kisser back then but some how you have gotten even better." Elle smiles at Jack as she lays back against the couch and pulls on Jack's shirt so he lays on top of her. Elle blushes as she spreads her legs a little to give Jack room to lay on top of her. She pulls his head towards her and kisses him while she wraps her arms around his neck.

Smiling as they continue to kiss Elle is overwhelmed and surprised. She never gets aroused from making out with a guy, but she can feel her nipples harden and her pussy is starting to feel slick between her legs. As the kissing continues, neither one breaking for a breath Elle feels herself start to grind against Jack. Elle's legs wrap around Jack's waist trying to pull him deeper and closer to her, trying to get more friction to grind against. Elle starts to pant with need as her hips grind faster and faster. Elle breaks the kiss for a moment to catch her breath as she smiles at Jack, "well I think it is safe to say we still have chemistry."
Jack got his answer quickly when Elle didn't push away from his kiss. There was a moment, at first, when he didn't feel her returning his kiss. But then he felt her lips pressing back against his and felt that maybe she also liked kissing. The thought of Elle not being able to orgasm with her past lovers crossed his mind but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He didn't want to think of past lovers, only Elle now in his arms and them kissing like they did in the hot tub.

When the kiss broke and they were breathing a bit heavier, he smiled when she told him he was a great kisser but that somehow he had gotten better. "I think your kisses taste as sweet as they did in the hot tub," he said smiling as she lay back, pulling him down on top of her.

Jack noticed her sexy black dress had riden up her thighs as she spread her legs to allow him to lay on top of her. The red carnation was still in her hair as she pulled his head down for another robust long kiss. He noticed her kisses were more demanding as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly against her.

He continued to enjoy kissing her soft lips, breaking for only a moment to stare into her eyes and catch a breath of air before resuming kissing. His tongue slid along her lips and when he pushed it between her lips, he felt her sucking it deeper. And when he pulled it back, her tongue followed into his mouth and he enjoyed sucking on it.

As they kissed like teenagers, he felt Elle's hip begin to grind against his him. Her black dress had now ridden up to her waist and his cock, already beginning to thicken in his pants felt good grinding against her panties. Their kisses broke and they were both panting a bit harder when she told him she thought it was safe to say they still had chemistry. "Yes we do," was all he could say for the moment.

Jack felt they were at a crossroad as they continued to kiss and grind against each other like school kids. He had seen her naked at the Sanctuary and she had seen him too. In fact she had sucked him until he climaxed in her mouth and he had brought her to a very rousing climax in front of Master Zane. But they had not fucked at the Sanctuary and he knew that would happen as they got together for her journey.

But tonight was not the Sanctuary. It was a reunion night that should have continued five years ago but got interrupted. He didn't want to hurry into anything tonight but wanted nature to take its course. Holding her in his arms, their kisses became more amourous and he felt her hands begin to roam over his back. His own hands were idle, slipping under her, he caressed her bare back of the low cut black dress. He found her zipper at about mid-back and tugged it, listening to the sound of it moving down her back to her hips.

He wondered again if her past lovers took their time to explore her body or did they just get to the main event. Slipping her dress off her shoulders and down until her breasts were exposed, he was glad to see that she didn't wear a bra tonight. "Mmm Elle you look beautiful," he whispered as his hand covered one breast. And when his fingers found her hardened nipple, he twisted it slightly, rememebering how she had worn the nipple clamps at the Sanctuary.

But again he reminded himself, this was not the Sanctaury and tonight was all about her and him getting to rekindle what he thought they had years ago. He didn't say a word but lowered his head, flicking his tongue around and over the ripe nipple, hearing her deep moan. As he nibbled on her nipple, he felt her fingernails digging into his back as he took his time loving the feel of it in his mouth and between his teeth.
Elle wanted to be cautious with Jack, but the way his kisses tempted her made her throw caution to the wind. Elle loved just laying on the couch making out but she could feel her body was going to demand more than just kisses. She felt Jack slide the zipper of her dress down and pull the top of the dress down revealing her breasts. She could feel her nipples pucker in the cool air and smiled as Jack told her she looked beautiful until he twisted her nipple making her gasp.

Laying beneath Jack as his head descended to her hardened nipple Elle couldn't help but arch her back so his warm mouth wrapped around her nipple sooner. Her hands grasped at his back as he bit and tugged on her nipples. Elle couldn't believe how much she loved having her nipples played with. No guy before had ever really played with them the way Jack was. Elle moaned as she felt a deep pull inside her body as Jack kept playing with her nipples, pulling her out of her thoughts about previous lover's lack of skills. Her hands moving from his back to his hair and getting her fingers tangled in his hair as he nibbled.

As Jack continued to play with her Elle pushed his suit coat off as best she could. She fumbled with the buttons on his shirt and tried to get his shirt off so she could feel his skin against hers. Elle groaned as she pushed the shirt and coat off but it kept getting stuck on his hands. Finally Elle pushed Jack so he would sit on the couch. Elle smiled at him as she stood up and let her dress fall to the ground and she stood before him naked except for a tiny thong, thigh highs and heels.

She walked the few steps over and straddled Jack's lap, "much better." Her hands went around Jack's shoulders as she resumed kissing him. She was a little nervous Jack would reject her, but she could feel how thick his cock had gotten as they made out so she was sure he wanted her. Elle started to grind against Jack's cock as she sat on his lap and they continued to kiss. Elle broke the kiss as she caught her breath and smiled tentatively at Jack, "I hope this isn't too forward but um what are you thinking about tonight?" Elle nervously bit her lip as she waited for Jack's answer.
Jack was enjoying sucking and nibbling on Elle's nipples, loving the low almost animalistic sounds slipping from her lips. His own desire was growing and he wondered where and how this was going to end. Would she suddenly stop him, telling him she had enough? Or was her desire growing like his, possibly taking this reunion to its inevitable conclusion?

When Elle began to remove his coat and fumbled with his shirt buttons, he knew she wasn't ready to call it quits. As she tried to slip both coat and shirt off his shoulders and down his arms at the same time, they got caught up on his wrists. He was forced to let one delicious nipple slip from his lips as she pushed him away, making his sit on the sofa with his arms behind him, the jacket and shirt still in place.

Sitting on the sofa, he quickly discarded the suit coat and shirt, seeing her eyes look at the tattoo. She now knew what the tattoo stood for and he saw an alluring and playful intimacy in her eyes and etched on her lips with the way they slighlty curled upward. He sat like a statue watching her wiggle her hips until her dress fell at her feet. His lips curled open but no sound came forth as he gazed at her nakedness. "You're so beautiful and sexy Elle," he whispered taking in her nakedness and admiring her tiny thong with a small damp spot that hinted at her growing excitement. He smiled at her thigh highs and sexy heels seeing her take a few steps toward him.

As she settled on his lap, he saw her breasts sway toward him as he put his arms around her, cupping her soft ass cheeks. "Yes that is much better," he said as her lips met his. Jack felt the deep sensual desire in her kiss, accepting her tongue as it flicked along his lips and then pushed inside his mouth. His tongue was eager to greet her, playing back and forth, taking turns sucking as each tongue explored the other's mouth.

Jack felt Elle's hips grinding against his now thick member as his hands roamed freely up and down her back. Her body seemed to fit nicely against him, as if they were made for each other. Each kiss ended with them catching a new breath of air and then kissing again like high school teenagers. He was beginning to wonder again how this night would end when Elle broke the kiss and after saying she hoped she was not being too forward, asked what he was thinking about tonight. She was not asking for his thoughts on the weather.

Jack smiled at her question and knew they were on the same wavelength. "Rather than tell you right now Elle. Let me show you what I'm thinking about tonight."

Easily moving off the sofa with her still attached to him, he cupped her ass cheeks. "Wrap your legs around my waist. I want to take you for a short ride." They kissed and then Jack began walking toward the stairs leading to the upper floor. Just as they got to the stairs, the kiss broke and he felt her head rest on his shoulder and then felt her lips lightly caressing his neck. Climbing the stairs, he felt her teeth nipping at his neck, sending erotic shivers through him.

Walking into the master bedroom, he was glad he left the drapes open. Jack loved the location of his condo which was situated on a hill overlooking the city and river. The twinkling lights from downtown and the surrounding area bathed the room in a soft bluish hue. The soft lighting was just the right amount of illumination to give the allure of sensuality and love. Placing Elle on the large king-sized bed, he backed off one step.

"Let me begin to show you what I'm thinking about tonight." He reached for her heels and thigh highs pulling them off and then ran his hands over her thighs until he reached the tiny thong, pulling it down her legs and tossing it somewhere in the room. "Lay back and let me show you what else I have for you." He had kicked off his shoes in the living area and now slowly unbuckled his pants, seeing her eyes glued to his crotch. The only sound in the room was that of the zipper being pulled down and then he pushed his pants and underwear off, revealing his total nakedness to Elle.

Quickly discarding his socks, he crawled onto the bed. It would be easy to just take her and maybe that's what her previous lovers did. She had told him she never had an orgasm with her past lovers and he wanted that to change. He knew just diving into her was not what she wanted nor what he wanted either. Laying down beside her, Jack took Elle in his arms, their bodies curling together. Grabbing his cock, he pressed it against her abdomen, letting her feel its length. Sliding one thigh between her legs and wrapping his arms around her body, he pulled her tight against him as if they were both in a cocoon.

Kissing her neck with soft butterfly kisses, his lips found their way to her cheek and then her lips. Her face was illuminated by the soft lights filtering into the room. "What I have planned for tonight Elle is to make love to you in such a way that we won't want to leave this bed for a few days." Pressing his lips against hers, he felt a surge of blood in his muscle, making it throb in anticipation of things to come.
Elle smiled as they kissed on the couch, "I love a good makeout session." She couldn't believe the passion Jack was able to put into each and every kiss, making her breathless each time. She felt her hips move against them and groaned, he was going to fill her so good, she could feel him thick and long he was. One little move of her hips made Elle shudder and groan as she accidentally bumped her clit against this bulge.

Elle giggled as Jack stood up with her still wrapped around him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and leaned in for some more kisses as he carried her. She smiled at him before she started to kiss and lick that one sensitive spot on his neck. She loved how delicate she felt in his arms as he carried her up the stairs. She looked around his bedroom when they got there and gasped, it was so sensual. The light from the moon made the perfect spotlight on the bed and Elle watched Jack step away from the bed.

Elle let Jack remove her shoes and thigh highs. She shivered as his hands reached for her thong and giggled as he tossed it over his shoulder. She bit her lip as she watched him unzip his pants, barely breathing in anticipation. She smiled as she saw him totally naked, "you are magnificent." Elle felt Jack lay beside her and she snuggled into him, pressing her body against his. She reached down as Jack pressed his cock against her and started to stroke his length, nothing too fast, just making sure he felt good and knew she wanted to be there.

Soft kisses on her neck made Elle giggle and wiggle a little bit but when he finally kissed her mouth again all Elle could do was deepen the kiss. She felt his thigh between her legs and she moved her hips just enough so she could grind against his thigh. Elle gasped and smiled at Jack's plans for the night, "that sounds quite decadent and wonderful. Good thing it is a Friday then." Elle knew she was implying staying the whole weekend, but she hoped Jack didn't mind.

Elle leaned in for a kiss and kept stroking Jack's cock as they kissed. She smiled as she wrapped her arm around his neck and groaned into the kiss. Elle broke the kiss and pushed Jack onto his back so she could straddle him. She positioned her hips just against his cock and leaned down for more kisses. She didn't take his cock inside her yet, she just moved her hips back and forth, grinding against him, letting him feel how wet and ready for him she was.
Jack felt Elle's hips grind eroticly move against his thigh as their lips continued to press heatedly together. As her hips slid back and forth, his cock was massaged by her abdomen. Jack was very pleased when Elle agreed with his plans to make love all night, so much so they wouldn't want to leave the bed all weekend. "I'm glad you think it's decadent and wonderful Elle. I want us to enjoy each other in so many ways this weekend." Jack hoped Elle would stay for the weekend, reuniting after all these years.

Elle's fingers, wrapped around his thick muscle felt so tender and heavenly they up and down the thick shaft. While her fingers danced along this shaft, his fingers slid over her backside from shoulder to hips. He was enjoying the way she was not squeezing his muscle hard as she stroked its length. Some of the women in his past thought they needed to choke his cock but not Elle. She was casually stroking it as if memorizing each inch and vessel that protruded from the skin. But when she scrapped her sharp fingernails from his balls to the tip of his cock, a shudder overwhelmed him and he let out a deep groan into their kiss.

His fingers danced on her skin, also using his fingernails to feel her body press harder against him. The sounds of their kisses, filled with moans and gasps as the kiss broke long enough to gulp in air filled the moonlit room. His hips were rocking against Elle's attentive fingers and he felt her thighs tighten around his thigh as she continued to grind her hips against him. It had been a long time since Jack had simply held a woman enjoying their embrace. Usually the woman wanted to get right to the main event. But with Elle, she was on the same wavelength, wanting to snuggle, kiss, touch, as their mutual desire for each other grew stronger.

When Elle pulled away, pushing Jack onto his back while she quickly straddled him, he smiled looking at her in the soft hue of light filtering into the room. He saw her eyes staring into his and she looked like an angel hovering over him in the soft moonlight. Positioning herself over his cock, he moaned when her pussy made contact with his cock as he watched her breasts swaying in front of his face.

When she lay on top of him and her hard nipples poked into his chest, accepted her lips again. As the kiss deepened, he felt his cock jerk as it was enveloped by the lips of her vulva. He let out another expressive moan as her hips began rocking back and forth, teasing him, letting him feel just how wet and excited she was. Each movement of her pussy along his shaft created deeper sensations that coursed through his cock.

Jack held her tight feeling her sensitive nipples scrapping against his chest as they continued kissing. Whenever their kisses broke, he kissed her neck, tightening his hold on her, feeling their bodies rocking in unision. "If you keep that up I'm not going to hold out forever."

Then he slowly rolled her sideways following her until he as above her. Settling between her thighs, he supported his weight on his forearms while looking into her eyes and he chuckled, "We don't want that do we?" Jack grabbed her hand and pulled it to his aching cock. "Do the honors Elle," he moaned feeling her hand push his cock lower until it was rubbing against her clit.

"A little further," he laughed as he moved his hips to help direct his cock to the slick opening. "Ohhhh yessss," he moaned feeling her muscles tighten until he pushed past and felt the head of his shaft inside her. He felt her hips rise but he stopped wanting this to be special for them. Very slowly he pushed his hips sending another inch into her and then stopping.

It took all the control he could muster not to just slam his cock deep into her. Jack wanted her to feel him entering him inch by inch until he filled her. "You're pussy is so hot," he moaned closing his eyes and trying desperately to control himself. Another inch and another stop, feeling her hips pushing against the welcomed intruder.

"I want this first time to be so special," he moaned pushing his cock deeper as the will to hold off eroded. There was no stopping him now as he slowly almost painfully thrust his hips until he was fully engulfed within her. He felt her vaginal muscles pulsing around his cock. Their bodies were one now and he leaned down to take a ripe sensitive nipple into his mouth knowing how she loved her nipples sucked and nibbled on.

He pulled his mouth off her nipple and then after sucking and nibbling on the other delectable breast, he began to move his hips. Slowly at first, pulling back and then thrusting a little harder as he stared into her eyes.