Last VIDEO GAME you played?

Replaying Red Dead Redemption on PS4 in anticipation for the new release. Mind you, it'll probably be delayed.

I know this is an old post but I'm firing up RDR this weekend. So freaking excited for the new game. RDR is my fave game of all time.

Last game I played was Ghost Recon.
I'm still playing World of Warcraft. This is why I don't experiment with drugs, because I know I have a vulnerability to addiction lol.
If you count old fashioned arcade games, the two I've played most recently have been air hockey-I won!! And foosball-in which I received a mighty drubbing:(
Does Solitaire count?

yes it does

it was Sonic on my Dreamcast
Microsoft Solitaire Collection on my Android
but I really miss playing Toe Jam & Earle on my original Xbox
they never brought it over to the 360 world.
I need to find someone who can fix my old Xbox or try and find another
I still wanna try Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 but at 99 cents on Steam it's a bit pricey...
Just finished playing through the Mass Effect series once again. Tried playing evil, still couldn't do it. You have to love roleplaying ;)
According to Steam, it was Garry's Mod.
I think I was getting in a few minutes of mindless fooling around in sandbox before work.