League of Ultimate Villainy

Allen Brown

Name: Allen "Silencer" Brown
Orientation: Evil
Skills: Stealth, sharpshooting, long distance sniping, adept with bladed weapons
Appearance: 6'2", athletic build, wears a mask that hides the hideous burns of his face, he has blue eyes, wears a black and dark blue suit that fitted with the mask's colors
Organisation: None, free lance, gun for hire

"You want to kill small fish to scare the big fish..."

Allen chuckled

"I'd kill a big fish and let the others understand they will be next, but hey you're the boss, I'll do it your way"

Allen dropped the dossier in the briefcase on top of the laptop, closed the briefcase and got up

"Well people I have planning to do, or maybe just go buy an over-the-counter rifle and shoot somebody on the list"

He shrugged

"Who knows. You know where to get hold of me boss"

He slipped on his sunglasses and turned up the collar of his trench coat as he walked to the door. At the door he stopped and looked back at Sir Vincent Garrison-Kincaid

"If you hear or read the news and there was some kind of explosion, try to match the name to one on your list"

He walked out and closed the door behind him, walking down the hallway to the stairwell, he started formulating a plan to get rid of the people on his list, he just hope that the money was as good as promised. Maybe he'll take a vacation after this stint. He shrugged as he crept down the stairs, slipped out the back and made his way back to his rental car. He will contact Samantha with his explosive needs, if he could get her number on his cellphone...or was it on his laptop? Bah doesn't matter. He got into the car and drove off towards the airport, time to get home and see what weapons he would need along with the explosives.

Samantha watched Silencer leave, his aggressive demeanour unsettling her somewhat. However, considering his profile and the jobs he had previously undertaken, she could easily understand his attitude.

Making some notes on her pad, she leaned over to Mouse, who, as per usual, lounged in her seat looking deathly bored.

"Mouse, Sir Vincent and I need to discuss things further with you. Will you walk with me?"

"Sure Samsam! Mouse wants to leave anyway. Finding it boring, and tech so outdated! Mouse need to know more about lab! Maybe have separate lab just for Mouse and Rat, yes? Samsam will visit?"

Samantha chuckled, warmed by Mouse's enthusiasm. Pushing her glasses up slightly, she replied "Yes, I will need to visit often to find out what you've discovered. Now...shall we leave?"

As Samantha rose, she spotted Nick Van Owen rising at the same time. His suit was quite finely tailored over his broad frame, giving him a sophisticated edge to his appearance.

"Why, Mr Van Owen...such a gentleman! To rise when a woman makes her exit...", Samantha let the corner of her mouth kink upwards slightly and a faint sway into her hips as she walked over to Nick, who looked a mixture of pleased with himself and surprised. "I adore a man with manners, as long as they can be...put aside...when the time arose..." she purred, brushing his chest with her fingertips. "You and I, Mr Van Owen, will have a long chat later. Much later"

She turned and walked back to Mouse, who was trying to hide a giggle by peering at her paperwork.

"Samsam, why you act like that with men?"

"Becuase it means I can get them to do almost anything" she whispered, taking Mouse's arm and heading for the exit. Sir Vincent followed behind, busy with his own notes. Turning her head slightly, she called out;

"Mr Van Owen, I would recommend vacating the premises as quickly as possible. Those devices Sir Vincent mentioned are due to detonate in 2 minutes! Ta ta for now..."
Graham Gibbs

Name: Graham Gibbs
Orientation: Good
Skills: Long distance sniping, pistols shooting, adept with knifes, hand-to-hand combat
Appearance: 6'1", powerfully build yet agile, blue eyes, long black hair, wears a long black trenchcoat to hide his weapons, black shirt and gray pants with black army style boots
Organisation: Vigilante

Graham got off his motorcycle, this was the address that showed up on the text he received...looked like a dead party to him. He entered the door and got into the elevator, quite certain that by now the security would have picked him up and also know that he wasn't one of the bad guys. OK so his methods wasn't according to the book, but he still got the job done didn't he? The doors hissed open and he walked into the room, noticing Captain Whatshisface, seated along with a very attractive looking woman, he leaned against the wall with his shoulder, brushing his hair out of his face and pushed his coat aside, resting his hand on the holster on his hip

"You know Cap, you really don't know how to throw a party, you need booze, darts, strippers, pool and some good old thumping music, not this serenity thing you have going here"
Van Owen cracked a smile as he watched the pair of women leave. Ah Samantha you she devil. He knew the odds of bedding her were slim, but it wouldn't be for lack of trying. He also knew she thought she wielded some sort of power over him because he fancied her. Truth be told his capacity for violence was near limitless. This little side game with the ever charming Samantha just made it more enjoyable.

Two minutes eh? He strolled over to the mini bar and leisurely fixed himself another drink. He slipped a bottle of Ten Cane Rum into his pocket. The elevator whisked him promptly to the ground floor. As he strolled out the front door a man stopped him.

"Pardon me, do you have the time?"

Van Owen consulted his watch.

"Thirty seconds"

"I'm sorry?"

"Not near as sorry as yer going to be if you don't get the lead out fella, fifteen seconds"

At that precise moment there was a thunderous explosion over head. Van Owen gave the man a shark like grin.


And deftly stepped back inside the lobby barring the double doors with his hands against the man outside. All manner of debris rained down on the sidewalk. A large piece of the plate glass window caught the hapless fellow square between the eyes, nearly splitting his head in twain. Van Owen chuckled.

"Well fuck me if I ain't full of it today"

He chuckled again. A startled gasp made him spin around to confront the receptionist for the building. He gave her a wink and then he was gone.
Jason "Grim" Anderson

Name: Jason "Grim" Anderson
Orientation: Lawful Evil
Skills: Hacking
Apperarence: Weighing 139 lb. and standing 6'0" Jasons not much to look at. Straight black hair, pale skin (from being behind a computer and indoors all the time) Black eyes. He`s always wearing formal attire (black suit, slacks, and black dress shoes. Always has a passive unemotional face.
Background/Personality: A criminal mastermind and genius. Jason graduated high school at age12 and college at 18 with several degrees. He has hacked many banks and govermental databases and gain considerable funds. He is always three steps ahead of others and always confident in himself seeing other as tools. He has few friends and has recieved several death threats.
Organization: None, but works with the black market often.

Jason was once again in his mansion behind his super-computer trying to hack a bank database in Russia. He glances at the wall to his left which contains several dozen screens that show footage from his security cameras. Jason watches as his loyal bodyguard reports in satating that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Jason grins as he begins to easily breach the banks security system. He puts the funds into circulation so as to make it untracable to his location. once finished he decides to go to a local bar where he will meet his friend and associate in the black market.
Jason "Grim" Anderson

As he approached he bar. Jason noticed a man in a mask walk out. Jason knew him instantly as "Silencer" a professional assassin. Though he had never met him personally he had a few time in the past contenplated whether or not to hire him, but considering Jason never really needed someone dead he didn`t hire him. Jason walked into the bar and sat at the far end where the shadows who help him to remain unnoticed. With his heavily armed and highly experience bodyguard in toe Jason sit and waited...waited for his contact.
Captain Justice

With a sigh, Captain turned to the late-comer.

"Graham, so kind for you to make room in your busy schedule to grace us with your presence"
"Ooooh, bitchy!" chimed the AI, flicking a picture of an angry cat onto the screen briefly.
With a grin, Graham replied "well, you know how I hate to be apart from my favourite spandex-clad superhero...by the way, do you ever take that thing off? Or is it part of some fetish that I'd really prefer not knowing about?"
Trying to surpress a laugh, Izzy motioned to Graham to sit nearer to her.
"C'mon over here now, sugah. Name's Izabella Carrion, or Izzy fer short. Cap, why don't you tell us why we're here while this handsome young man and I get real comfy"

Letting a sigh escape through his nose, Captain nodded and rose.
"There appear to be stirrings in the undercurrents of criminality. I have learned that certain figures, such as Sir Vincent Garrison-Kincaid, have been making frequent meetings with key figures around the globe. As yet, I don't know why, but it can't be good. We have been stopping the flare-ups as much as we can, but we need to find out why they're happening. Our people are stretched thin, to say the least. Thoughts?"
Graham Gibbs

Name: Graham Gibbs
Orientation: Good
Skills: Long distance sniping, pistols shooting, adept with knifes, hand-to-hand combat
Appearance: 6'1", powerfully build yet agile, blue eyes, long black hair, wears a long black trenchcoat to hide his weapons, black shirt and gray pants with black army style boots
Organisation: Vigilante

Graham sat down to the space that Izzy mentioned

"Gibbs, Graham Gibbs"

He gave her a grin and brushed his hair out of his face, then looked at Captain

"I have noticed that my quarry has been very active lately. Do you know if Silencer is part of this story yet? The targets have also been rather high profile and they would really suit your...convictions of justice"

Graham sat back in the seat

"Your fires that flared up would probably be some person trying to kill justice and set injustice in it's place...oh wait that happens every day"
Jason "Grim" Anderson

As he waited for the contact, Jason turned on his labtop and began looking at the news in Russia. Sure enough the news that the bank was robbed was headline news. Even the most secure banks with state-of-the-art security systems couldn`t stop him. The russian crime lord were never happy with him muscling in their area but he gave little care.
Jasson was getting a little irritated that the contact wasn`t arriving quicker, Jason had buisness to attend to and he wasn`t going to wait forever.
Captain Justice

Captain half turned to regard Graham as he stepped towards the bank of computer units braced along one wall.

"There is a chance Silencer will be involved, however, neither I nor AI have been able to confirm this yet. Here is what we do know: A lab on the outskirts of Linus City has reportedly shut down, reasons unknown, but we have footage of a woman merely known as "Samantha" entering the facility 3 days ago. Also, despite the facility being offline, there still seems to be a substantial amount of power being supplied there, and according to AI, the electronic communications have gone off the chart. AI, could you explain further, please"

Somehow converying weariness and boredom in one electric sigh (which Izzy noted mentally was minorly impressive...it seemed her programming skills had allowed the program to develop itself a personality...), AI flashed a map of the country onto the largest screen in the room. Red dots blipped across the map in an irratic fashion. The anime-version Izzy appeared in the bottom right corner of the screen, brandishing a pointer.

"Ok skinbags, the dots are where I've found things that might correlate with bad ju-ju...police reports, chatter on the airwaves, stuff in emails that seemed suspicious. I tell ya, the government's secret spy club ain't got nothin' on me! They think they know the score? I've alre-"
"Stick to the point, AI. I hold no aversions to rebooting you" rumbled Captain, his arms crossed in front of him, the material in the suit taut as he tensed in irritation.
"Alright, alright...god, you're so sensitive! Anyway, as Cap was saying, there was, and still is, something suspicious going on here" the AI avatar waved her pointer at a large red splodge on the far right of the map, "the is the lab. As we were all saying our hello's just now, I picked up reports of an explosion...here" another point, slightly further away from the lab.
"This is a conference centre in the centre of Linus City, used by lots of people, but in particular by foreign embasseys when making deals, comminucating with the homeland, stuff like that. Multiple fatalities, fire raining from the sky, orphans crying in the street, and no cake. Nick "Taipan" Van Owen was spotted leaving the building shortly beforehand, but he disappeared afterwards, and I can't find him on the network. All the key members of the Chinese Embassey were in the room that was attacked, and now we've got an international situation on the go as well as something within our own borders. Lucky for you I'm super efficient, otherwise you'd all be sat there with your thumbs up your collective asses wondering what to do! Apart from Izzy and hunky, hunky Graham...can I call you Gibby?" The avatar leaned to one side on-screen, theatrically shielding it's mouth with one hand and faux-whispering, "Izzy, he's studly! Get your hands on that gun and see if it's shooting blanks!"
Jason"Grim" Anderson

Jason was surprised when his comuter flashed a red warning. He was being tracked! This couldn`t have anyting to do with the russians, he was sure of that, but maybe from that thing he did during the Chinese embassy incident! He had hacked their defenses and helped some people to get in.
As he traceed the track on him he found out that it was an AI who had found him.
Jason had rarly dealt with AIs considering they were stll new. He didn`t like them much consisering they had bugs and could develop personalities which usually ended up leading to a lot of trouble. He found out the AI was working for a man but he could not find out who. The AI had already probably found out his name and telling its master about him.
He decided to be prepared for a talk with this person who had been able to track him
Graham Gibbs

Name: Graham Gibbs
Orientation: Good
Skills: Long distance sniping, pistols shooting, adept with knifes, hand-to-hand combat
Appearance: 6'1", powerfully build yet agile, blue eyes, long black hair, wears a long black trenchcoat to hide his weapons, black shirt and gray pants with black army style boots
Organisation: Vigilante

He looked at the AI and just grinned

"You can call me Deadshot, but hey for you I'll make an exception and listen to Gibby for now"

He turned his attention back to Captain

"Cap I'll tell you now up front. I'm here to hunt down Silencer. Like I know him he would be on the first flight back home right now. So you got to give me evidence that he is part of this or I'll go hunt for him on my own"

Graham got out something that looked like some sort of flat rock and popped it in his mouth and started chewing

"But if Taipan is in town you got one mayor thing going down, he doesn't show up for no good reason and if he is here and you can find that scarfaced killer or just a bloody glimpse of him, you can count me in"
Captain Justice

Captain stared at “Deadshot” Gibbs, mulling over his response.

“I know deep in my bones that Sir Vincent is doing something-“

“Yeah, cuz you hate him after he kicked your sandcastle and beat you up for your lunch money” chirped AI.

“AND...” Captain continued, his neck muscles tensing with irritation, “we know that there’s been more activity than usual underground. It may be that he’s bringing them all together, or it could just be a coincidence and everyone is merely-“

“YAWN! All speculation, Cappers. Now, Gibby, what else do you hide under that coat? Something for little old AI?” the avatar purred, leaning forward and showing pixelated cleavage. Gibbs opened his mouth to reply, when Captain abruptly roared, snapping AI out of it’s revere;

“FOR GOD’S SAKE!! This is serious! People will die! People ARE dying! Right now! And all you want to do is piss around??!? You’re a computer! What do you expect to happen?? He will not love you! You are a silicon chip! I will pull the plug on you if you cannot fathom reality!!!”

Fuming, Captain stormed towards the exit, his mouth a thin line of rage. Half turning to speak over one shoulder, he growled;

“Izzy, work with Mr “Deadshot” here to see what you can find. Computer, you stay here and keep checking any and all information. I’m heading to Linus City...”

The room was silent for a few moments in the wake of his outburst, the hissing of the door lost in the vacuum of discomfort.
“Well...who pissed in his cornflakes?”
Sir Vincent Garrison-Kincaid

I turn to the two women currently occupying a cab with me. The ever attentive Samantha and the deceptively intelligent and observant Mouse.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you again, Mouse. I do believe that I promised further puzzles for you during our last encounter. Here is my first one: You have a General who is surrounded by guards, masses of CCTV and also in possession of a bio-metric monitor that will alert Police within a 6 mile radius should his well-being be jeopardised. Also in attendance are trained Guard Dogs that can and will kill intruders if given the command. How would one infiltrate such a compound and eliminate such a General?”

Shifting slightly, I continue “My second puzzle is as follows: I require large sums of money and a central location with which to deal with situations as they arise around the globe. It must be impossible to locate to all but those I select, house all I and my...operatives...require, and be easily defensible. How would I acquire such a locale?”
Reaching into a case at my side, I pull out a Rubix Cube and toss it to Mouse. “Lastly, please complete this for me. I’ve had since childhood, and it vexes me greatly. Thank you”

While Mouse deftly twists the cube and contemplates the two puzzles, I turn to Samantha.

“Can you arrange for a means to ship equipment out to the team when they require it? Also, how is the “Asset X” project coming? I heard there was an issue with...” I open a folder and flip a couple of pages, “the Asset experiencing extreme Coulrophobia, and taking out several scientists in a loss of control akin to going off like a Claymore mine”

I close the folder and look into Samantha’s eyes, “interesting turn of situation. How was this phobia, and the reaction, discovered? Could it be implemented in any way?”

The seat of the cab was made of some sort of synthetic leather fiber that in all honesty, really hurt her backside. Sam controlled her need to adjust by turning onto her hip and crossing her legs. The tip of her high heeled shoe just barely reaching the other occupant. Mr. Kincaid had been her boss for longer than she dared recall and that bit of intel would never change. Sam loved her job. Loved the perks it brought along with it and of course, loved the people. Tracing the circles Mouse was making with her hands as she quickly worked at the puzzle that had been given her, Sam watched with some level of amusement. She was just one of the strange characters she dealt with on a day to day basis but nevertheless way more full of life than those goody-two-shoe bits that waltzed through these cities.

Sam looked away from her mental musings as her boss's voice rang up from oblivion and brought her back to reality. She rustled through her leather purse with which had more money therein than any bank could ever entrap. This was where the magic happened, where she pulled weapons deals out of her ass. Money appeared from thin air and people were no longer seen or heard from again with just the click of a button. All Mr. Kincaid had to do was ask and that will would be done.

With her pilot in hand Sam worked on the first task at hand. Shipping was a job for babies. It was like bringing a nuke to a stick fight in all honesty. The woman had lists of contacts developed over the years in this field of work. She had a million of them, too many for one woman to know individually as one does their own family but Sam made it happen. This secretary didn't work miracles, she made them happen. Even as one vendor got snippy with her, his whole little operation went down in flames and a new one took it's place; again all at the touch of a few buttons. It was so hard to find good weapon's transporters that were actually legit these days. Samantha had to do extra credit along with her homework as a certain blond bombshell to ensure all business transactions were.... suitable.

After ensuring that all supplies staff were on standby, the dark haired woman dropped her task manager back into her leather handbag and smiled at Mr. Kincaid, the signal to him that all had been handled and would continue that smooth course for as long as he kept her in power. Sam was not one who liked to disappoint, especially not to him. She even took the liberty of nonchalantly sliding a second leather bag to Mr. Kincaid that was filled with extra puzzles for the ever juxtaposed Mouse who would sooner than later be finished with that little doo-dad and be up for round two. If there was one thing that Sam excelled in, it was being prepared. "Done and done, Sir."

There was a long pause between tasks, as the secretary took a short peek at the folder within his hand and then back she went into her purse. Sam looked over a short document, reviewed its contents and looked sternly into her bosses' eyes. "Night nurses found test subjects screaming about red noses and rainbow colored wigs which were concluded to be of one origin. Unless you know of any freaks walking around science facilities dressed like drugged up mental patients?" The pain in her leg tensed and she was forced the switch legs, crossing her left over her right, the hem of her skirt riding further without notice. "Needless to say, the problem continue to persist without a rapid change in behavior. The explosion and the deaths were merely... a long time coming."

"Though the first test run of said project was merely a learning experience it has been noted that representatives shall be continuing research on a past project involving what they call, 'perception alternating enhancement chemicals,' to the new test subjects." Sam allowed her self a short breath of air, pursing her cherry painted lips and smiled.

"The scientists call it, 'clown-o-vision.' In other words, the chemicals will alter the subject's perception of bad and good forcing him to kill that which he fears. Let's just say I wouldn't want to be at that child's party if this experiment ever breached and surfaced. Happy birthday to you too little Jimmy." Adjusting the dark rimmed glasses resting neatly on her nose Samantha sighed and relaxed having felt her answers should have been satisfactory for her superior.
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Graham Gibbs

Name: Graham Gibbs
Orientation: Good
Skills: Long distance sniping, pistols shooting, adept with knifes, hand-to-hand combat
Appearance: 6'1", powerfully build yet agile, blue eyes, long black hair, wears a long black trenchcoat to hide his weapons, black shirt and gray pants with black army style boots
Organisation: Vigilante

"Well well he seems a bit tense"

He looked around

"Right now I'd kill for a beer, but somehow I know that Captain Goodie bloody two-shoes won't have a proper beer available. Tell you two girls what, let's finish up here and I'll buy you each a drink"

He looked at AI with a grin

"And who knows I might just have something inside this coat for you afterward"

He chuckled and leaned back in his seat

"So Silencer have been much more active than in the past, that means somebody is throwing around a lot of money, because he doesn't come cheap. And if we can find out his account number we can trace that money back to the people hiring him"
Allen Brown

Name: Allen "Silencer" Brown
Orientation: Evil
Skills: Stealth, sharpshooting, long distance sniping, adept with bladed weapons
Appearance: 6'2", athletic build, wears a mask that hides the hideous burns of his face, he has blue eyes, wears a black and dark blue suit that fitted with the mask's colors
Organisation: None, free lance, gun for hire

"Mister are you a wrestler?"

He looked at the kid standing next to his seat and almost groaned, why the hell would the kid think that?

"Yes I am. Dragonscar, but I am new, you wouldn't have heard of me"

The boy's face lit up

"Cooool! I met a real life wrestler"

He bounded away and Allen just stared after him, shook his head and looked out of the window. He hated flying with other people, but then again, he wasn't heading home, so he didn't use the ticket that Samantha sent him. He figured that with said equipment on hand, he would be able to kick back tonight in his pad with a beer and of course a cross on one of the names on the list
Captain Justice

Captain cursed silently in the depths of the baggage hold, cramped by the mountain of bags stuffed by over-zealous holidaymakers. He'd chosen to stow away in the hold to be alone with his thoughts, to avoid the populace he sought so desparately to protect. As the plane roared into the hazy afternoon sky, the bags crashed over him, leaving him sputtering in futile rage.

His mind raced at how he could stop Sir Vincent's plans, for he was sure to be central to current affairs. Yet, deep in the recesses of his soul, he wondered how he had become so embittered and filled with anger, so desparate to rail against all the injustice. He remembered his old team, so varied in their personalities, cut down by some of the dirtiest, craziest s.o.b's this world had ever known...

Sweet, innocent Julie, cut down in a hail of bullets from some maniac with a soldier fetish, while he tried to sneak into a complex...

Boisterous, energetic Paul, shredded by twins with razorblades taped to their fists and arms, left to bleed out while Captain Justice was trapped by a gang of thugs...

The genius, Garth, blown limb from limb by an IED by fanatics during a crowd control mission...

Finally, the one time love of his life, Vanessa, executed from point blank range with a shotgun while he was forced to watch, bound and helpless to stop it. The frantic, pleading look in her eyes boring into him as they pulled the trigger.

As he struggled to blink back tears, he vowed to himself to never allow anyone he worked with to share a similar fate. He would prevent their pain and suffering. He would save them, then he could save himself.

A muffled announcement to fasten seatbelts for the descent snapped him from his revere, gearing him up and forcing his instincts to kick in, ensuring he wouldn't be spotted when the hold was opened. His first target was to tackle Nick Van Owen, also known as Taipan. If he began thrashing around, the potential for loss of lives and property damage was immense. Before Taipan was totally immobilised, Captain figured he would squeeze a little information, maybe get a few strings he could pull on to unravel the whole tapestry.

Before he had boarded the plane, he had considered Graham's comments about Silencer. From what Captain had figured as he mulled over Graham's words, Silencer was Grade-A, top rank at long distance sniping and was not one to take lightly. However, finding a description was proving impossible. Whenever the Police thought they had him trapped in a room, it was a fake-out. He was more likely to be away on his toes long before the Police had even showed up. He had to try and catch him before anyone came to harm.
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Sir Vincent Garrison-Kincaid

With an appreciative nod, I take the leather bag from Samantha, full of things to keep Mouse satisfied while she considered my two questions. Naturally, Samantha had already taken the necessary steps to accomplish my objectives, but it never hurt to have a back up plan courtesy of someone widely regarded as a genius...a reclusive one, naturally.

With a sigh, Mouse clicks the last side into placed, and looking thoroughly bored, hands it back. 6 sides, all uniform in their respective colours, all solved in a matter of minutes. Wordlessly, I pass the entire bag to her, watching her delving in for a moment before fixing my gaze on my assistant...who I swear was wearing a longer skirt when this journey started...oh god, those legs!

Thinking sobering, unerotic thoughts, such as bankruptcy, loss of control and more grey hair, I return to the present, hoping she hasn't noticed my moment of fluster. She is watching me, a faint smile playing across those full lips...bald spots! false teeth!!...while waiting for a response. Placing the folder in the suitcase at my side, I nod to myself.

"Keep monitoring the developments, although I would suggest you get the boys in the lab to decide on a more professional name. What they are developing could be marketable to interested parties, should the opportunity occur. Now, I believe it's almost time for lunch, so I've asked the driver to take us to a private club where we may weave our wicked plans further. However, before we do that, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on our little rag-tag association of killers...no offence, Mouse..." Mouse shrugs, her interest fixed on the delights within the bag.

Samantha offers another smile, adjusts her glasses and recrosses her legs.
Allen Brown

Strange how lax security was in this country, he could swear that he had more difficult assignments in Africa. He screwed the silencer on the muzzle of the rifle and rested it on the wall of the apartment building. Softly whistling the Battle Hymn of the Republic, he waited for the limousine to pull up to the curb. So they wanted a bank manager dead, at a glance Allen knew where to find him and what to do. He waited and as the man stepped out of the bank on his way to the limo, he caressed the trigger, adjusting the sight he pulled off another shot. Leaving the rifle where it was he picked up his briefcase and walked away. He knew his targets was dead, the first shot had rammed into the skull of the bank man and as the blood splatter still traveled, he had seen the best way to send a message. The manager's youngest daughter was with him. He chuckled as he remembered the shock on her face at seeing her father's head turning into a fountain of gore, shortly afterward she looked the same.

"Well cross off Mr Marcus Gigalac with added bonus"

By the time the time the sirens approached the bank Allen was in a rented van on his way home.
Captain Bloody Justice had cracked a fruity if he believed Taipan Van Owen hadn't noticed the do gooder shadowing him through the airport. Having worked extensively for Sir VGK in the past he knew it was only a matter of time before that rubber clad boy scout came calling. He wasn't on the flight, but Van Owen couldn't relax until got to the safe house. The twin engine landed at the small regional airport and everyone disembarked. As he collected his bags planeside, Taipan detected a furtive movement in the shadows. Decided to play after all eh boyo?

Van Owen threw on a reflective vest to blend in with the ground crew, lit his ever present Ghurka, and headed for the air cargo gate. Captain Justice fell for the bait. He was almost upon Van Owen when the merc suddenly whirled and stabbed him in the eye with the lit cigar. Justice reeled in agony and Taipan pressed his attack, landing a punch that shattered his jaw and knocked out several teeth. He roared in pain and rushed the Australian, but was stopped short by the knife in his gut. But Van Owen wasn't finished, he continued to rain bone crushing blows down on the helpless hero. When Captain Justice ceased to struggle Taipan took a breather.

"You stupid shit. You actually thought you could kick my arse? Yer gettin sloppy mate."

Van Owen leaned over and slashed Justices face from the corner of his mouth to his earlobe

"If'n ya don't bleed out, you'll remember this day every time you look in the mirror"

He laughed and then he vanished leaving the hero to his fate.
Captain Justice

Captain Justice, battered and bloody, gasping his potential last breaths in the dark, watched Taipan's retreating back with the one functioning eye he'd been left with. The burnt one would heal, but there would be surgeries.

He hadn't been able to land one blow...he'd seen Van Owen, caught up with him, then there was a whirlwind of pain. A jolt of searing agony lanced though him, causing his muscles to spasm and pushing a strangled cry from his blood-filled mouth. He could hear the soft pattering noise as his blood dripped from the vicious wound on his face, and his clothing was getting warm and wet from the hole in his stomach.

As his vision faded to black, he sensed staff rushing over and calling out for an ambulance, trying to get him to talk and stay concious. They pressed on his gut, causing no end of agony, but it was too much. Before the blissful darkness consumed him, he slowly, shakily raised a hand, reaching out to the sky, to the people he had lost, and with laboured breaths, cried out.

"There is no justi-..."
Feeling rather pleased with himself, Van Owen whipped out his sat phone and dialed Samantha

"Ello Samantha my love. Be a peach and let Sir Vincent know Captain Justice will be out of his hair for the forseeable future and that I'm in position and our first "client" will be "dealt with" shortly.

Learning forward, Samantha came to rest one arm across the top of her knee and the other cupped the underside of her chin. Closing the gap between herself and her boss by just a few more inches. She had put the moves on tons of potential clients. It was easy to cast her line into the sea of begging males with their tongues hanging out like dogs. There were perks to being a woman, other females being her only folly, as she could get most men to leave their current life behind. But not Mr. Kincaid. Handsome, wealthy, debonair, sadistically evil in a reserved manner. What was there not to fall head over heels for? Not only was he her boss, a strong male figure in her life she placed in higher regard than her own father. But she had some kind of strange, girl lust for this man, which kept her trying to please him in any manner she found possible. Working late at night in her own home, digging up intel from places and people that before not even the government knew existed. She wondered if he had any idea of the work she actually did for him? Either way, it didn't matter, when he went to bed pleased at the work they had accomplished during the day, Sam did as well.

"But of course Sir. I will put urgency into the new name. I will keep you updated as new ideas arise." She pounded away at messages on her phone and sent them to the appropriate addresses. Somewhere in the world an underground science research facility was scrambling and tripping over themselves. No one liked to displease the boss man. And Samantha just loved to light fires under people whenever possible.

"You really want my opinion sir?" Samantha pulled back and slid the glasses off of her nose and into the belly of her lap. Casting aside all her previous thoughts about her boss that were both wrong and seemingly childish, she pondered his question. A crew was a crew. They were effective, precise and brought their own certain flair to the whole operation. Take Mouse for instance. She was beyond intelligent, so scary it should be illegal. Worked well with machines and often times seemed to have the mind of a child. Even as she worked on the puzzles she had been given, she was still that brainiac that they had hired. That kind of character you didn't find anywhere else.

"I think that you have..." Sam trailed off as her phone buzzed and she rushed to answer it. "That is good news then. Sir Vincent will be pleased to hear it." There was a pause as the person on the other line continued to speak. "Yes. Understood. Aim true." The dark haired female smiled and closed her phone back into her purse.

"I am sorry sir, but my thoughts will have to come later. Something more important has come up. That was Van Owen. Captain Justice, has been taken out of the picture for an extended period of time."
She paused. "He would also like you to know that the first client will be dealt with." Though she wasn't sure what that meant and it bothered her to say that, Sir Vincent would.
Daniel Kincaid

This was a strange assignment sent to him through the brotherhood, he was sitting on the roof of a car, watching the pair walking past. They didn't even glance at him and that just made his job easier. He was an average white male, blue eyes and brown hair. Just by the way he walked Daniel could see that he had some sense of accomplishment and the way he looked at the other people was with a smug apathetic attitude. His file stated that he was 5 feet seven inches. The woman at his side must be he Megan the file mentioned, she was five feet tall, blond, green eyes. Daniel found her skinny and that her nose just didn't look right, coupled with the glasses she was nothing to look at all. Maybe that was all Tysun could get. The two of them seemed self absorbed, but that did not really give them reason to die. He grinned, then again he never actually needed a reason to get his blades bloody. He slid from the roof of the car and followed them, his blue hoody pulled up and his face barely concealed. They entered an apartment building and according to the information he received they live on the third floor, second apartment. Getting a running start he jumped, pushed himself from the apartment building's wall, grabbed the opposite window sill and used it as leverage to pull himself up and with another leap he grabbed hold of the fire escape, swung himself onto it and started to climb up to the room. He was certain that they would take the lift and that was all the time he needed.

Withing a short time he stood inside the apartment, while not a slum, he had expected better. Or maybe he didn't. He heard voices outside the door and slipped to stand against the wall that would put him behind the door as they opened it. He was certain that they would not even notice that the door didn't open all the way as the space between the door and wall was rather small, but he was certain that it wouldn't leave too much of a gap. There was the sound of a key in the lock, the door opened and their voices preceded them into the apartment. As the door closed, Daniel already had a knife in his hand. Tysun's eyes widened as he saw the intruder, a blur followed and Tysun found that no sound could come from his throat. Daniel grinned as he moved past Tysun, another knife in his hand, a flick of his wrist and if buries itself in Megan's throat, preventing any scream. He grinned and turned driving the bloodied knife into the base of Tysun's skull, wrenching it free he turns to Megan. Of course shock and the speed of his movements had her standing where she was, before she could react his blade found her heart as he slid it between her ribs, grabbing hold of his other knife he pulled both free. Sliding them into their sheaths, he slipped out of the door, pulling it close behind him. He walked away whistling a chirpy tone as he took the stairs down, his hoody pulled from his head.