Lets see your toys

Nice... close enough to see a little stubble... Mmmmm...
Here's two that were found on the net.

These are hot but I believe professional.

net pics not as good as u
and your freind
post more of u pleeeeeaze

atreides xxxxxxx
princess4u said:

if you come back as a dildo, can i play with you????


Well I don't plan on dieing until we are both very old, so might as well play with what I got now. :)
Since you dont like the net pics - I'll give you a couple more of the real deal :)

Great series with the toy - I hope you had fun after that last pic :wink: :wink:
And whoever said diamonds are a girls best friend? It seems some of the ladies of Lit. would beg to differ. Great pics all.

How about you two GORGEOUS Ladies playing wit some real Toys?? Maybe being a bit of a child myself (only 30) I could come out to plat too????
Don't kid yourself

Don't kid yourself, mixel.....those pix are professional. The lovely young lady has her own website.....and I have a hunch you weren't present during those. I'd be more than glad to post the entire series if you'd like...
