Let's share stories.

No reason people can’t do both.
The reason is that the recommendations get diluted. It could be that only 50% of the recommendations get seen by some people. I get it that AH people may not know about the Good Reads thread, so I'm planning on posting an alert in AH in a couple of months, when this thread has gone dormant, and then bumping it every 3 or 4 months.
I wonder how many AH members are now going to run there to see if their story was recommended by anyone.

I see the most recent post is someone saying they read to foot fetish stories I recommended...back in the threads beginning in 2015.

No one will ever recommend one of my stories. Furthermore, if I recommend someone else's story, someone here will probably go bomb it, so I won't curse anyone.
One of the difficulties of this sort of thread has to do with group dynamics. I have read at least one (or started at least one) of a majority of AH regulars (and for those looking for quality, the AH writership in general produces much higher quality stories than the average in the Litosphere) but I am uneasy singling anyone out. If I mention X but not Y, it doesn't feel right or even useful, and I am not sure a mutual admiration society is all that productive here.

However, in the spirit of mentioning rarer or newer or underrated stories, here are two writers (one I believe no longer with us), both on my Buried Treasures list, whose stories are small, intelligent, well crafted, intimate, and almost without exception enjoyable:



I also like Ssbbw4u1974's works, especially Memoirs of My Sexy Life.
Why don't you re-post here? Support a thread that's been active from 2015 through 1/25? Alert. The most recent posts are in the highest number page. I wish they'd fix that.
Your argument that it's been active since 2015 can be viewed in a different way. Most threads that old have been shut down since they went over the 5k post limit. This piece of info suggests that the existing thread you are trumpeting has a lack of traffic, which is why a new thread in the AH could be successful. Regardless, it's not like threads are a limited resource...
I can't remember the story's title, only that it was here. I don't think I'd even published a story anywhere when Jo found it and read it to me. The tale takes place in a bookstore, unsure if it was an adult bookstore or maybe one like Barnes & Noble. A man and a woman have an instant attraction and fuck on a reading table. As they made out, the man pushed all the books off the table and then put her on said table and fucked the shit out of her. Jo found it on an internet search in 2012 or 2013 when I'd just started writing seriously. Well, erotically, seriously started, that is. After she read it to me, she said, "Your writing is as good as this. You should publish your stories."
One of the difficulties of this sort of thread has to do with group dynamics. I have read at least one (or started at least one) of a majority of AH regulars (and for those looking for quality, the AH writership in general produces much higher quality stories than the average in the Litosphere) but I am uneasy singling anyone out. If I mention X but not Y, it doesn't feel right or even useful, and I am not sure a mutual admiration society is all that productive here.
Agree. This would be a productive thread if it pivoted towards highlighting stories from authors who aren't AH regulars.

In this vein, I'm going to recommend Organism by DarkCosmos, which among the best sci-fi series I've read here.
However, in the spirit of mentioning rarer or newer or underrated stories, here are two writers (one I believe no longer with us), both on my Buried Treasures list, whose stories are small, intelligent, well crafted, intimate, and almost without exception enjoyable:

Seconded. One of the best, sadly departed.
The Dream by D_K_Moon

I read this today and absolutely loved the level of detail given around the male masturbation experience. It's something that's rarely seen in erotica. The physical male experience is generally glossed over or minimized in favor of visuals, this was a breath of fresh air.

Personally, I would love to see this expanded upon by building out the premise and characters, but I really enjoyed it and think it's scored far too low, perhaps because it goes into such insight/detail of the male experience and the majority male audience isn't into that?
Whenever the topic of top I/T stories come up its inevitable that Paca Fear's Words on Skin is referenced and with good reason, it lives up to the billing of one of the best sibcest stories here or anywhere else.

But Paco penned another sibling story that is also ranked fairly high (#40 all time fav list) but doesn't get a fraction of the attention, so I'll give it a plug here.

Stolen Kisses.


Side note-When I first started here my first submission was rejected for multiple reasons. I didn't know anyone here, but had read several of Paco Fear's stories and sent him a message through feedback explaining I was new, and did he know anyone who could help me. He responded the next day, provided an e-mail address and said to send it along. He pointed out the issues and how to correct them, and gave me some pointers on the story in general even though it wasn't his genre of choice. He also helped me with the first two chapters of Siblings with Benefits.

He accomplished a lot in a fairly small body of work (30 stories I think) including one of the very few stories to have an H a W and a green E. It's a shame he stopped writing and was never much of a presence on the forum, he would have had a lot to offer. Then again, there is something to be said for just doing your thing and not getting caught up in things here.

A nice piece of reading I stumbled upon. It's not the type of story I usually link... or read.

It's a relatively long story about a shy young guy and a mature woman, with an added bonus near the end. The dialogue is very well written and humorous at moments, and the sexual content is quite hot, with a lot of build-up.
There is no femdom, in case you were wondering.

I think it will be a fun read for most AH people.
Putting links here and maybe a very short description doesn't help much.
What's really needed is a proper review -- it wouldn't need to be long, but it needs to say in a convincing manner why the story is worth reading.
It thus needs to say why it is different, how it stands above the rest.
Putting links here and maybe a very short description doesn't help much.
What's really needed is a proper review -- it wouldn't need to be long, but it needs to say in a convincing manner why the story is worth reading.
It thus needs to say why it is different, how it stands above the rest.
That's absurd. No one is going to invest so much time to do a full review of a story - something that maybe even the author themselves wouldn't want. This thread isn't very popular as it is, and if we did it your way, there would be like 2-3 posts here, tops.

Linking and giving a short description and a recommendation is more than enough. It's all about how much one trusts the judgment and recommendation of their fellow authors. If anything, you have the story file of the author backing up their words.
By the way, feel free to do a full review of a story here. It would be an added value for sure, but I doubt many will follow in your footsteps.
I'm afraid I have no links other than my single favourited story, by an author we all know here, Bramblethorn's Loss Function.

I wish I could find a femdom story written by someone other than me that would get me off, and @AwkwardlySet 's tastes overlap mine to an extent, so I started reading the first linked tale hopefully, but... man... I used that ultra-terse first-person style years ago, when I was learning to write, for about ten minutes before it got on my nerves. Shame, because the build-up is pretty good, and the sense of slow power drain is well captured.
That's absurd. No one is going to invest so much time to do a full review of a story - something that maybe even the author themselves wouldn't want. This thread isn't very popular as it is, and if we did it your way, there would be like 2-3 posts here, tops.

Linking and giving a short description and a recommendation is more than enough. It's all about how much one trusts the judgment and recommendation of their fellow authors. If anything, you have the story file of the author backing up their words.
By the way, feel free to do a full review of a story here. It would be an added value for sure, but I doubt many will follow in your footsteps.
Yeah, reviews in 'thick skinned' AH lead to miserable results.

Plus, reviews are what the feedback forum is for and most threads there get only a handful of replies.

This thread is still a good idea and even if something is added here and there its worth it.
I'm afraid I have no links other than my single favourited story, by an author we all know here, Bramblethorn's Loss Function.

I wish I could find a femdom story written by someone other than me that would get me off, and @AwkwardlySet 's tastes overlap mine to an extent, so I started reading the first linked tale hopefully, but... man... I used that ultra-terse first-person style years ago, when I was learning to write, for about ten minutes before it got on my nerves. Shame, because the build-up is pretty good, and the sense of slow power drain is well captured.
Thank you for contributing to the thread. I agree that the style of that story isn't for everyone.
I also offered some criticism as a comment to the story. But I think it was a worthy effort and a different approach to storytelling compared to most Lit stories, and that it deserved to be promoted, especially considering that the author is a new face.
Linking this one not only because I liked it but was surprised I did. I read it before it was published as a story exchange, and it's totally out of my wheelhouse and personal experience, but the characters drew me in, and I found them oddly relatable in the misfit sense.


Thanks for suggesting. I enjoyed it. Really cozy. The author did such a good job setting the backdrop of the character's difficult lives--harsh, but realistic. Really had me rooting for them.

pounding Busch Lite like it would grow his teeth back
is a fucking line.