Let's talk about sex baby...

#114. Where is the most unusual place you have had an orgasm?

It's not that unusual but it was a blowjob under the boardwalk at Atlantic city from a bride to be as her husband to be was above us on the boardwalk...alcohol and combined pre-wedding parties at the shore were to blame.
#115. What is the quickest way someone can make you cum?

People with toddlers. :D

God I don't miss when they were little. LOL

LOL...yeah...I agree with both Numina (taking time is fun) and Tink...that's a good reason and I don't miss that either!

Oral is often the quickest, although I will say that I can cum pretty quickly from intercourse if I want.
#114. Where is the most unusual place you have had an orgasm?

Ooh i have a bunch but the weirdest I think is on the bench at the console of a giant pipe organ in a university chapel. Fortunately we avoided sounding any of the pipes!
#112. How sensitive are your nipples? Do you like them to be played with? If so how do you like them played with?

This is probably kind of weird for a guy but they're very sensitive and partners who have known this hidden weakness have taken unfair advantage of it.