Let's talk about sex baby...

#140. What taboo used to be a "no way in hell" that now intrigues you?

T girls...used to repel me...many still do, but we met a lovely, not particularly convincing girl at a club recently and after talking to her all night, I didn't want her excluded when we went off to play, so went to go find her to join us...it's still not something I seek out but I would be more open if I felt a connection with the person...we'll see...
#140. What taboo used to be a "no way in hell" that now intrigues you?

If I go back far enough, all of them. By now, having tried just about everything and ruled some things out forever, I am continually intrigued with dom/sub play (me only as the dom), but I could never be serious about it - it's fun to 'play' at it on occasion, but I'm not into the whole mindset as a rule.
#140. What taboo used to be a "no way in hell" that now intrigues you?

The whole "Daddy" thing used to give me the heebie jeebies, but when I stopped thinking about it from an incest standpoint and started thinking of it from a sexy silver fox kind of way... oh my, what a trigger that has become. :catroar:
The whole "Daddy" thing used to give me the heebie jeebies, but when I stopped thinking about it from an incest standpoint and started thinking of it from a sexy silver fox kind of way... oh my, what a trigger that has become. :catroar:

Oh it definitely started appealing to me once I got a little older. ;)
#140. What taboo used to be a "no way in hell" that now intrigues you?

The whole "Daddy" thing used to give me the heebie jeebies, but when I stopped thinking about it from an incest standpoint and started thinking of it from a sexy silver fox kind of way... oh my, what a trigger that has become. :catroar:

What she ^^ said, for the most part. With the right guy, it just works. He doesn't even have to be older than me ('cause, let's face it, not many people are :rolleyes:). There weren't a lot of other things I thought "no way" about - but after I tried a lot of things, THEN I decided "no way I'm doing that again".
#141. What have you learned on Lit that you have incorporated into your real sex life?

Zero (been around these blocks numerous times) - except here and there it has re-bolstered my feeling that I don't want to have sex with any of my blood relatives:eek:.
#141. What have you learned on Lit that you have incorporated into your real sex life?

We opened our relationship up for a while. Technically it's still open, but mama is not really interested in much of anything for the time being, so shenanigans are on the DL.
DOD he ask or just all of a sudden *whack*

It was a sudden *whack*. I had mentioned before that I don’t care for it, explained about psychology with bad childhood experiences blah blah. Maybe he forgot in the heat of the moment or maybe he thought that I would like it if it was “done right” :rolleyes:
All it did was confirm that I’m really not into it.
It was a sudden *whack*. I had mentioned before that I don’t care for it, explained about psychology with bad childhood experiences blah blah. Maybe he forgot in the heat of the moment or maybe he thought that I would like it if it was “done right” :rolleyes:
All it did was confirm that I’m really not into it.

Ah. Yeah well if you soecifically mentioned that you’re not into it then your wishes should have been respected.

The first time I’m with someone which has been a while, there’s always that hesitation of should I or shouldn’t I when it comes to just about everything. Always best to just ask. That way you’re not on Nancy Grace defending yourself the next day.
#142. What was the last thing a lover taught you about sex?

For myself? Not much. Not since...er... '93? '94?

For them and what they are into?

Ah. Yeah well if you soecifically mentioned that you’re not into it then your wishes should have been respected.

The first time I’m with someone which has been a while, there’s always that hesitation of should I or shouldn’t I when it comes to just about everything. Always best to just ask. That way you’re not on Nancy Grace defending yourself the next day.

I didn’t go as far as going on Nancy Grace but he did hear about it!
Dee, I asked to try that on my spouse a long time ago, she yelled and then belted me as well, and I also did not enjoy it. The mind is a funny thing as it seems to blur reality from certain "not so fun" moments, but the body knows better...
I'm placing bondage and physical whacking in the same "not fun for me' folder.
However I'd take a vibrator up my bum any day..lol
BTW , I used to live near Glendale way back in the 60's,loved the desert.