Lit women getting NAKED

Unfortunately, women don't tend to do the "get naked" thing as easily as men. Men enjoy getting naked and tend to assume that is all the sexiness they have to offer (in many cases)
While I am glad the men getting naked thread is doing well. I mostly created it so men would stop posting their nakedness in the clothed threads simply because they felt that being naked was sexier than clothes.
Women will often get naked in their own threads or like tnman said. In comfort of threads that women made (because they feel safer) I can count on one hand how many times I've posted a fully naked pic.
I hope that those who are more comfortable will contribute though.
Some things are better behind closed doors and in person.
I've popped in that thread enough to know that plenty of women appreciate the pictures. Myself. I have little interest in random nakedness. I can appreciate the sexiness that can come with it which is why I spend so much time in the sexy men thread. I like effort. I like it when someone takes the time to try and take a good picture. It does nothing for me for someone to just whip his pants down and snap a picture. Unlike guys (most guys) I think there are far sexier things to men than just their dick. Ask a guy to post a sexy picture and many of them will snap a picture of their dick.
No matter how many times women have posted over the years about the things they find sexy. 7out of 10 guys (I gave it a better score because some are now understanding this.) will post their dick. -But again. Effort can make a dick look good too. Give me a full body shot where he took time to take a good picture and.. Yeah!

Women have spoken up many times to say they like things like hands, and forearms, and legs and all the other body parts.

Give me someone I am interested in, close with, friends with and their dick will have more appeal to me.

I do pop in once in a while and I appreciate the vulnerability it takes for guys to put themselves out there. I am happy the thread is doing well, and I see plenty of women popping in there to appreciate it as well.

This is true. I prefer strangers to be clothed. I like well-fitting clothes on men. Give me jeans and a white t shirt and UGH!!! Such a big weakness.
I'm more of the black tee shirt guy for some reason. Seriously, I have twice as many black tee shirts as I have of any other color. Not sue why, since it objectively seems to me like enhancing my upper body would be better... I no longer have the thunder thighs I had before starting chemo, unfortunately. Women always seemed to like that I had powerful legs.