lonely housewifes taken by blackmen

hmmm. I'm male for your info.

I'm just curious for you folks out there, mostly you women, whats the intrest in black men in particular doing rape, or sweeping you off your feet type thing?

Is it a common thing in most women? Or is it really rare?

I dunno, I'm a white guy myself, though I tan nicely (inno), and I tend to feel threatened by these fantasies. Although i have nothing against people who do fantasize about it. It just erks me I suppose, can't compete with color like you can with personality, etc.

Anywho, thats my idea.
Well, I'm Back!!

I have been working on this story for Renton.

No recent responses and no emails so I guess the "Cool" must have cooled off.

Sorry about the rape scene. I don't write them usually, but it seemed the only way to strike FEAR, (I MEAN REALLY BIG FEAR) into the hearts of the women at the party.

Just to make up for it I will add a lovely twist that is sure to make you smile!!

Ready for another episode?

And Yet Again!:p