Looking for players for an online game

hey count me in.

Modern is basicly dnd in the 21 century. with players handbook and gamemaster book in one. they have other books but i cant find people to play with near me to warent geting them. I have a crap lode of DnD books so i might play a Psion or a ninja from Dragon Magazine.

Which ever I am aloud.

oh and d20 is the dice system the only other system out there is the d10 which is used for L5R.
I have every official Wizards of the Coast D&D book made for 3rd edition except for the Kingdoms of Kalmar set (which looked lame and money gouging, ANOTHER set of Core Books my butt...ugh) but including the latest Forgotten Realms book covering the ancient empires (Netheril,Imaskar,Mulhorand,Unther,Etc.). I also have all the d20 modern books. Furthermore I have the core BESM book, the BESM Beastiary, and the Authority RPG book which can function on BESM's tristat system or D20 (as per Silver Age Sentinals). If you need help with reference stuff, I can probably help.
cats said:
Some how I thought this thread was deleted. Seeing how it's not how ever, I've prepared the fallowing statment.

Ah, okay so thats what D20 is. Oh I'm not familar with alternity.

I thought people weren't interested anymore, so what ever happened to the guy who started this thread?
Star, well I first met the person some years ago, since then he has been a rare but permenat ficture on this site. He'll be back, when he gets the time and/or remembers.