Lords and Ladies of the Realm

Lady moonlight was about to produce a chair for herself, but seeing Lord Wyrmbane had already done so, descided the others didn't need to know what she was capable of just yet, and with her sweetest smile, sat down beside the handsome Lord. He tried to conceal a smirk, and she pretended she didn't notice it. With the late arival of Lord Nightwolf, and Lord Remmy, came an even stronger sense of curiosity. The Lady must have been in great need to risk bringing together a group of such powerful beeings.
"How are thine selves, Lord Remy, Lord Nightwolf?" asked Dralk calmly. A small throne appeared next to the couch, and a second later Dralk was sitting in it.
Stark Wyrmbane

"Such bravery wrapped in delicate frame.
You 'twould put many knights I've... met... to shame.
A request you've made, for tales of my lands.
An it please you, then, take hold of my hands."

The dragonlord, his appearance shimmering slightly in the arcane light, puts out his hands, palms up, to the Lady of Moonlight.
Lady Dorynan welcomed Lord Remy and Nightwolf and then began to speak.

"Centuries before today a judgement was passed down that I'm afraid could divide us all. My ancestors have been at odds with the Veliprasaries for years....as long as i can remember. Word came to me a year ago today that Rohbodahn, the leader of their klan intends to rob me of my throne here in Visilica."

"But i thought that was impossible." interjected Lord Remy

"Well, it's complicated." Lady Dorynan stood and began to pace across the green knoll. The wind suddenly picked up beneath the trees and more leaves cascaded down as she spoke. Lady Moonlight sensed something was amiss.

"Rohbodahn can only take my rule from me in one of two ways. He can try to kill me, which isn't likely because that is why i have called one of you. Or he could force me to join with him in marriage should he capture me...which i am not so sure about...i havent yet had a clear vision of what could come about. But my immediate concern is not for me, but for my legacy."

Seven-Up flitted around my ear gold dust drifting down to my shoulder and he whispered the question everyone seemed to be wondering. "Legacy?"

"But milady you aren't joined with anyone, nor do you have children...am i correct?" Lord Remy's eyes lit up with fire.
Lady Dorynan's eyes softened and stared into his eyes briefly, then lowered her head.

"Years ago there was a woman who lived in the east. Most of you would know her as the Baronness Lalaina de Ghent." she whispered...

"Ahh, the Baronness, she was a...shall we say, 'lively creature'." commented Stark

Lady Dorynan regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and surprise, but continued.

"Her true name...is Morgana..."

"Wait! Not Morgana, the one that..." asked Nightwolf surprised
Lady Moonlight confirmed him immediately. "Yes, Morgana of the 3rd Element."

"Is that why she called us here?" Stark asked skeptically

Lady Dorynan closed her eyes suddenly and a powerful wind began to envelope her. The rest of the air became still as night. The wind was very much like the fabled hurricanes. Her body seemed to elevate and turn as she came off the ground. The back of her gown began to unlace itself. Everyone watched in awe. Lady Moonlight just waited. This had been a long time in coming. Strips of cloth began to tear away from Lady Dorynans back. Day suddenly turned into night in Autumn Hall and the Lady began to illuminate like the aurora borealis and then just as suddenly as it had begun it stopped. The air was still. Lady Dorynan was harshly dropped to the ground. Lady Moonlight and Lordy Remy were at her side immediately. There emblazoned on her back was the Mark.

"So the legends are true?" Dralk confirmed

"What the hell just happened here?" Nightwolf bellowed. "I mean to know what the hell that was!!"

Everyone stood gathered aroudn what seemed like Lady Dorynan's lifeless body.

"Is she?.." Lord Remy inquired the frown on his forhead deepening.
"No, she's alright." Lady Moonlight replied "This usually takes alot out of us."
"Us?" Stark Wyrmbane turned his inquisitive eye on the Lady. "Whose us?"
"It's too much to go into all at once." She stated. "But I will tell you this. We have got to find the legacies before Rohbodahn does."

"What is that mark on her back? and for god sakes someone cover the lady up." Nightwolf articulated
Lord Remy responding immediately by pulling his long cloak off and wrapping the Lady Dorynan, who was starting to come to again, in it.
"There are six elements..." she began
"We already know about the six elements!" the previous activities had set Stark on edge and he rudely cut her off.

"Well since you seem to know so much, I'm sure you already know that Dorynan is the 2nd Element and her twin sister....MORGANA....is the 3rd."

That shut the whole crowd up momentarily. There was an eerie silence that seemed to settle upon the whole of Visilica
Moonlight looked lovingly down at Lady Dorynan.

"I guess the time as come. As much as i knew it would, i did hope in my heart it would never happen." Lady Dorynan reached up and touched her cheek fondly.

"Yes, I know." There was an understanding between them that needed no words.

Standing and stepping back from the others, Moonmight lifter her arms wide. Her body lifting off the ground, just as Lady Dorynan's had done, but instead of wind, there was fire. Her entire body became enveloped in a brilliant maze of coloured flames, burning the fabric from her back, and dropping her to the ground in a heap.
Lifting her head weekly she said,

"I am the fourth eliment." the mark clearly visable on her exposed back.

"For the love of light, what is going on here?" Lord Remmy looked quite shaken. Stark was torn between excitement and pure outrage.

"Let me see if i can get this so far. You are sisters, twins. well triplets i supose since there was three of you. Your mother was the eliment of Earth, and she died at your birth, or so the story goes, and the three of you were seperated, suposedly for all eternity. Am i right so far?"

Moonlight nodded meekly,
"yes, the story you have told so far is correct. Only a bond such as we three had could never keep us upart for long. when our powers came into being on our sixteenth birthday, we sort each other out, and came together as we should always have been. When Rohbodahn killed Morgana, it was like a piece of us was murdered along with her. But we have something he wants, something he needs, and we intend to see he never gets it." Lady Dorynan came to sit beside her sister, both understanding the others pain, and lending each other strength.

Lord Dralk removed his cloak and covered Lady Moonlight. She looked to Lord Wyrmbane, and saw a tenderness in his eyes she never expected to find.

"do you still offer me your open hands M'Lord?"
Stark Wyrmbane

"Aye, lady. That I do. Willingly, and with a free heart, I will suffer the touch of one who embodies the element I feel great kinship towards."

The sights he had just been astonished by did not change his insight into the character of the Lady Moonlight. Once more, he extends his hands.
Her heart was touched, and she accepted his hands. The touch of him gave her a warmth she had not felt in a very long time, and it frightened her a little.

"The story is not done yet. There is more, so much more." She looked to Lady Dorynan, wondering how much more she would tell, how much was necisary.

The group had settled some what, and gathered close, a new sense of destiny filling the hall.
Stark Wyrmbane

As Lady Moonlight's hands were gently held in his own, the dragon lord allowed a fraction of his power to enter her, enabling her to see a vision that few non-dragons had ever seen, and none had ever returned to tell the tale.

A vision of peaceful meadows, quiet forests, and magnificent mountains filled her mind. As she seemed to soar over the island, she could see many dragons flying through the air near her, their scales glittering beautifully in the sunlight.

A voice she could recognize as Stark's echoed within her mind. This is my land. When I first saw you, I sensed the strength of your soul, and the honor and courage within.

You are the first of your kind to be entrusted with the knowledge of the true nature of my kind. We are not at all the ravening beasts of legend. However, we allow that perception to be spread in order to keep our peace. There are those who would see us exterminated, but fear of our power keeps them in check.

I will not ask you not to abuse my trust in you, for my senses have already determined the measure of your noble soul. Whatever I can do to aid you and your sister, I will.

Slowly, the visions fade from her mind, and her senses return to the glade, no time at all seeming to have been passed. However, Stark did not let go of her hands entirely, as they were both quite pleased with the warmth found in each other's touch.
Moonlight new what a great gift had just been bestowed upon her, and she vowed in her heart never to betray his trust in her. Her hand seemed to fit so easily in his. She felt a sense of safety in his touch, and somethng in her heart told her she could trust in it. She closed her eyes for a moment, rememvering the visions he had just gifted her. She could not help but smile.
Do any of you know the legend of the Were?

I am more than I appear. I was a humble woodsman, once, a very long time ago. Then one rainy afternoon, there came a knock upon my cottage door. He was a wanderer. Soaked to the skin, I bade him come inside, before he catch his death of cold. We sat, talked, and supped. Then, just after nightfall, it happened. The rain had stopped, and unbeknownest to us, the sky had cleared. There happened to be a full moon. He underwent a gruesome transformation. Man to beast. Then, just when I thought it was over...He attacked me. Not being hungry, for I am a most gracious host, he merely bit me over and over and over again, making me what I am today, a werewolf. I stand before you, NightWolf, Lord of the Were, Soverign Lord of the Forest. My sword, the people of forest, pledged to your defense, M'Lady. Fear not, I have learned to control the beast within my breast, as have many of my people. He only comes out, when I call him, or when I am in grave danger. He doesn't attack unless I give him the order. I know it must seem stragne to you, to hear me speak of my wolven nature in this manner, but it is part of how I control it. I know nothing of what you speak. I guess that is the result of my having spent the last several hundred years wandering my dominion, staying away from people. Trying to figure out how to best serve my people. How best to serve the creatures of the forest. Now, it would seem, the affairs of man, intermingle with the affairs of the forest. From what I gather, this man is not a nice individual, is he?
Lady Siren

A woman enters her cloak covering her body and face. She glances around before removing her hood revealing beautiful auburn hair and sparkling green eyes that seem to hold a gold tint as they shine with an inner fire. She removes the rest of her cloak revealing a silver skirt just above knee length showing her long slender legs and a matching top that shows her midriff. She smiles slightly when she hears voices and heads towards the sound. She greets the lady of the house dipping in a slight curtsy "Mi'lady I am Lady Siren of the distand lands of Aralia, it is a pleasure to meet you "
Lord Remy held Lady Dorynan closely; keeping her warm and helping her regain her strength. All the while piecing together the events that had just taken place. Still trying to gain a handle on what role each person would play. It soon became clear that there would need to be a leader. It was clear that both Lady Dorynan, and Lady Moonlight held great powers within, but it was also dangerously clear they were in need of protection.

Lord Remy surveyed the others, it had become clear that everyone realized they had been summoned so as to form one unit that would battle in all forms to protect these ladies from Rohbodahn. It was also clear this would be no easy task and it was not certain any of them would survive it, but Lord Remy was certain that everyone would bravely meet the challenge.

“Are you alright?” he asked Lady Dorynan.

She drowsily responded, “I will need some rest, we all will, soon the time for battle will come, and we must be prepared.” With that everyone looked around and decided it was best to heed the advice of the Lady and the servants began to show the guests to their sleeping quarters. At first Wyrmbane looked longingly at Moonlight, then proceeded to his own quarters, knowing that now was not the time for romance, but rather reflection and meditation.
Moonlight lay awake in her bed for quite some time after bidding the others good night. So much had happened in such a short time, and revealing who and what she was put her life at risk. She had always been more than capable of taking care of her own needs in a normal day to day world, but this was difernt. Now they were faced with a force greater than any one of them had ever faced alone. She shuddered a little at the thought of Lord Rohbodahn. She had only seen the man twice in her life, but his was a preasance that was not easly forgoten. She remembered how the tempreture of a room would drop when he entered, and his eyes were more like that of a serpant than a man. Trying to shake the image from her mind, she turned her thought to Lord Wyrmbane.

Closing her eyes she could see him leaning against the window sill, stairing out into the night in deep thought. It looked like she was not the only one who would have trouble sleeping this night.
Sitting with the night watch...

As I am a creature of the night, I will help guard the keep until daybreak. Then I will call forth my army to help, if that is agreeable to the rest of you. My army is formidable, some might say invincible, but not me. Even Werebeasts die. I have 1000 loyal fighters at my command, most are of the Were, some are mundanes, who feel the need to help protect the forest. They will fight most proudly for you, M'Lady, as will I. If, this Rohbodahn, is as evil as you say, I cannot stand idly by and watch this fight. Nor can my army. They too are sworn to protect the forest, even though it may cost them their lives. I have never heard of Rohbodahn, but I will do as you command, M'Lady. I, as well as my army, are yours to command.

*kneels, his battle axe laid on the floor before him, expressing his fealty to this House*

My life, my blade, my heart, my soul, I do pledge to defend this house, M'Lady.
With the aid of Lord Remy, Lady Dorynan welcomed Lady Siren to Visilica. Aware that she had arrived during the middle of something she didn’t quite understand Lady Siren thanked her host, still curious as to why she was summoned. But she thought it best that she wait and ask her questions on the morrow. Wyrmbane took my sisters hand and led her up the stair case. “At last there is someone who she will allow near her.” Thought the Lady Dorynan. She felt sure that Stark would see that she was alright after the revealing earlier that evening. Lord Remy came to her side grasping her hand gently and she accepted the warmth and the strength there.

The pair watched as a servant led Siren to her quarters in the Winter Wing of the castle. The castle was split up into the seasons. And each of the rooms, the décor and the actual weather was reflected in each of those rooms. Quite the experience to stay in all the wings. But Autumn was Lady Dorynan’s alone. The only reason to be in that wing was if she invited you to be there. Standing on her own having gained some strength the Lady Dorynan looked around. She realized that Nightwolf was still there.

After hearing his pledge she was taken aback. He was the first to do so and it meant a great deal.

“Thank you. You can not know how it eases my heart to have you on our side and I do not know how to thank you.” Lady Dorynan moved to where Nightwolf knelt to bless him. She took his hands in hers and closed her eyes as she whispered a prayer for his and his army’s protection. “Lord Protector of the Forest, Blessings be poured out over you and those who stand with you, Nightwolf, we pray, O Lord, our prayers, and see fit to bless with the hand of your majesty this sword with which your servant desires to be girt, to the end that he may be a defender of the Realm of Visilica, of widows, of orphans, and of all those who herein lie, against the cruelty of evil heathens, and that he may be the terror and dread of his enemies, ensuring for him the performance of equitable prosecution and just defense. Amen.”

Nightwolf looked up into Lady Dorynan’s eyes and for a moment her heart felt like it was being squeezed in her chest. She gasped, eyes closed, for she felt the pain of the journey he had gone through becoming a Were. Having no other words for him she spoke steadily. “You are now family. We trust you with our lives and we are greatly indebted to you for your services. On my honor, I will find a way to repay you for these your good deeds.”

Nightwolf knew she meant every word and he was thankful and honored. “Milady, if we are as you say family, then you owe me nothing.” He stood. Nodded at Lord Remy and then bowed before Lady Dorynan before backing up several steps and turning to leave for the night watch.

Lady Dorynan stood in silence her heart sad yet grateful. There was much to do.

“Dory. You need your rest. Come let’s retire.” Lord Remy placed his hand lightly on her lower back and eased her into motion.

“Dory? You haven’t called me that for such a long time.” She said wistfully

“I haven’t been around you in such a long time. Far too long in fact.” He whispered intensely as he wrapped his arm around her waist as they ascended the stairs to her rooms.

“How long has it been?” she asked

“Twelve years, 4 months and 18 days.”

Lady Dorynan stopped in her tracks. “How do you remember that? You sound as if you’ve …”

“Been counting the days. I have. When you and your sister disappeared those many years ago, rumors flew about you being involved in witch-craft, they said the Bendith Y Mamau had snatched you in the woods, eaten by werewolves. They said some of anything.” He explained.

“Bendith Y Mamau!!” Dorynan laughed. “ Those goblins had nothing to do with our disappearance. They really thought we had been kidnapped?”

“Well what would you have had us think…you were there one moment and the next you were gone. Gone for years, with no explanation.” There was a bit of anger in his voice. “And then for years they thought Morgana had killed you both. She was the only one left you two were gone like fairy dust.”

As they entered her chambers which were always warm with a fire blazing in the corner, she immediately shed what was left of her gown…..and sat naked in front of the fireplace on the fur rug. “Drake. I am sorry I did not get to say farewell to you those many years ago. Hurting you was not intentional.” She seemed to fall into a trance watching the fire.

Drakkar Remy watched her as she lay down full across the sable fur. She seemed completely unaware that he still stood there.
Her skin simply glowed in the firelight as she lay face down . Her long black hair cascaded down her back playing hide and seek with the curves of her body.

Drakkar swallowed carefully choosing his words. “Dory, I believe I should probably leave now if there is nothing else that you need.”

Surprised she looked up at him. Her face resembling that of a child’s. Long strands of hair framed her face. “Will you not stay? I do not mean to sound like a whore, but you give me ….peace.”

He watched her closely. “Are you certain?”

“Please.” Her eyes were lowered. The truth of it was she didn’t want to be alone. There were going to be some long nights ahead…most of them filled with dread and she just wanted the comfort of being in his arms. Her child hood friend.

Drakkar began to shed his armor and stopped once he got down to his chausses. He was shirtless but he had a feeling he would need at least one layer between them. Settling down beside her, she immediately snuggled innocently into his side. So he wrapped his arm around her and held her until she fell asleep.

With the dawning of the sun, Dorynan sat in her window seat and waited for Drakkar to awake. It had been 12 years since she’d seen her child hood friend, Drake as she called him. But that was her personal name for him. No one else called him that. There he was. He’d fallen asleep during the night…and now laid in front of her fireplace in all his glory. He certainly was no longer the young child she remembered. He was a man. Full broad shoulders, long lean torso and he towered over her in height.

It was then that she started feeling a little twinge…an attraction. This feeling was so foreign to her. Never had she had the time, or the inclination toward men. She’d spent most of her life running from a man who meant to do her harm. She just hadn’t considered the possibility that she might want to run to one.

At that moment there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” Dorynan called.

“Milady, your sister requests a meeting with you, as soon as you could be ready.” Preseria one of Dorynan’s faithful servants whispered seeing the sleeping Lord Remy. She smiled knowingly to herself.

“Tell her I will only be a moment. In fact gather all our guests. I would have them join us in breaking our fast.”
The Nightwatch ends...

*I walk into the Great Hall, looking for someone to talk to of the events of last night...There were scouts...Many of them...Looking for someone or something...holds the corpse of a dead nightbird in his right hand...Finds a chair near the fire...Drags it onto the hearthstones...sits heavily upon the chair and falls into a light dreamfilled sleep*

I think I am asleep, but if this is a dream, it is so real. I can smell the smoke from the fires. I walk through a pillaged town. I am the only living thing hereabout. I see and smell death all around me. My Were sense tells me I am not alone. I wheel around to see a very tall individual, wearing black armour, black helm, black shield mounted on its' left arm. I say its' because if it was alive, I would have smelled it before I felt it. I know not who or what this thing is. It walks to me, its' right hand lifting to open the helm it wears...the visor screeches open...there is nothing there...

*I wake with a start...my hand drawing my battle axe...*

'Sblood!!!! What was that?!!?

*seeing no immediate danger, I resheathe my axe*
Moonlight had woken before the dawn. All her life she'd been drawn to rising sun, perhaps it was the fire in her nature, or perhaps it simply the beauty she found in watching the world being reborn each day, new and splendid in the warmth of a new day. She dressed in the manner to which she had become accustomed. Dark woolen leggings, an overly long purple silk shirt she had made for her by the elfin people in the mountains, pulled in at the waist by a gold cord. An adaptation of men’s clothing that made her look anything but a man. Such attire was necessary in her mountain home, skirts and gowns proving to be a dangerous hindrance in the rugged, yet beautiful terrain. Normally she would have added her sword and dagger, but today she felt no need for such defenses.

She had sent word to her sister that she needed a meeting with her, she would have gone to Dorynan’s room to watch the dawn in her company, but she could feel Lord Remmy’s presence there, so she smiled to herself and left her sister to the privacy of her chambers.

Moonlight was the first to enter the dining hall and was greeted by servants busy setting the table for the morning meal. She greeted them warmly. The servants in Dorynan’s home had always been more like friends and family than staff, and they were all more than happy to please their Lady. Moonlight gestured to one of the girls who had just completed setting out the plates.

“Gracie, may I trouble you with a favor?” Graced blushed with honor at being asked such a thing by a Lady. She was, after all, little more than a kitchen maid.

“Of course M’Lady.” She kept her eyes on the floor, a sigh of respect toward the Lady.

“First of all, look at me when I speak to you. You have such pretty eyes and it’s a waist to have them see nothing but the tiles.” She kept her voice warn and well humored, but she really did dislike the custom of servants lowering their eyes. She preferred to know what they were thinking, and their eyes reflected that.

“Secondly, could you ask cook if she would make some of those little chocolate cakes I am so fond of. I would like to share some with a friend, providing I don’t devour them all myself of course.” Gracie giggled. The knowledge the Lady Moonlight had let Lord Wyrmbane hold her hand and offer her comfort was already spread through the castle. The last man to try such a thing still supported a limp for his efforts. With a slight courtesy Gracie headed off to the kitchen, with a little more gossip to add to the already growing stories.
Hearing voices in the dining hall...

*I hear voices in the dining hall...I rise to my feet...the torn bloodless corpse of the nightbird still in my right hand...i walk into the dining hall...see Lady Moonlight...I walk to her...tossing the nightbirds' body on the table...

What make you of this? *pointing to the torn bloodless NightBird* I found this after the scouts went by. Mundane guards did not see or hear the scouts. I both heard and saw them. There were legions of them. More than I could count. It appeared that they were looking for someone or something.

Also, if I might, M'Lady, I have some questions, I think you might have the answers to.
As i came down the stair case i felt uneasy...when i hit the last stair I was suddenly paralyzed..a vision filled my head...a hand strangling someones throat...a silent scream...a black helm... a...a...child.... "Oh God!!"
I began to moan to myself....holding my stomach doubled over. My voice carried only to Lady Dorynan so I thought.In the dining hall where Lady Moonlight and Nightwolf were conversing...Lady Moonlight suddenly froze and her eyes began to illuminate to red...

"Lady, explain yourself." Nightwolf watched her warily

"Dorynan?!" she got up from the table and began to almost run out of the hall, Nightwolf followed her.

Somewhere in a chamber in Autumn Hall Lord Remy thought he heard Dorynan's voice scream for help. He sat up abruptly he was still in front of the fireplace, a quick scan of the room let him know she wasn't there. He grabbed his sword and overshirt and ran. He took the stairs two at a time. Again he heard her call for help. But he wasnt quite sure he heard it this time. "Was that my imagination?" he asked himself.

Lady Moonlight and Lord Remy found Lady Dorynan at the same time.

"What is it?!" they shouted in unison. Lady Dorynan was crouched down on the bottom step. When she opened her eyes they were glowing green the same as Lady Moonlights had been red.

"I heard you yelling for help." Realizing there was no immediate danger he sheathed the sword.

"Yelling? She didn't make a sound." Nightwolf refuted. "I didn't realize anything was wrong until Lady Moonlights eyes began glowing red....she just ran."

That made no sense to Lord Remy. He knew he had heard her.

"You saw him didn't you?" Lady Dorynans voice abruptly captured their attention. She was addressing Nightwolf.
"Dorynan what did you see?" Lady Moonlight asked.

"He saw him too. Didn't you?...the black helm...he had his hand around a child's throat...i couldnt tell if it was one of the twins."

"Twins?" both Nightwolf and Lord Remy questioned

"We must have a roundtable, now. Theres a lot to explain and we have no time...bless the saints there is no time. He is too close. We'll be leaving before nightfall." Lady Dorynan stood a sudden calm coming over her. Her concern for the twins in her care over taking her.
When everyone was seated around the table the tension could be cut with a knife.

"The time has come. I would ask that you let me speak first and then ask your questions after I am done with my explanation. Do i have your cooperation in this?" Lady Dorynan asked.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"I do not endeavor to waste anyone's time. So here is the long and short of it. If you will be with us then be with us, if you won't we will send you on your way and never think ill of you." Lady Dorynan rubbed her temples to release the tension.
"I've told you of my legacy. My sister Morgana had children before she died. Two beautiful twins. Noone knew of this because before her death we all had a vision. Lord Rohbodahn was pledged to my sister long before she knew what love was. She fell in love with another. She refused to marry Rohbodahn and he pledged to end her life." A single tear ran down her cheek as she recounted the history of their life in a moments time span. It warranted more detail than she could give it at the moment.

"He succeeded in ending her life, but not before we were able to take the children into hiding. Now he wants Me for two reasons. My sister passed the power of her lands to me, which makes me more powerful. Secondly he needs any three of us to complete a circle that will give him power."

"The children have power." Stark concluded

"Yes. But it is a different sort. Yelena, beautiful little five year old girl, has the Spirit of the Fae, she has a combined power from across the legacies of faeries. Brodhan, handsome five year old little boy has the spirit of the wizards."
"We have several things on our side. The fact that the children exist are unknown to him. Although he has some suspicion as to why we've gone into hiding as well. But it looks as if he's finally tracked us. And because he doesnt know they exist, he wont know that they have any powers to use. My mother was earth...and she is gone. My sister Morgana was Water and now she is gone. All that is left to us is Fire and Wind...for the moment. the Fae and Wizardry will not come into play for two more months...when they turn 6 they will begin to exhibit behaviors...we have to find them first."

"Well just tell us what to do. Tell us where they are." Dralk Ulanteir stated quietly as if it was the natural thing to do.

"Thats just it. What ever help you give us..we can not ask for it." Lady Moonlight explained.

"What?" Lord Remy was incrdulous. "All you have to do is ask and we'll do what we can to help you."

"We can not. It's been set down since the day this judgement was passed." Lady Dorynan reiterated.
Stark Wyrmsbane

"Very well, then, Ladies. You can not ask for our help, but you can accept that which offered freely?" With a glance into Lady Moonlight's eyes, a wordless communication which spoke volumes of trust, he spoke again, "My people cannot be bothered with wild tales of missing human brats! I, however, as I've said before, bore easily. This chase you propose amuses me. I offer my personal services. You wish the children found, and the gobshite Lord vanquished. Does your judgement allow you to tell us where the children are, or must we hunt them? A hunt would be a difficult task, at best, as we may already be too late. Another option, perhaps, is to ignore the children, and focus our efforts on slaying this upstart. Whichever course of action the group assembled here decides, I will follow. You have brought something into my millenia-long existence that I've not felt in long ages," another glance to Lady Moonlight, "and my blood courses for the chase! What say you?"

Moonlights eyes strayed little from Lord Wyrmsbane as he spoke. He was keen to be moving, and she understood that.

“I do understand your reasoning for hunting down Lord Rohbodahn, but there is more to the problem. Once the children start to show their powers, they will need to be protected and trained. Should their powers go unchecked, innocent people may come to grief. Once the children have been recovered, and are safe, there is still the question of Lady Dorynan’s and my safety. Should he capture either one of us, he would have all the power he need to take rule, and should he get either of us with child, the consequences would be unimaginable. He will need to be destroyed completely for either of us to ever have a chance of a normal life, or happiness.” There was a sadness in her eyes, and he wondered if she had even knows a moment’s peace, or happiness. She continued,

“What I suggest is splitting into two groups, one going with Lady Dorynan to the East, the other coming with me to the West. The other thing I would insist upon any would not willingly give us aid, leave now without another word said. None would think you ill for your choice, and all would bid you well.”

Every one at the table looked, almost dared, another to move, but none did.

“Very well, I would ask now for your opinions, and your freely given pledges.”

Her eyes locked with Lord Stark, his was a pledge she needed no words to hear
Although i could feel that my sister Lillian, Lady Moonlight trusted Lord Stark, I needed to hear it. His ramblings about brats and boredom worried her. She did not know what his true intentions were and she could not with ease allow her sister to run off with this man not even sure that his actions would be honorable although he'd committed no real dishonorable action up til this point. Yet and still...

"Lord Stark, I would still have your pledge, so that all of those here would know where you stand." Lady Dorynan said cooly. She just wanted to make sure her sister would be safe.