Love bra pics

Very nice ladies!

lilBBW and Sienna,

VERY nice pics there ladies!! WOW!!

rubyfruit, for some reason, when I got here the link was broken so I could not see your lovely pic. Drat!!

Rubyfruit & lilbbw

You ladies are simply delicious.

My kind of women. ;)
Ask and you shall recieve....

per your request Jack...any everyone else!
and further on that note....

It's amazing what a little flattery will get you these days....

tell do I attach more than one pic to a post? Or can I???
You look wonderful lilBBW!!!

And no, it's not possible to attach more than one picture to each post, but just keep posting a post for every picture! I'm sure not many will complain about it! :D
Re: Ask and you shall recieve....

lilBBW said:
ask and you shall receive

Hi lilBBW

OK I'm asking, how about some full length body shots, with or without clothes?
Re: Re: Ask and you shall recieve....

Glyndwr said:

Hi lilBBW

OK I'm asking, how about some full length body shots, with or without clothes?


That would be a bit scary to me.
Notice my nick...the BBW part. Im not too confident about how much of an audience there would be for that.


I want to thank you for your kind comments....... I know I have not contributed very much compared to the rest of the ladies.....

I'm a writer more than a stripper I suppose. Shy too..... thanks for bringing me out of my shell.....without a beach too.

Once again.........thankyou.
sienna and ruby

i haven't been here long, but you two are two of my favorites already.
sienna, you are so nice in your writing, you seem to have a great soul.
and ruby, well what can i say. you are just incredibly talented with your postings. suagr and spice ya know. one of the sexiest posts i've seen on this site was popsicle sucking. no nudity, just suggestion. now, that's talent.
oh and sienna...idon't know what you mean by not contributing as was a very well done photo. in every way!!!

much love to both from nyc

Thankyou again.

My partner is a photographer and they are scans of photographs that have been previously taken for my glamour portfolio. We don't posses a webcam. And thankyou for your comments on my stories. It is my ambition to become a writer one day, after my studies of course.


Re: Re: Re: Ask and you shall recieve....

lilBBW said:


That would be a bit scary to me.
Notice my nick...the BBW part. Im not too confident about how much of an audience there would be for that.



You should not be scared of such a thing, you are a woman and in my eyes all women are sexy sensual and lovely ... regardless of their size.

Just stating my opinion.

Moby :)
you should post

dont ever be ashamed of your body, it is what you have that is the physical representation of you, i think that regardless of body, if the personality is beautiful then so is the body.

In other words plz post lilbbw

I am assuming that BBW stands for one of the following: Beautiful Buxom Woman, Bodacious Boobilicious Woman, Brainy Buxom Woman..............personally, I translate BBW to mean Begin Bountiful Wanking; reason being is the effect your images have on me.....yikes.

Bottom as you feel comfortable. But I can attest that you will have at least one anxious fan....engaged in BBW

............ta ta (& hoping to see more of yours)---Alex
Re: Assumption

alexfr99 said:
I am assuming that BBW stands for one of the following: Beautiful Buxom Woman, Bodacious Boobilicious Woman, Brainy Buxom Woman..............personally, I translate BBW to mean Begin Bountiful Wanking; reason being is the effect your images have on me.....yikes.

............ta ta (& hoping to see more of yours)---Alex

A little lesson....

BBW = Big Beautiful Woman

As in not just the breasts are big. Big everywhere. I never actualy thought of my breasts as being all that big anyway! :)
Bra of the day...

Fridays Bra... ;)

Thank all of you for the kind can do much for a girls ego! I can see how this might be a wee bit addictive...

I think I need to go bra shopping....anyone want to help?? ;)
Superb lilBBW

Beautiful pics lilBBW, those really are gorgeous breasts you have. Lovely sized nipples - perfection!

I can only ask for one thing.....

Can we all see some more of these pics????
:D :D :D :D
lil BBW

ur last was the best yet!!

more please

tar heel in texas
pleeze pleeze pleeze..............

more of Friday's bra. You didn't comment, so I must ask......did you enjoy the "reaction" pic i posted?? Do tell babe....
Big is Beautiful

Don't you worry LilBBW, if the pics you have already posted are any indication, you are a beautiful lady.

On behalf of us all, more please?

Btw, I loved those nipples of yours.

loving this fRiday more than last.that's for comment on my lilBBW Inspired contribution.......?? come on.....whaddja think?