IC* Logan sat in the cockpit of his mech, surveying his current load out of weapons and his mechs state of dis-repair, frowning at the specs he was out of missles and was almost out of his machine gun ammo, the only thing that left him with was his mechs pulse lasers, which given the battle worn cougar they wouldnt last long either unless he was able to score a good contract he could make some serious cred off of, to repair and reload, he switched over to what was left of his long range scanners, having witnessed a battle and watched the lance lose most of their mechs, a thought occured to him that he may be able to join on with their lance and get off planet, after his defect from his lance to go free lance he'd realized he needed more help then he thought
sighing softly and giving off a curse he belted up in the cockpit and powered up, heading off towards the last known position of the lances drop ship he knew more then likely their scanners would pick him up before he could get within his comms short range to send a message out, the only thing he had to hope is they would see the state of his mech and not blow him up on sight, looking at his shortranged scanners for all he knew was that for now, he was in the clear and wouldnt have to battle
IC: (directed at logan) Specter: "State you business in this space or we will be forced to shoot you down Mech and all." Jacen paused for a second to give them a chance to respond hoping the comm wouldn't go down and they would be forced to shoot down the intruder.
IC* he reachs over and taps his comm, flipping a few more switchs to try and boost the signal and hope they receieve
"My name is Logan Starr, im a freelance Merc who has lost his drop ship and crew due to a clan ambush, my mech is damaged and my ammo is almost depleted, as it stands, i can offer no fight if you choose to shoot me down, ill be an easy kill, i was a witness to the battle your lance was almost destroyed in, as a warrior i wish to offer my condolenses to those you lost, i am asking to seek refuege and repair, im willing to offer myself and my mech to your services as payment for anything you may be able to help with,
im at your mercy Spector,
*to show he was serious he brings his mech to a stop and powers down what is left of his weapon systems and drops his mech to a crouch*
"You may stand at ease, Mr. Logan, I accept your proposal, power up and bring her in, I will be there to meet you." Jacen stated as he motioned for a couple of his techs to give a good 'wyn family' polish to the two newly arived mechs.
He greeted Logan Starr with a nodd. "Saw the fireworks did ya? Heheh. You say you lost your unit to a clan attack? Care to share the details?" Jacen asked, suspecting Logan was formerly one of the great houses mech jocks. "Logan Starr..." Jacen said under his breath, feeling that he had heard the name before.
Samantha awakes from her nap it wasn't very long but it was restful and rejuvenating. She sat up and was overcome with a feeling of dread something wasn't right on this ship and she had a feeling it had something to do with her. Oh well I've brought whatever it was on myself I'm sure.
IC: I found my way to the captives quarters and was imedatly disapointed. There were no gaurds, no bars, and even the door was left unlocked. I steped into the room.
"Yeah if you can call me that anymore. More like someone thats lost their freedom." Samantha said with a bit of defiance in her voice. "Who are you anyway?" Samantha flashed a quick smile happy to see at least one other female around.
IC* after docking his mech and powering down he stepped off the boarding ladder and let go a sigh, turning he met what he assumed was the commander of the unit, offering his head he answered the guys question
"my unit and i were a small band, about 3 mechs, mine, *pats he cougars metal foot* There was Leadshot in his uller, and Rod in his raven, we picked up a contract from Davion to come to this planet and take out a small clanner base about 35 clicks north of here, we arrived in system to an ambush.
we weren't able to get a read on the drop ships signature but we had to do a hot drop in, as we boarded i was first out the bay and air born, the others barely made it out before our transport ship went down, we weren't able to find any survives
*sighs and closes his eyes in memory*
we rallied the best we could and tried to find cover, we got flanked, we laid waist to the area trying to start as many fires as possible to hide the mechs heat signatures, we didn't get far,
long story short, we burned through out ammo and were left with the mechs self destruct, i was the only one that made it out, but imma get them sons of bitches back if i ever find out who betrayed us,
IC: I had my hand resting on the pistole prepared to take vengence on my first whim. 'Yeah if you can call me that anymore. More like someone thats lost their freedom.' Her voice was defiant, perhaps she did regret being here, I relaxed my fingered some 'Who are you anyway?' She smiled at me and I took two steps forward and pelted her in the face.
Samantha stepped back. "What the fuck was that for?" Her fist was ready if this girl thought she was going to sit back and take it she was wrong. "I have no Idea what that was about but If you would leave me alone I've got to win a fight for this team to get better mechs I don't even wanna think what will happen to me if I lose."
IC: "Quit trying to change the subject you damn well know you have that comming and more. And don't think for a second that I believe you give a damn about any of us here in the innersphere. Why the hell are you attacking to begin with! No Fuck that, what the hell are you doing here? Why the hell did you do it!"
"Because my asshole of an ex boyfriend told me to do it I was just following orders from someone of higher rank. Your damn right I don't give a damn about any of you right now but I don't have a choice in the matter. I've got the choice between being treated as an equal right now or a toy. Given the circumstances I like Jacen and his team alot better then that asshole that sent me on this mission."
"Well, Logan, you picked an interesting time to join our party. We are waiting for a few clanners to show up here and fight a trial of posession... They are more than likely from this base you came across." Jacen explained their situation, so Logan could make an informed dicision on weather or not he truly wished to join them. "Still want to stay aboard? If not, I fully understand, and once my men have your mech in fighting order, you may go on your way. But if you stay... I promise, you will live in interesting times." Jacen said with a smile as he recited an old oriental saying, or was it a curse.
IC: I considered pulling the gun. "Just fallowing orders, yeah that logic works well. My brother is dead, and I'll be damned if I just sit around and let you pass off the blame. Your the bitch that killed him, and the way I see it some one owes me a life and the rest of your chain of comand isn't here."
IC: "Look you can blame me all you want you can fucking beat me to a bloody tarp if you want after this is over. Hell fucking kill me if you want. It will be better then going back to that asshole Rennik. I can apologize all you want me to but the fact of the matter was I was just doing my job. What I was born to do not something i'm proud of but its all I've got for you."
IC: I pulled my pistole and pointed it at her head. I was about to do it, I was easing back on the trigger. But I couldn't do it.
"Your right, you got nothing." I put away the handgun and began to leave the room. "I'll be back the second you find something." With that I threw her a bird and walked out.
"right then, go ahead and make yourself at home, you may take room three fifteen as your personal quarters." Jacen said as he clapped Logan on the shoulder. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I may have some... Damage control to attend to..." Jacen added as he strode away. He headed to the quarters that had been Rydia's brothers first, guessing that that would be where he would find her. Then he would go to Samantha's again, to see to her as well. "Honestly, its almost like parenting..." He muttered with a sly smirk.
He came to Ensigns former quarters and pressed a button on the wall, to signal Rydia, inside.
*nodding he wondered around untill he found the room, opening it he stepped inside, looking over everything that was there he found the room to be comfortable which was a surprise, smiling to himself he layed on the bed, eventually he fell asleep as the exhaustion and stress caught up with him