Medical Conference

" Wow, you haven't dressed yet."

" I am being lazy and I was thinking you might need more."

" Yea, you may need to give me a while."

" You were so buried in me. I just shudder when you go like that."

" It's that outside being in the open."

" Will, you make it so like...I am being taken...I love it."

" I tried to hold off...."

" Don't...sometimes getting it fast just gets me! I better get dressed."
Melody took a quick shower, dried off and applied her favorite talc. She was dressed and
back in the kitchen in under twenty minutes. Will had everything in order and the rest of the
day was theirs to enjoy.
She was in the kitchen area when her phone rang, it was Irene. Her voice was a weak but audible. It
wasn't good news. Irene and her future husband had broken up! Melody thought quickly.

" Pack an overnight bag and come out here for the evening. We can talk up a plan."

" Thanks, I can be there in an hour."

" Good, see you soon."

As she set her phone down, Will spoke reassuringly. It would spoil their plans yet Will seemed very
" Sounds serious. "

" Sure sounds that way. She needs a friend."

" We can listen to her."

Will restocked the fridge with wine and pulled out steaks to defrost. He knew the girls would want to
talk which meant he would be fishing alone on Saturday evening. He hid his smiling face while fixing
baked potatoes for the grill. Irene drove in twenty minutes later. Sure enough she had an overnight bag!

The grill was near the driveway and Will had the potatoes on first. It was sunny and very warm as the
September sun had yet to give up. Will was stalling to give them time to talk. He couldn't help feeling
her boyfriend was a total jerk as he had a quick glimpse of Irene's chest. Even with her sweatshirt he
could tell.

With the grill set to low, the steaks took 30 minutes. He had taken care of a few tasks in the garage.
That made him feel perfectly set for the morning to be fishing! Once back in the kitchen Melody had
the table set and the glasses ready. It was going to be perfect. He would be on the water by 7pm.

" Well, we can start off with some chilled wine."
Irene was upset but quite coherent as she described the breakup that Larry had surprised her
with that morning. He said it was not any real problem but he was not ready for marriage. The fact he
was two years older at thirty-one, very much meant never. Irene was concerned it may
affect her appointment at the hospital. Melody was prepared with reassurance that would not
happen. They hugged and talked until Will brought in the steaks.

" This is really so nice of you, it really helps not to be at my apartment."

" Are you sure you got all your belongings?"

" Quite sure. I offered back the ring. He declined."

" More wine?"

" Sounds great."
It was after supper that Melody could see Will was watching the water. She would do the kitchen duties and
he would get some needed fishing time! Will was out the door in a flash. She and Irene finished the wine as
the table was cleared and the dishwasher was ready.

" I think we need some more wine."

" Really sounds great."

" You go in and get your tanning clothes and meet me on the porch."

" Sounds nice."

" I will have the wine ready."

Melody was out on the porch with the glasses and the wine. A quick survey of the calm waters gave
no sign of the boat. It was a full hour of bright sun left and Melody could feel the heat. Moments
later Melody was joined by Irene. She was wearing her swim top!
Will was having the very trip that he had mind, with perfect water and drift conditions. He kept three
rods, each with different lures, handy, and switched according to the depth. Most of water was twenty
feet with occasionally a drop off. He was releasing fish every five minutes as the sun gradually settled
in the western sky.
Irene sipped her wine and seemed quite perky on the porch, as she began returning to normal. Melody
allowed her proceed at her own pace. There could be a limit to how much help she might provide. As
Melody refilled their glasses Irene showed more attention to getting rays. There was a thought of what
Will might see upon his return. Irene surprised her with a personal question.

" So, was it easy to find a new life for you?"

" Mike and drifted apart. I can't say either of us was to blame. Money was never the problem."

" I thought getting my full time position would leave me set for life."

" You are set. Money is one thing. Happiness is another."

" I am moving near the hospital, I know that."

" Good, get a house if you want."

" Really! "

" Heck, yes. It will be so much better for you."
As darkness approached Will approached the dock. He sensed being back on the water early on Sunday
morning therefore he did only a marginal job wit light h the canvas. He headed across the lawn and could see
the girls on the porch. The wine was gone and it appeared that they both had enjoyed themselves. With
only dim light he had no trouble seeing Irene's swim top bulging in a special way.

Once inside Irene made her way toward the shower as Melody took a third bottle of wine from the fridge.

" So, tell me all about the fishing."

" Better yet, how is Irene faring? "

" Well, with the last bottle, she had three glasses, while I had one."

" That good!"
Will was taking only a passive interest in Irene's situation. He had always been appreciative of her
friendship with Melody as she was a true friend. Irene was one to have a small circle of close friends,
even when she was in high school. Will gave her plenty of latitude and she enjoyed his casual interest.
With Irene in the shower, they were free to talk and Melody explained the situation. It was a simple
breakup that had caught Irene off guard. Will listened politely.

" Is she accepting the idea of moving on?"

" I am sure that will be the case."

" It is for the best. Her former boyfriend has to be a fool."

" How so?"

" His wife to be would be making five times what he makes, and she is intelligent and good looking.

" And?"

" And he will be reminded of his blunder for the next twenty years!"
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Melody laughed at Will's summary of the situation and showed her appreciation for his understanding.
Having Irene overnight was helpful to her. It was what good friends do.

Irene had a good night and certainly slept well. Melody was making breakfast around nine when she
appeared. She looked rested and relaxed, which was better than when she arrived on Saturday.

" Coffee my dear?"

" Oh, Yes. Thank you. I should be the one cooking."

" Nope. You enjoy the wake up."

" Where's Will?"

" Fishing. He took off around six."

" WOW! Let's hope he gets the limit!"
It was the first lone trip on a morning all season and Will hit it perfectly. Seven bass and a wayward pike made it happen. He zoomed back toward the dock at full throttle to give the motor a workout. It was only nine and
the usual Saturday boats were just getting into gear. He had the boat secured and walked across the dew covered

" Morning folks."

" How was the fishing?"

" Seven bass. Really had a busy time."

" Swell catch."
Will was back at the perfect for breakfast. He was quick to pitch in and pour the orange juice and coffee.
Melody sat next to Irene across from Will and they had a spirited breakfast. After a second cup, Irene offered
to do the dishes. Afterwards she was off to her apartment. Melody felt the overnight had done Irene some
good. She walked her to her car. The driveway felt warm as the talked.

Once back inside Melody was very pleased with how Will had been pleasantly responsive to their interruption.
He was in the living room listening to the TV news. The rest of the day would be theirs to enjoy. She wanted
very much to make it a rewarding event.
" Got any plans?"

" Just one. "

" We could go check out the park, maybe ....

" I'll go change. We can really make it hot. I want you Will--- make it rough. Really rough."

" I'll can think of a few ideas."
Melody returned looking the same as what she was wearing at breakfast, except he was able to
notice she was not wearing a bra! Will instantly had ideas, really good ideas! They each grabbed
one of the frozen water bottles and headed out the backdoor toward the road to the park. Will
set the jogging pace and Melody easily kept up. She was talking about just the things the had
missed about the park. It reminded Will of some of a few of the great sexual rides ever!
She was excited by the quick turn in the morning plans as they neared the park. Her suggestions at
the cottage had been spontaneous and almost unintentional. It had been at least two months since
all the police activity and now the park was again attracting visitors. In fact there were a dozen cars in
the lot. Melody was relieved as Will continued the jogging pace.

" Looks to be DEC doing geese tagging."

" That many cars."

" There is a warden's truck over there. I think they are working down at the lake."

" On a Sunday? Energetic wardens."

" Yep, they really get into it. The rest are bird watchers."
The parking lot ended and they went up the paved winding walkway. Just as Will expected there
very few willing to make the climb. As a gesture of reassurance, he took Melody's hand. She was a
powerful jogger with her strong legs. The first hill slowly flattened out as the field opened up. The
picnic tables were empty! Will was delighted. His thoughts resumed to exactly how he would take
her. Her words at the cottage were " make it rough, really rough."

" Here we go. This is perfect."

" Yep, no one can see us from above."

" And we have the woods close by."
Will dragged the wooden table about five feet closer to the wooded hillside. He made several glances
and was convinced they were safe. Melody was enjoying the far off view of the lake. It took a few minutes
as they both seemed content to be back at their love nest. With her back turned Will had an opportunity to
to enjoy her summer shorts and her button-down short-sleeve blouse. It had been along time away from the

" It's really a swell park. Do you come here often?"

" In the fall I hunt geese down at the lake."

" Really. They seem so tame."

" The migration birds from Canada are the ones!"

" I see. Well, I should be getting back."

" Just more thing."

Will was momentarily speechless then came to his senses. He pulled Melody close and unbuttoned
two buttons before she made a muffled cry. He quickly spun her around and pulled her shorts to
her ankles. Her underwear were purple satin!
Melody was spun to face the table clutching the edges with her fingertips. Almost instantly her hips felt the cool air
as first her shorts, then her underwear were lowered. She had one quick glimpse of Will's cock.

" You're huge! OOOOh... no! Don't do ......AAAAAGGGHHHHHH...... Dammit, you're in me!"

" Get me hard."

" No! Never!"

" Bet you have nice tits."

" NO!"

" Let me see."
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Will made a fast surge as his hands surrounded her breast. Immediately she felt being pulled backward toward his
shaft. He was so aggressive with his thrusts. Melody held a tight grip. She could sense Will's delight at having his
firm shaft riding an unwilling conquest. Her voice was louder then necessary.

" Please, don't shoot off!

" Too late!"

" AAAggghhhhhhh! Don't FUCK Meee. "
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Will drove her forward at the precise moment that she had her orgasm! At the very moment Will
said a few lewd thoughts that were somewhat garbled. It made it seemed so real! Her body shook
with pleasure!

Slowly he released her and assisted her to her feet. No words were needed. Melody had been
rocked like so well. He reached down and pulled up her underwear and shorts. Melody's breast were
exposed as top was still open. The faint breeze cooled her nipples. She had no desire to move.
Will had enjoyed taking her but did not let her see his glee. After a brief view of the surroundings they
gradually began the trek back down the hill. It was not until they reached the parking lot that they resumed
a jogging pace. The road toward the cottage was devoid of traffic, allowing them to travel side-by-side.
Once inside the air conditioned house felt welcoming, as they headed for the shower, eagerly stripping off
clothes in the bedroom.

" You were so good at the park."
Will watched as Melody's clothes came off. He tossed off his shirt but was falling behind as her shorts
and underwear went quickly into the basket. It was however the unbuttoning of her shirt that brought
her her nipples into focus. They were swollen! He looked at them repeatedly. Will went onto his sneakers
and socks, then led her into the shower. He recalled the sex at the park as the water warmed. He had
taken firm grip on her tits, yet had he gone too hard?

Melody stepped in first, eager to get wet. Will saw her smooth bottom! He was quick to close the glass door
then secured the soap and rubbed her lower backside. He could feel his cock twitching. A fast glimpse of her
nipples and again her nipples had a definite puffy look! Will moved the soap down her legs outside before
the soft inner side, all the way up. His direct view of her pussy was nice--he missed nothing. The move up
to her swaying tits again electrified his nervous system. The heated water added to his condition. Melody took
her turn. She rubbed his shaft--the smoothness of her hand was unmistakable. He was getting rock hard! How
could he ready this fast?

" Feels so nice. I love doing this."

" I want you to get me, Will. You want me again."

" Yes!"
They stepped out and Will wrapped her in a warm towel. Melody walked softly to the mirror and brushed
her damp hair. Will soon joined her and finished with her neck and upper back. Will was very loving and
missed nothing. They walked out to the bed. It was the deep blue bedspread that she really liked. Keeping
the towel around her waist, Melody kneeled on the bed. Will walked to his side and dropped his towel.

" You were so good at the park. I enjoyed all of it."

" All of it?"

" All nine inches."
" OOO...Will, you're huge, just like at the park."

" All nine inches? You really..."

" GAWD, yes. I looked back after you had a grip on my tits and you were already huge."

" Love taking you in the park."

" Get me Will."

Melody hopped on the bed tossing the towel aside and spreading her legs. Will swooped in place.
Instantly he moved in on her nipple securing it between his teeth and tongue and
softly circling to feel the puffiness. At the same time his cock searched and found her clit,
purposely rocking on the folds then going inside! She could not hold off her soft moans. There
was no need to go slowly!

" YES!...ooooohhh"

Immediately she felt his balls rubbing her!