Hy my spelling isn't tied with Megaman if you count Arcs vote witch she didn't cast.
Okay I came up with a plot but, before I start I'd like to know if any one wants to play as Megaman. I'm going to very the plot a little bit depending on weather or not some one wants to start as megaman.
Also Hy is Bass going to be on Willy's side or on Dr. Light's side?
Let me know if you guys are still interested. As things are going now we have the fallowing roles availible and the fallowing roles filled.
Protoman: Me
Bass: Hy
Roll: Jacobo? (Not sure if you were interested or just delclareing you love of her.)
On second thought thats a lot of roles to fill and thats only the first three games. If you have a favorit villain youd like to see let me know and I'll do my best to see he's not destroyed in one post. Actully I'd like to see none of these guys destroyed in one post. But I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hey it works. Now I need to here back from Jacobo and any one who wants to play. Don't limit your self either I know when megaman 3 came out I was makeing all sorts of villains in my mind. So if you ever wanted to see spikeman or Stealthman, now is your chance.
Okay I finally made the thread. Megaman: X origins. The plot is simple Light is ageing and willy escaped some time ago. Light is testing the X design by placeing it in the built megaman but now Willy attacks while Megaman can't fight.
Bass Protoman, and any one else who want to play will be heading to LA to fight the likes of Gutsman, Hardman, Crashman, napalmman, and elecman. More villains will surely apear as the plot unfolds.
Good luck. (I don't know all that much about the latter megaman games, either.) I know Willy is the bad Dr. and Light is the good one. I know Rush, Roll, Megaman, Protoman, and.... okay thats all I can think of off the top of my head.
Well, maybe I won't reasearch it then. Maybe I'll go on a quest to find the thread as it seems whenever I know what I'm looking for I never find it. Instead, I find everything else in the world.