Molly Stacks the Odds (closed for teazme)


Nov 11, 2024
The fast speed boat bounced in the waves as the shoreline of the mainland peninsula faded behind them, and the knob of the island appeared in front. They sat quietly, Jacob absently gazing out over the sea in the sun, not actually observing, but contemplating, the plan for the days ahead revolving in his mind, he would have to stay sharp and alert.

Always honest to himself, at least in his professional life, Jacob realized that he probably didn’t have the best of chances. Both Miriam and Pedro were probably favoriting ahead of him, but The Company had invited him here, they wouldn’t have done that if he was not a prospect, and moreover, among the handful other contenders that would also be there, Jacob believed that he was the best. If he could find a way to shine, the job could still end up his.

It was all about a top executive position, the prospect of an exciting life of travel, luxury and sophistication, with salaries and expense accounts to match. Over the next few days came the tests and tribulations. He would be doing a mock presentation of a fictional product he’d imagined up in preparations, there’d be evaluations of psyche, IQ, creativity, and a million other forms and factors affecting his future work, there would be interviews with experts and consultants and the board of directors, and in the evenings, there would be socialites, fun and charades for all attendees, the experts, the staff, the board, and the contenders, the ones that had one with their better half to make them look as good as possible.

Jacob glanced over at his wife sitting next to him, holding his hand lightly. She was looking the other way, out over the horizon where blue sky met bluer water, mesmerized by the rolling waves of the boat. An asset, Jacob thought, allowing his gaze to scan her curves, pretty and seductive in her light summer dress and big sunglasses. Looking around at the other passengers, there were admittedly other charms as well, but in contrast to the odds of the overall competition for the job, he banked that his plus one was the cut of the crop, the most charmingly presentable, and someone that it would only serve him well to have mingle with the crowd, make fine impressions on stakeholders with important decisive powers.

He snapped out of it as the boat decelerated, the coastline and the pier before the luxurious waterfront resort grew big before them, and they docked. The coastline staff ready and waiting, roping them in and securing a landing bridge in no time, over which they all disembarked before being greeted by a host on the wooden landing beyond.

“Greetings, travelers! I am Emmanuel!” Exclaimed to immaculately clad black man in a white suit and shirt, extending his hands and grinning widely, “Welcome to Fantasy Island Resort, an island with all amenities of the highest quality in the world is but a snap of fingers away. We know that you have important tasks on your schedules for the following days, and for those, as well as for leisure time, especially so for spouses, please, do not hesitate to alert any and all staff to your needs at any time you may require!” Pausing a second to allow everyone to take the scenery in, wide stone steps leading up to the big, terraced building beyond, Emmanuel continued, “The reception is in the main hall at five, in two hours. Now, we will lead you all to your rooms, where you can prepare for the evening.”

A man in a server’s uniform approached them, “Mr and Mrs Jacob? Please follow me.” And with that, they started after him up the steps.
Molly watched as the boat raced across the water. She felt Jacob watching her and assessing how she would do this weekend. He was nervous and she had done everything she could to help him prepare. She listened to him practice his speech and gave improvements, she reviewed his materials for editing errors. She knew he could be great, but she also knew she could help.

Jacob had been with the company for 7 years now and that meant 7 years for Molly to get to know the board, HR and everyone who mattered. Molly was a woman who other women hate. At 5'6" and a natural blonde who was blessed with a slender waist and large breasts, most women hated her. She knew she was lucky and worked hard to maintain her body.

Molly sees them pulling up to the island and nods her head to Jacob, she was ready to use her 7 years of knowledge of this company for Jacob's advantage. She knew all the people making the decision were older men who thought women should just be in the kitchen. She also knew most of their wives no longer put out.

Molly listened to the greeting and smiled as they were lead to their suite. Molly stopped to chat with Mr. Robinson, Jacob's potential new boss. She smiled and gave him a big hug, "it is so good to see you Mr. Robinson." She pushed her firm tits against him just a little longer than necessary before letting go, "we will see you at the reception later." Molly ran to catch up with Jacob to see the room.
Unaware of how Molly’s big round breasts pressed up against the gentleman, and of how Mr. Robinson’s fingers dug into her skin through the light fabric of her dress just below the hipline at the curve of her butt when receiving the hug, Jacob smiled to himself looking back at the over his shoulder. Mr. Robinson is one of the many powerful and enabled men around the estate, Jacob thought, and my wife is representing her best already. He took her hand gently when she returned from the brief chat, and they followed the piccolo, taking in the environment as they walked up the stairs and through the grand main building.

Their room was on the first floor, in a semi attached wing stretching out from the core mansion, one of several that extended in a star pattern, gardens and recreational grounds on the fields between them, terraces cleverly angled outward, to allow full privacy of each unit. Theirs was an outer corner one, the door swung open onto a big open space, windowed from floor to ceiling along two long outer walls, one of them a sliding glass door that led onto the spacious and sunlit terrace. It was a central seating group with a couch and two recliners, and to the side of the room but attached from any wall, was the huge bed, on a big, round fluffy carpet. Opening the door to the bathroom revealed another large and luxurious space, mirrored, dark big tiles, dimmed lights, and ample room for both a grand oversized bathtub and a walk-in shower, separated from it by a wall of tinted glass.

“If there would be anything at all, please, do not hesitate to call, I am Julian!” Said the piccolo bowing and retreating out the door after a substantial tip from Jacob, who nodded, closed the door, and turned to his wife, a big grin on his face. “Well, it seems I can rest assured you will be comfortable while I work,” he started, then “and I think the opportunity for leisure and adventure are both ample around the estate.” He had opened the door and moved onto the terrace, turning his head to her, “I can see the pool right over there,” pointing in one direction, “and over there is one of the holes of the golf court, by those lush woods. Apparently, there’s a maze in those woods, beautiful walkways of green, and many hidden courts with fountains and statues within.” He came back inside, stroked her side lovingly while looking around the room. “Look, there’s a door on the wall, it’s probably one of those attached suites, it must be opened from both sides for anyone to pass through.” Jacob walked up to it, touched the handle, “I wonder who lives on the other side.”.

Agreeing that two hours was not much to get ready for the reception, they decided that Jacob would shower first, given that Molly had more to unpack before wanting to do so. Jacob was just unbuttoning his shirt when his phone beeped. It was the unique sound he had set for the event notification app, and he promptly unlocked it and read it thoroughly. “It seems the competition is already on.” He said to Molly, “Listen to this; ‘Meet PoC at stables ETA 5 minutes, it is time for a ride – Game Master’” Buttoning his shirt back up, he smiled again, looked at his wife, “Well, it seems I need to find the stables promptly.” Hugging her, a hand on her shoulder, then turning, rushing out the door, looking at her over his shoulder, “I have no idea what or how long this is, you go to the reception and do what pleases you, honey, and wish me luck!” With that he was away, after blowing her a kiss.


In the secluded library bar downstairs, behind currently closed big wooden doors, down the hall from the reception, Mr. Robinson put his phone down on the wooden table between the two big leather recliners, looked at Mr. Anderson, the company’s chief financial officer, and smiled. “It’s great this app!” He started, laughing a little, “I think poor Jacob will have his hand full on excursions the next few days, that Molly, wow, phew! She’ll be in demand, don’t you think?”.

Mr. Anderson nodded, returning the laugh, “For sure, I was all envy eyed when I saw her brush herself up on you like that earlier, wow, yes, she is a delightful kitten!” The two men toasted and sipped their aged whiskeys. “I think there will be more opportunities at that,” Mr. Robinson responded, licking his lips, “I think Molly understands the game and plays it well. We’ll see how she responds to what comes next, won’t we?”. Again Mr. Anderson nodded and smiled.


And sure enough, back upstairs, as Molly was alone and the two gentlemen in the bar had their talk, there was a knock on her room door, and before she had even turned to it, a golden envelope was slid in underneath. It was elaborate, a string wire to open it, in front her name Molly was indented in the thick paper, nothing else. Inside was a card, ordained and elaborate, on it said only this: ‘Ticket to drinks in the Library, from now to reception, Welcome’
Walking into the room Molly was floored at how spectacular the room was. Molly could imagine all sorts of relaxation and other "activities" in this room. She looked out on the terrace and saw the grounds and got excited for the week on the island. She planned to get some sun, spend time with Jacob's coworkers and future bosses, and enjoy herself.

Molly grinned at her husband's enthusiasm for the competition. She looked at him, "yes go find the stables promptly. Make sure you take your phone and a pen, make sure you are prepared for every possibility." Her husband truly was the example off blind loyalty to his job. He was dedicated to the company and would do anything to make sure it succeeded.

Once Jacob left she finished unpacking she heard the knock on the door. She turned and saw the envelope under the door and walked to pick it up. Intrigued she guessed it was for the spouses of the candidates. Immediately she knew she wanted to look her best so she showered and picked out a little cocktail dress.

She decided to make a bold statement and picked a little black dress that came to about mid thigh. It also had a draped front so Molly didn't wear a bra and as the bottom was skin tight no panties were possible. She paired it with a pair of red stilettos and did her make up elegantly. She decided to put her hair up in a high ponytail and grabbed her little purse.

One quick look before she left and Molly smiled. The other spouses didn't stand a chance against Molly. Her perky full tits made the dress just an invitation to explore and the heels made her legs seem even longer than normal. Molly was hot and she knew it. She grabbed the invitation and headed out the door.

Molly walked and found the library in a quiet corner of the resort, away from most of the conference areas for the company. Molly found it odd but whatever, she knocked on the door and waited to be told to enter.
Mr. Robinson’s eyebrow rose at the knock. He gestured to the piccolo lingering by the bar, who nodded, and the door was soon opened to Molly, the piccolo ushering her in with a polite bow. The door shut behind them, as he gestured towards the two gentlemen, seated in the large leather chairs deep in the room. Being a library, the room was draped with ceiling high bookshelves, extending to a long dark bar with stools, there was a purple fabric pool table, and various comfortable seating groups dotting the ample space. The two men smiled gallantly at her, rose, and came out to meet her, Mr. Robinson leaning in to kiss her on the cheek, Mr. Anderson, whom she had not met, took her delicate hand in his strong one, bent in to kiss it, “Enchante!”.

Drawing in close, both men lay hands on her. Like Mr. Robinson had done at her arrival on the pier, Mr. Anderson’s palm found the curve of her hip, giving it a gentle squeeze, fingers lingering just a bit longer, just a bit lower on the curve of her buttock, than what would probably be acceptable in public. Mr. Robinson, on the other side of her, found the sway of the slim thigh, caressed up along it, until his fingers lingered under the weight of her one large breast. Like on the pier before, her bosom pushed against his frame. This time, he pushed back against her and gave her lower tit a gentle rub with his hand.

The two men straightened themselves before her, their eyes scanning her deliciously tempting body, tall and long legged in her heels, perfectly curved and slim, with her big breasts heaving under the skintight dress. Mr. Robinson bit his lip, and Mr. Anderson spoke, “Hi Molly! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I am Mr. Anderson. My colleague here has told me so many great things about you!”. Reaching out and each holding one of her hands, they led her between themselves back towards the seating group. Mr. Anderson continued, “We are so glad you’re here to support Jacob in his endeavors, your man really is a uniquely talented individual, already proven by him getting this far, of course.”

Gallantly lowering her down and seating her comfortably in one of the leather chairs, the men remained standing before her. They were looking down at her delicate frame, the soft skin of her slender thighs disappearing in under the very short dress, knees slightly parted, bent and lifted high as her heels were level on the floor. “What will you be drinking, Molly?” Mr. Robinson spoke, and after hearing her answer, he turned to the piccolo, who promptly brought her drink over, and topped up the two glasses of Whiskey, leaving the bottle. Mr. Robinson then dismissed him, and the piccolo left, the door to the library clicking shut behind him. Again, Mr. Robinson’s eyes returned to Molly.

“As you know,” he started, “or may understand, it’s not only Jacob that is up for evaluation this week. Everything is tied together, we are a culture at the company, and you, with him and just as much by yourself, is just as important in the grand scheme of things, as is his undeniable skills and loyalty.” Mr. Robinson paused, sipped his drink, shifted his frame a little, stood broader legged, Molly was unsure if she was imagining it or if a bulge just throbbed under his double-knit black suit pants. Mr. Anderson took up the thread from Mr. Robinson, “It’s about representation, to be sure!” he smiled, “Like when Jacob is busy, and you need to show a client a good time. Or on travel, there will be a lot of travel, at the minglers, showing yourself and Jacob from your best sides. And at the afterparties, of course. That will maybe often be about showing yourself from your best sides. You know, partners and executives do like the pleasure of beautiful women after a hard day work and a harder evening networking…” He trailed out, his smile turning to a crooked grin. His hand reached out and caressed the line of Molly’s jaw, a finger teasingly rising to her lower lip. Now Molly certainly saw a bulge on Mr. Robinson’s pants, there was no denying.

“So, what about you, Molly?” Mr. Robinson spoke again, “Are you a dedicated team player? We offer an exciting life of adventure and luxury, after all, your potential is obvious,” his hand extended and cupped under her big tit, gave it a squeeze, a bit firmer than before, “but is the will and the talent there?” The two men took a step closer, loomed over her, she could see their strong suit clad bodies heave as their breathing got deeper. “These trials start now, the first is arguably the most important, as it will set the stage for the week. Now, Molly, why don’t you show us some highlights of your abilities to entertain on behalf of the company!”
Molly tentatively walked into the library, surprised she was the first spouse there. She knew Mr. Robinson and by the way he carried himself the other gentleman was also a powerful executive in the company. She felt the two men's eyes slowly asses her body, like they were trying to imagine what her body looked like underneath the dress. She softly smiled, "am I the first to arrive to this event?" She blushed as Mr. Anderson introduced himself and kissed her hand, "such gallant gentlemen." She felt the two men cop feels of her large breasts, and smiled softly, to not give away what she was learning.

She looked up coyly at Mr. Robinson as he asked what she was drinking. "I would like what you are having Sir," Molly replied in a breathy voice. She watched as the hotel porter left the room and she looked up at the two strong executives. She knew they were two of the ones who held Jacob's fate in their hands. She listens carefully as they start talking about company culture and what may also be expected of her. She smiles up at the two distinguished gentlemen, "I am always willing to support Jacob however I can. His loyalty to this company is unmatched. Molly opened her mouth as Mr. Anderson slid his finger along her lower lip and softly stuck out her tongue to tempt his finger into her mouth.

Molly looked up and grinned, "I am always willing and I have never had any complaints about being a team player." Molly leaned forward so the dress top hung down a little bit more, giving the two gentlemen better views of her cleavage. She smiles up at them even though they are staring down her dress. Molly continues, "I am always adaptable to the change in environments." Molly pauses and stands, "like this library is quite warm is it not?" Molly slowly stands and slides the two shoulder straps holding her dress up down and her entire dress falls to the floor, leaving her only in a pair of stilettos.

Molly smiles at the two gentleman, "I am well versed in conversational topics that apply to both men and women." Molly picks up a hand from each gentleman and places it on one breast each. Molly grins as she continues her speech, "I enjoy meeting new people as well as building strong bonds between existing acquaintances. Molly slides her hands down the front of the men's trousers and starts to massage their cocks outside their pants, "a hidden secret I have is that Jacob met me in a strip club, where I was very popular stripper. Now why don't you two distinguished men sit in those two chairs and let me show you why I was able to demand $1000 per private dance."
The two men’s cocks throbbed and hardened under the rhythmic massage of Molly’s nimble fingers, both pressed themselves up against her, mirroring her moves so she got a good feel of both their full girths, currently bulging under the pants down their thighs. His hand finally fully on her big round tit, Mr. Robinson closed his eyes and groaned into a satisfactory sigh. Beside him, Mr. Anderson was pinching her nipple, pulling on it, making it stiffen between his fingers, while he bit his lip. “Those are very compelling arguments, Molly.” He said, with reference to what she had been saying about her abilities, but just as much about her divine pair of tits, round like melons, firm and standing straight out and up.

Almost as tall as the men when standing in her heels, the men hungrily eyed her naked body, her slim waist and long legs, the little partition between her thighs, the slit that led to her clit and her apparently quite slutty pussy. Mr. Anderson twitched and moaned, thinking about Molly’s pussy, thinking about how he would stick his cock into it, wondering if he would be doing it first, or if Mr. Robinson would have it before him, Mr. Robinson knew her already after all.

Allowing her to guide them back to the chairs, her hands on their cocks, the two men grinned and nodded, “Ok, Molly, we will play…” Mr. Robinson winked as he found his seat next to Mr. Anderson, “And tell you what, if we’re happy, we’ll add $1000 to Jacob’s salary, each, permanently.”. Hand on his cotch, massaging his growing shaft Mr. Anderson chimed in, “Yes, Molly, and as CFO I’ll add another $1000 for every board member that is verifiably happy after experiencing your routine, how does that sound as motivation?”

And then the two men leant back comfortably, rubbing their cocks under their pants, eyes on her, their prey. They were letting her run the show for now, but both men knew that the roles would be reversed, and that before the reception, they’d be having their way with her.
Molly moaned softly as she felt the two men play with her breasts. She has always loved having her tits played with. She smiles at the two men thinking, "I am going to blow their mind."

Molly stood before the two men in just her heels, her tits firn and proudly on display. She grins and slowly starts to sway her hips back and forth before strutting over to Mr. Robinson. She turns her back to him and softly grinds against his hard cock. As she lowers and grinds harder she reaches around and brings his hands to her tits, "play with my titties Sir."

Molly lets him play for a little while before she moves over to Mr. Anderson and gives him the same treatment. Molly then stands and walks back to her chair which is across from the two men. She puts a leg over each of the arms, showing off her already slick pussy.

She smiles at the men, "ready for the next act?" Molly starts to play and pinch her own nipples, using them to lift her heavy tits. She takes one finger and sucks on it, practically giving it a blow job before she slides that one finger down to her pleasure button. She looks at the two men and starts to circle her clit, moaning, "oh my slutty pussy needs something inside her. Do either of you have something to help her?"
Breathing heavily as she rubs herself on one of the men, then the other, while they passionately grab and massage her big tits, swerve their hips under her, making her feel the growing cocks, pressing up on her wet pussy through the still buttoned up pants, Molly’s juices leaving wet stains on the two men’s crotches. By the time she is in the chair spreading wide and invitingly to them, both men have unbuttoned and are holding their hard shafts in their hands, pulling back on them, both cock heads glistering with drops of pre-cum.

The men raise from the chairs, slowly pass the short steps over to her, again looming over Molly, heels high in the air, legs parted, playing with her pussy and begging the men to treat it good. They smile, erections bobbing long and thick by her face.

Mr. Robinson reaches out first, taking her by her ponytail and turning her face towards him, holding around the root of his cock. Then, with a firm grasp of her, he presses forward, and his cock push in between her lips and into her mouth. “There,” he moans, as he starts to stroke slowly in and out of her, “I think you have many holes that needs filling, don’t you, Molly-slut?” He mouth-fucks her a bit harder, deeper, then, on a push inside, he holds, waits, until he feels her staring to gag a little, and releases her.

Saliva drips from Mr. Robinson’s cock, hangs in a string from her lip as he pulls out of her. She only gets a moment of rest, though, because now it’s Mr. Anderson’s turn, from the other side, her face is turned by the two men, and another big cock slides into her mouth and starts to fuck her. Mr. Robinson’s cock is the longest. Mr. Anderson’s thicker.

The two men continue taking turns fucking her mouth, playing with her tits, pulling her nipples, while pushing into her mouth. Big hard shafts still bulging and growing inside her warm, wet, soft hole. Then, as Mr. Anderson is inside her, Mr. Robinson kneels between her legs, lifts her knees onto his shoulders and pulls her close. His cock seethes in between her running wet pussy lips, he presses onto her teasingly. “This here slutty pussy? Does it need cock, perhaps?”
Molly licks her lips as she watches the two men stroke their cocks. Molly moans around Mr. Robinson's cock, and sucks the tip. She feels him thrust down her throat and hold and she rolls her eyes up and him and holds as best she can before she gags.

Molly whimpers as Mr. Anderson's wide cock stretches her mouth. As best she can she goes back and forth between the two. Whomever isn't in her mouth Molly strokes and massages. Molly smiles at Mr. Robinson while she has his cock in her mouth and she withdraws to softly and very gently take his balls into her mouth. She very softly suckles and strokes his cock before turning to Mr. Anderson and doing the same.

She feels Mr. Robinson's long cock and thrusts her pussy up, "yes she needs your cock Sir." Molly pushes her hips up, silently begging while she goes back to suck Mr. Anderson's cock. She takes her hands to fondle and massage his balls.

Molly whimpers, "I am begging, please fuck my sluttt pussy."
Rising high on his knees between her parted thighs, Mr. Robinson's one hand slides in under her soft butt, heaves her forward on the chair, her pussy unfolding, glistering before him. His other hand is around the root of his cock, now a huge rod of hard rock, and, bending it down and forward, there is a slapping pop as his big swollen head pushes in between her pussy lips. Steadying her with both hands firmly digging into the skin of her hips, Mr. Robinson arches backward, eyes rolling and lips dropping, looking up at Mr. Anderson, hand around Molly's neck, pushing his cock into her mouth, as his own cock presses deep into her tight, but running wet and willingly horney pussy.

And then the men starts fucking her in her pussy and her mouth, hard, deep, rhytmical, one long hard shaft filling one hole, another pulling out of the other, then slamming back in. Ravaging her.
Molly moans around Mr. Anderson's cock as she feels Mr. Robinson slide his cock inside of her, "yes fuck my slutty pussy." Molly squeezes around Mr. Robinson and sucks on Mr. Anderson's cock. As the men start to set a tempo Molly lets herself go to be a ragdoll for the two men. Molly can feel Mr. Robinson rubbing against her clit and it is driving her closer to coming, "Please Sirs may I cum?" Molly moans as she gets closer. Mr. Anderson looks down at Molly, "No cumming for you tonight until we give you permission." Mr. Anderson looks at Mr. Robinson, "I need to have that cunt."

Mr. Anderson smiles wickedly at Molly, "get on all fours slut." Molly quickly moves off the chair and gets on all fours. She looks behind her as she feels a slap on her ass from Mr. Anderson, "always been an ass man, and yours jiggles so nicely." Molly looks up at Mr. Robinson, "please Sir may I suck on your cock?" Molly drools slightly over Mr. Robinson's cock, "your cock looks soo yummy Sir."

Mr. Anderson slams into Molly's pussy in one hard thrust. Mr. Anderson groans, "oh this pussy yes." Molly squeezes around him and he yells out" oh fuck yes do it again." Molly squeezes around him and starts to meet his thrusts. She feels Mr. Robinson slide into her mouth and she moves back and forth between the two, slurping one cock while squeezing on the other. Molly moans from between the two men, "please use me please."

Molly looks up at Mr. Robinson and makes eye contact as she slurps his cock all the way back down her throat, her nose buried in his crotch. She pulls off and bites her lip, "please Sir feed me your cum." Molly takes his cock all the way back down and gulps around his cock, her throat massaging his cock head. Molly can feel her orgasm again as it gets closer, "I am going to cum Sirs."
Feeling her orgasm approaching, Molly’s pussy contracting around one hard cock, her lips shivering and her tongue lapping on the other, the two men took firm hold of her, Mr. Robinson her tits in his strong hands, squeezing them, Mr. Anderson grabbing her buttocks tight and pulling her open. They fucked her harder, deeper, faster, wagging her like a ragdoll between them as the cocks rammed into her, slapping wet sounds mixing with those of her deep moans and whines, and the groans of the two pumping men.

Then, just as she climaxed, the men pushed deep into her, filled her throat and pussy with meaty cock to their roots, and they held her there, impaled on their shafts while she shook uncontrollably. Molly came in wave after wave until she gagged and whimpered, and the men let her go, pulled out of her as she gasped for breath, thighs glistering from her juices that was flooding out of her pulsating pussy, saliva dripping from her lips as she panted and moaned. She slid down on the floor, rolled around, and lay on her back, coiling and heaving for air.

The two men weren’t done, however, and now they both kneeled by the sides of her face. Holding their cocks in one hand, grabbing around her head with the other, they started to rotate her face from side to side, taking turns fucking her mouth deep and hard, the one not fucking her slapping their cocks on her face and tits while her mouth got filled. Not long after the men too started to shiver and shake, cocks bobbing and throbbing hard, drips of precum on her lips as they both pulled out of her.

They held her body firmly to the floor between them, started to jerk themselves off, aiming their cocks at her face. And then they came, simultaneously, big loads of warm sticky sperm hit her in her face, in her mouth, on her tits, covered her in salty fluids and the two men growled and moaned as they unloaded onto their fuck-slut.

Slowly, the men rose, buttoned their pants, leaving her to squirm on the floor. Mr. Robinson looked at his watch. “Right on time, Molly, cum-slut,” he started, looking at her as he tightened his belt, “30 minutes to rinse off and dress up before the reception. The trials continue, and there you will have competition.”
Molly rolled onto the floor and her body continued to convulse through her orgasm while she tried to catch her breath. She felt the men on either side of her and gripping her head. She opened her mouth as they took turns fucking her mouth. She slobbered on their cocks and smiled at them in a lust induced haze. Molly opened her mouth wide as they aimed their cocks at her. Molly swallowed the cum that landed in her mouth.

She felt the men calm down and stand up. She smiled at them, "I have no competition." She rubbed the men's cum into her face and breasts, "do you like knowing your cum slut will show up the party wearing your cum?" Molly put her dress back on and went back to her hotel room. She put a wicked smile on her face. She didn't wash the cum off her, she just freshened up a little bit. She reapplied her lipstick in a bolder red.

Molly went to the in the bedroom and opened her suit case. She pulled out the nipple clamps that she and her husband brought. They were lovely and connected with a chain. Molly put on the nipple clamps and wrapped the chain around her neck so it looked like a necklace, but had the added perk of lifting her tits up nice and high. Molly put on a higher pairs of heels and no panties. She knew she looked hot, almost like a hooker, but she knew the men in the party would like it.

Molly walked to the reception and smiled. She immediately saw Mr. Anderson and Mr. Robinson talking to the CEO of the company. She walked over, "gentlemen so good to see you. Molly leaned in and gave Mr. Anderson a hug, "I don't have any panties on to catch my juices from leaking out my pussy." She then gave Mr. Robinson a hug and whispered, "I still have your cum drying on my body." She stepped back and shook the hand of the CEO, "Nice to meet you, my name is Molly, my husband is Jacob. I am here to support him and help him in every way I can."
The two men that had so recently fucked her and cum all over her took a step back as the CEO turned towards Molly, pleasantly intrigued with a broad smile, “Ah! That is so nice to hear, and such a valuable contribution!” he took her hand and held it, followed with his other hand on top of hers, squeezed it and caressed her slender wrist while his eyes scanned her curves, stopping at her tits, gravity defying standing up against him, prominent cleavage in the cleft of her minimal and tight dress. “We are a team after all, a community, a culture!” the CEO continued in his CEO manner, “All our staff are reliant on their better halves, as they are of our staff, of course, it’s a symbiosis!” He stood for a while, keeping hold of her hand in his, then, “Jacob, huh? I cannot say that I can conjure him to mind. But he must be talented, your husband, having made it to this cut of the crop. Good work landing him, Molly! It says a lot about you! I bet you treasure the opportunity. If he is given the position, it will change your life, I believe.”

The CEO glanced over his shoulder and made a nodding gesture, to which a woman, the stereotypical sexy secretary stepped forth from the shadows. She was tall, well-defined cheeks and full lips, her amber hair set in a tight knot on top of her head, red rimmed glasses lining her big green eyes. She was dressed in a super tight pencil skirt over heels and silk stockings. Above that, she wore a tightly tucked in white blouse, buttoned down over her big round breasts showing almost as much cleavage as Molly did. “Please check up on this Jacob for me, will you Esmeralda?” the CEO said, to which she nodded, picked up a Dictaphone verbalizing “Pull file, applicant, Jacob” into it while drawing back to where she had come, amazingly making herself invisible.

“You can call me Armand,” the CEO’s attention returned to Molly, “I am so looking forward to getting to know you better this week, and perhaps, if everyone plays their parts, in the years to come with Jacob as a trusted colleague, and you, pretty backstage and behind him and the company’s needs all the way.” Giving her hand another tight squeeze and her a gallant bow, the CEO turned and entered the banquet hall. The reception was about to begin.

Entering, Molly saw that most of the applicants where there, she didn’t know them all, but many were co-workers with Jacob, and she had a fair count of the competition. One or two were missing, and their wives there alone, otherwise it was a full house. So, as it would appear, not all the applicants were invited to this riding exercise. There were a handful of applicants and their spouses, and a couple of more single wives in addition to herself. Then there the board and senior management, about 12 people, all conspicuously spouse free, and another handful, constituting external consultants and evaluators, probably psychologists, lawyers, doctors and other experts on HR and management. So, the room was filled with somewhere between 30 and 40 people. Armand was on the small stage. Tapping the microphone, he cleared his throat, “Welcome, partners, colleagues, candidates, family…” he started, and then he went around the same cycle as he had just with Molly, about everyone’s importance to a thriving company culture and a thriving future, this time only using more words. Fortunately, Armand was not the worst of prolonged speakers, and before long he was done, to the jolly applause of the audience, especially from the candidates and the management.

Armand stepped off the stage and moved in Molly’s general direction. Before she could move to intercept him, though, a woman that had been in Molly’s blindsight thus far, rushed in from the side and grabbed Armand around his wrist, turned him towards her, away from Molly.

She was tall and slender, in heels like Molly, with very similar curves and big, round tits. Her hair was almost black, straight bangs and a straight cut line at her shoulders and around her head, framing her slender face, dark shaded nut-brown eyes and deep red lips painted full. She wore a short and skintight strapless white dress, and she carried herself spotlessly. Wiggling her hips back and forth coyly, Molly could just make out her words to Armand from behind his back, “Oh, Mr. CEO, sir, Mr. Armand, is that not right? I’m Emmy, and I admire the company and what you do so, so much, and I have been looking for you! You see, my Paulo, Paulo, you know Paulo? He’s one of your most gifted applicants. Paulo. He is my husband, of course. But he works a lot, Paulo, sometimes I think of him as more of a boyfriend, you know, Mr. CEO, Armand, sir? More like when he has time for me. He has been taken out riding, you see, and while he was, well, I was thinking I’d be getting more involved in the do’s of the company, right? Community, you called it, family, right? I mean, not like physical family, that would be weird, but more like very, very close, you know? I’m dedicated, I want to get really close. And then I was thinking to myself, why not get really close to Armand first? You have all the overview and all the power, am I right?”

From behind a voice whispered in her ear, “There’s your competition…” It was Mr. Robinson, raising his glass to her in a toast while they both eyed Emmy hit on Armand…
Molly turned to look at Mr. Robinson with a gleam in her eyes, "well then it is a good thing I have you on my side." Molly smiled as she pulled Mr. Robinson and nodded at Mr. Anderson to join them, "please follow me." Molly pulled up the group, "Armand, I know you mentioned wanting to check out the library earlier. I wanted to come over and show you the way there so you didn't get lost. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Anderson showed me the library earlier and we had a wonderful time exploring. I dare say they would both love to join us on a tour." Molly looks at Emmy, "I am so sorry Dear, we had this arranged earlier or else I would invite you."

Molly takes Armand's hand and gently leads him, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Anderson towards the exit. She smiles as the three top gentleman follow her out and towards the library. She opens the door and leads them in, "tell me gentleman, which delightful book shall we look for in this massive library." Molly took the lead and pushed the three men toward the circle of plush chairs in the middle of the room. She has no shame and doesn't not care if she gets seen. She looks at the three gentleman, "I suggest we explore the delightful tale of three powerful men and the many uses they find for a pathetic little cumslut."

Molly removes her dress and stands before the men in just her high stiletto heels and nipple clamps. She goes to sit on Armand's lap, "go ahead Master, touch my titties, use my body for whatever depraved desires you have." Molly moves her hand to stroke Armand over his suit pants. Molly smiles at Armand and the other two gentleman, "make me airtight Master."

Molly looks over all of them, "I am willing to do whatever and whomever this company wants to see my husband succeed. I will let you pierce my nipples, tattoo me with a tattoo that says property of the company's name. I will be the office cumslut, if you want." Molly grins, "I will make the other wives submit to me, and build you a company harem. Just promote my husband."
And so it was that the three men ravaged and fucked Molly senseless in the library. Even if it started out innocently enough, Armand pulling her onto his hips and impaling her, back to him, after having enjoyed her lap dance and jerking him off for just long enough, it soon developed into something that none of the men, experienced as they were, had ever had before.

Armand’s cock slid into her, and she rubbed up and down on it, her pussy contracting around it as she moaned, and he groaned. Then Mr. Robinson and Mr. Anderson had gotten in the game, hard again after just cuming all over her, the two executives started taking turns fucking her mouth while she fucked their boss, holding Molly tightly around her neck, pushing their cocks deep into her mouth and throat, gagging her, grinning wide when pulling out, releasing her to coughs and saliva dripping from their cocks and hanging in strings from the tips and onto the panting of her open lips. And then they mouth fucked her again, the men calling her names, ‘slut’, ‘tart’, ‘whore’, ‘fucktoy’, ‘company cunt’, ‘slit’, ‘cumhole’, ‘bimbo’.

And just as she would catch her breath, more cock would fill her up, and then she orgasmed, and before she knew it, she was lifted, and the men took turns fucking her up against the wall, before she found herself on the floor, sinking down on a huge cock below her, she couldn’t even say who it was, but she was striding him, and his cock dug deep into her pussy. As she came again, another cock was pushed into her mouth, she wiggled between them, cuming again, and then she felt hands on her buttocks, pulling them apart. And the men held her firmly, and she felt cock on her asshole, and it started to press inside, and then she was airtight!

And the orgasms rolled through her like a freight train-merry go round as the three huge cocks punched deep and hard, mercilessly, into her mouth, pussy and ass.

Molly came to her senses after blacking out, laying on her back on the floor, juices and spit flowing from her, tits heaving and body coiling as she continued cuming long after the three men had pulled themselves out of her holes. They were above her, grinning, cocks in hand, masturbating. “Good, you’re there! Just in time to take the loads!” And the men came all over her!

Sperm spraying her body, tits, tummy, face, pussy, when the men rose and zipped their pants back up, she was left squirming in a pool of slippery cum. They looked down at her with wicked grins on their faces.

“Company harem, huh?” Armand smiled, “If you can make that happen, Jacob is a lot closer to his promotion.” He ushered Mr. Robinson and Mr. Anderson towards the door and followed, stopping to look at Molly over his shoulder, “I am on my way to an interview with Emmy. If I were you, I’d get right onto persuading the other wives, the more the merrier, am I right? Let’s convene for breakfast tomorrow morning, and assess what assets you have acquired so far, yes?”

And with that, they left, leaving Molly fucked and breathing right there on the floor…
Molly smiled as she watched the men leave to go have an "interview" with Emmy. Molly laid on the floor a few minutes to catch her breath before she stood up and adjusted her dress. She returned to her room and reapplied her makeup and freshened up her hair before returning to the reception. Armand didn't think she could follow through with a company harem, but little did he know the dirt she had on the wives of the company. Seven years of company parties with drunken wives was about to become very useful to her.

Molly went back to the reception and found the Vice President of Human Resources' wife, Pamela. Molly smiled as she walked over to Pamela, who was to be her first addition to the harem. Molly showed Pamela the audio she had of Pamela complaining about her husband's lack of bedroom prowess. Pamela, who didn't have to work because her husband made plenty of money asked Molly what she had to do so the audio never got released. Molly smiled at told Pamela, "become a part of the new company harem program. I know you don't participate in the various after parties where sexual favors happen, but join the harem and you will enjoy sex again."

Molly knew it was bold, but she also knew Pamela desperately needed a good fucking. Pamela nodded to Molly, "ok, how and when does it start." Molly nodded, "give me your phone." Molly downloaded an app onto Pamela's phone titled Merah, "anytime you get a notification from this app it will tell you where and when you are needed. Starting this weekend." Molly smiled at the nervous looking Pamela, "it also gives you a place to put in your limits so when you are requested the men know exactly what you are willing to do." Pamela nodded and murmured, "ok, just please don't let that audio get released." Molly smiled, "as long as you do as requested when summoned, there won't be a problem."

Molly moved away and headed toward the wife of the top candidate. She was known to be an absolute prude, she never flirted with the top management. She believed her husband would advance on his own merit. Molly smiled at Olivia and asked "how are you enjoying the party?" Olivia looked down her nose at Molly and the way she was dressed, "it is fine." Molly grinned, this would be her one of her biggest additions to the company harem. Molly showed Olivia proof that showed Olivia's husband cheated through college and lied on his resume. Olivia was irate that the evidence had been found. Olivia looked at Molly, "how do I keep this quiet?" Molly grinned, "you are going to join the company harem. I am going to put an app on your phone and as long as you show up when you are summoned and follow through with the demands no one else will ever see this." Molly told Olivia the same about filling out her limits and told her, "this program begins now."

Molly continued to work through the crowd. She was glad she brought all of her information and proof to this weekend. She was able to get 7 women to join the harem, with plans to add more throughout the week. Molly went to sleep knowing this week was going to be an epic week.
The fuck-feast in the library having taken its time, then dinner, then seven rounds with her recruits – it had already been the small hours and many drinks before Molly slept, Jacob still not in when her head hit the pillow. He was there when she woke, though, tired but good spirited. He told her about the night. It had been riding, as she had probably assumed, but also teambuilding. As it turned out, Jacob had been paired with Paulo, Emmy’s husband. Jacob praised Paulo, he had to keep and eye out, he said, Paulo could be fierce competition, but jovial as always, Jacob still felt Paulo was a really nice guy.

“In fact,” Jacob said, as they were ready to go down to the breakfast buffet, “both Paulo and I have been called to see the CEO on the first day, it’ll be already this afternoon!” He paused, tucking his shirt, “I think that’s very positive! I think the sooner I can get on the CEO’s radar, the better it will serve my assessment at the end of the stay.”

Entering the dining room arm in arm with her husband, Molly immediately saw Emmy. Emmy had eluded her husband, and was speaking to the company Chairman, a man that had gotten away from Molly the night before. She had been meaning to stop him for a chat, but suddenly he had been gone, and so had Armand and so had Emmy. Molly was just able to listen in as Emmy spoke, “… was just wonderful, you boys were just so butch and hard in my holes the both of you! Meau!” Emmy wiggled her butt, her skirt ridiculously short, revealing the lines of her buttocks, and it didn’t start before right above her crotch, either, long v-lines leading into it, like arrows to her delight. Above, she wore a shirt, tied to under her big, flaunting tits, open and tight, pressing them together, cleavage front and center. Emmy continued; “And that tying me down and cuming up my ass, sir? I’m ready whenever you call, bring your friends! Bring the whole board if you will! I hope you are many, many strong and virile men!”

The chairman just smiled, holding a plate of pie and a cup of coffee, and before he could say anything or Molly could move, a bell chimed, Paulo came to his wife’s side, Emmy holding his hand caringly while brushing his arm. Emanuell, the host that had greeted them at the pier, cleared his throat and spoke in a dramatic rumbling voice; “Hear ye, hear ye! To all the contenders, the island is under attack, and the canoes are waiting by the pier! Rustle to our defense, remember our loved ones! Hustle! Rally to your stations! There will be no food for you!”

Complying in a heartbeat, Jacob was, of course, among the very first out the door, Paulo, Molly noted, a hair behind him, then the rest. And as the door slammed shut behind them, in the time of a gust of wind, all the applicants were away, leaving only their spouses, the management, and the board. “You, of course,” Emmanuel continued in a much more pleasant voice, “can calmly enjoy the service, breakfast is available until lunch, and so on…”

Out of the corner of her eye, Molly saw Emmy on her way out, holding Mr. Robinson in one hand, and one of the rare ladies among them, Mrs. Tyrell, in the other. Mrs. Tyrell led HR and was probably a force to be reckoned with as well, that Emmy was quick-witted and swift to make her moves. Before her, Molly saw the chairman and two of the board members walking out onto the terrace. She could hear them talking about a dip in the pool. Still seated by the breakfast table, Mr. Anderson was engaged in conversation with three wives, two of whom were already in Molly’s harem. Some of the senior executives excused themselves, saying they needed to get work done this morning. Others lingered in the space, both executives and spouses. A quick scan of the room told Molly that all her harem was right there with her, waiting …
Molly smiled as she saw Mrs. Tyrell leave, little did Emmy know Molly had dirt on her as well and Molly had already approached her last evening and installed the Mareh app on her phone. Molly quickly typed out a message to her ladies, "be ready ladies, in 5 minutes you are expected to be dancing on the breakfast tables, stripping." Molly approached the spouses who were not in her harem yet, "have you seen the lovely pool? Doesn't breakfast by the pool with the ocean view sound like a perfect breakfast spot?" Molly then followed the chairman and board members onto the terrace, "gentleman, please join us in the breakfast room, I have arranged some special entertainment." Once all of Molly's moves were made it was the chairman, the board members and her harem in the room.

Molly smiled, "welcome to this morning's special entertainment. I thought you all had been working so hard, you needed some special relief." Molly turned on the music and watched as her harem stood on the tables and started stripping. Mrs. Tyrell ran back into the room and found a table and started to remover her very conservative suit revealing a very slutty thong and bra set. Molly announced to the senior management present, "please enjoy my new harem. I set up this program for company morale. All of the members of the harem are ready, willing and able to grant any of your sexual requests." Molly starts removing her clothing, before sitting on a board member's lap.

Molly straddles the man's lap and brings his face down to bury his head in her deep cleavage, she then turns her head, "let the orgy commence." All the women get down from the tables and are immediately set upon. Molly smiles as a female board member stands in the background. Molly quickly walks over to her, "Mrs. Reed, please come join us. Would you prefer to be fucked or would you prefer to let me dine on that luscious pussy I am sure you have." Molly leads Mrs. Reed over, "maybe you would like me to dine on your pussy while another sucks these gorgeous tits. Whatever your pleasure we are here for you."