Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

Thank you. It was nice to read a chapter of something that didn’t have pharmacological implications attached to it. 🌷
Not going to lie, reading this makes me want to write some pharmacological smut erotica. I can picture it now. So bad. A nurse worrying about the change in the man's blood pressure. the decreased flow of blood to his brain... An increasing imbalance in his hormones that seem to be triggering a similar but not identical effect in her body. How they have to act fast to remedy these issues before they go too far.

Disclaimer: I clearly have no real understanding of pharmacological implications, but like any great author, I have no intentions of letting that get in my way.
I love everything about this sexy tease.
Definitely a siren.
But not leading to doom, but causing smiles. 🥰🥰🥰
Gorgeous x
Simply Beautiful !!
Holy fuck. Just what your previous post was hiding. You are so sexy!! You’re a gift and treasure. Thank you for sharing
Don't mind me watching the Beautiful sea-life ... 😘😘🔥🔥🔥🔥🧜🏼‍♀️
What a lovely smile and a beautiful figure! You look nice and relaxed.
Your images always call me, hypnotized by their beauty.
Goodness. I would follow that siren song for sure! Lovely post!

Thank you all so much! It really made me feel good to read all of your wonderful and thoughtful comments.

So cute!!!


The small things make all the difference though

They really do. 🌷

Perfectly sized cup
Love Peanuts

I have a thing for Snoopy. 😊

Makes me curious what the favourite drink is. I can see why it is a favourite mug though. Brings back some memories.

The drink is a simple one: Diet Coke. Thoughts of the piano music in the air as snoopy dances? 😉

It's hard to find anything to be happy about re November 5th, but I'm trying. It's just not easy.

I know.
It’s sad
And disappointing.
I’m allowing myself a day.
I will not dwell on the things I cannot change,
but will fight for the things that I need to change.
