Mordugrad OOC

Hmmm am interested, sounds like the thread creator has a story plan. Maybe if I join my stalker would follow. *peeks around for DormantEvil* but she has problems as well.

OK let me throw my character in there and see what happens, if I'm welcome I'll go to IC and read that too.

Name: Brosk Duvan
Nickname: Hammer
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 430 lbs
Build: Uhm what's the word? Massive?
Hair colour/style: Long, shaggy white hair
Eye colour: Green
Skin tone: white fur
Type: Bestial
Element/Pet: Snow tiger
Weapon: Twin Katars
Reputation: None
Brief description: Wanting the power of a cat, Brosk decided to catch and tame a Snow Tiger (basically an albino Bengal tiger with the black stripes), through study he melded his soul with that of the tiger and became as powerful as the big cat, mabe even exceeding the power of the cat, but what he didn't reckon with was the additional powers that came with it. Eyesight, hearing, smell, balance, burst of speed and an evolved sixth sense. He lives alone and stay out of sight as much as possible.
Well, hello there DK. Are you sure that it is not you who is the stalker, hm? :D

So, from the description I gather that Brosk is a "Rogue," am I right? And just in case, a Rogue is someone who possesses magic like the Keepers, but is not a Keeper, which would be highly illegal, hence the Rogue title.
Hmmm am interested, sounds like the thread creator has a story plan. Maybe if I join my stalker would follow. *peeks around for DormantEvil* but she has problems as well.

OK let me throw my character in there and see what happens, if I'm welcome I'll go to IC and read that too.

Name: Brosk Duvan
Nickname: Hammer
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 430 lbs
Build: Uhm what's the word? Massive?
Hair colour/style: Long, shaggy white hair
Eye colour: Green
Skin tone: white fur
Type: Bestial
Element/Pet: Snow tiger
Weapon: Twin Katars
Reputation: None
Brief description: Wanting the power of a cat, Brosk decided to catch and tame a Snow Tiger (basically an albino Bengal tiger with the black stripes), through study he melded his soul with that of the tiger and became as powerful as the big cat, mabe even exceeding the power of the cat, but what he didn't reckon with was the additional powers that came with it. Eyesight, hearing, smell, balance, burst of speed and an evolved sixth sense. He lives alone and stay out of sight as much as possible.

you're very welcome to join, I have a general idea in mind for plot but I've left room to evolve it here and there.

But first of all let me make things clear that maybe I should've done in the beginning MY fault not yours.

Beastials ride a VERY fine line between human and animal to 'bind' the souls one must sacrifice a certain amount of their own in order to allow the animal to bind with them, and if one goes too far they become more monster than man, aka the unaturals that the Keepers hunt are usually magic gone wrong so a Beastial gone too far looses alot of the person they used to be depending on how much of their soul they cut away during a binding, the result being an almost werewolf like creature (without going back and forth between man and beast)

Simplified the more animal you are the less human reasoning you have aka IQ drops off a little or a lot.

Beastial Keepers are kept at a medium level simply to maintain the humanity within them and its seen in their physical appearence my character has traits of the animal within him, yellow eyes, pointed ears, canine like teeth, a short tail and strange hair coloration, but like I said his 'binding' was regulated by the Keepers.

Rogues like Jedi mentioned are not regulated so they have alot of freedom when it comes to ignoring the base rules of practicing magic.

and yes Jedi due to my characters 'binding' he is tougher, heals faster, can run longer and faster, jump higher, and hit harder than any normal human, not too mention the animal senses too. but he still bleeds and breaths so its a healthy balance.

NOW I that I've stopped lecturing I can stop talking like I got a stick jammed somewhere unpleasant, and say that you can keep the character 'as is' BUT keep in mind what I've explained; if you want to change it go ahead either way let me know so I can double check my facts and not screw anything up too badly.

yep I have WAY too much time on my hands
Hmmmm I'll keep it as is, but with the age he is at, I'm sure that he can at least have some control without going totally insane.

And me a stalker master? Neeeever, just saw your name, read the OOC and found it interesting.
now who are we waiting for to post next?

OH and I've a villain in mind but should I wait to unveil it?
I'm working on a post now, so after I put it up, you won't be waiting on me.

As for you DK, you probably saw my name and figured that if I was involved, it had to be interesting, right? That seems to fall very close to the definition of stalking. ;)

Oh, and no, don't reveal the villian just yet. We need to get all the good guys introduced and whatnot. Plus John needs to, make friends with them.
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I will get my post up at some point today. He'll be at the bar eating an extraordinary lunch, when John and Erik arrive.
Oh, and no, don't reveal the villian just yet. We need to get all the good guys introduced and whatnot. Plus John needs to, make friends with them.

The keeper fight wont be as one sided as you may think:D
Oh hey, this looks sorta interesting. I love fantasy non-SRP RPs! And I haven't done one in sooo long. Riddle me a few answers, will you?

“Maybe, whatever it is it knows not to trust my kind, its veiled its dreams.”
From one of your posts. Tell me, assuming that all magic is limited to these focuses regardless of whether one is posting as a Keeper or a rogue or a vampire, only that the level of these focuses and perhaps USE varies by the alignment of said character and well, insanity of said character, what magic did the guy use to READ its dreams? I have a strong preference for dream-based magic and given the option I will probably use it. :D I would assume a mist scribe, perhaps, writing cards to see through whatever your dreamspace is, or a shadow elemental, taking advantage of the association with dark and night.

And this:

Scribes are armed with cards and ink. Have they also evolved three arms, then, if they go into battle with a card and a bottle of ink and a quill pen, or can we say that technology has evolved so far that there are indeed pens preloaded with ink. ;-)

Is having to find a horizontal surface to set up on the weakness of this character?


Do they have to draw what they want, or write what they want, or are there some magical mysterious runes or what?

If it's too much of a pain in the arse I'll probably make an elementalist instead because I like the idea of horribly risky magic that might tear yourself apart and kill you and everyone around you, y'know.

Some questions regarding elements:

Elementalists require some of their element around. I guess light and shadow are pretty easy and air very very easy. So what about that sand element? Is this set in a desert or do we have to carry around sand to manipulate? And I suppose someone using fire has to carry around a bunch of matches?

But scribes aren't required to have their element around?

Also, what's this about "needing" someone of the opposite gender. I'm not keen on playing a love interest or damsel in distress. I'll make a woman, because I prefer writing women, but I'll be sure to play a butch lesbian just to spite that comment. :D

I find it interesting that the two sets of magic seem to break into two pieces: the feral and untamed (animals and elementalists), which are prone to going insane, and the domesticated and tamed (ink and scribe), which seems more controlled and therefore, less likely to drive someone batshit.
Wow. That's a lot of stuff you wrote out there Noira.

Even though I'm not the guy in charge, I'll see if I can answer some of your questions.

Vampires (like the guy that tried to do some mind-reading) are not playable characters, first and foremost. As for how the guy attempted mind-reading, I'm guessing that vampires have some natural abilities that Keepers (humans) do not have. Anything more about that, Bi will have to explain.

How Scribes work is something Bi will have to explain, but as for Elementals, I'd say yes, they'd need some of their element around. However, instead of a sand elemental, I'd expand that to an earth elemental, so that the person could use the very ground he/she walks upon, unless it happens to be wood or something that isn't stone/sand/dirt. A fire elemental could concievably carry around a bunch of matches, or else have a tinder box or some other form of ignition that could be used to generate a spark.

As for the opposite gender comment, well, we've got a whole lot of testosterone wandering around in this story, so we'd need something to temper that a bit. And that sounds incredibly sexist, doesn't it? How about this: women think differently than men do, so it's a great idea to have some diversity to add a new perspective and a new element to the story. There, did that sound better? ;)

To prove my point about the different perspective, your analysis of the four schools of magic is quite interesting. I'm sure that none of us guys would have come up with something so deep and profound. Hurrah for the opposite gender, even if they're going to play a lesbian that refuses to shave! :D
How about this: women think differently than men do, so it's a great idea to have some diversity to add a new perspective and a new element to the story. There, did that sound better? ;)
Nope, just incredibly sexist. I do agree diversity is a good thing. How about different people write differently, with different perspectives, and add different elements to the story, it has nothing to do with the gender of their character. :rolleyes:

I read through the whole thread. I know vampires aren't playable characters, and I plan on playing a Keeper. However, I've got the impression that vampires are still using the same Focuses as Keepers, just that they're using those powers through the souls of other people to not risk themselves, and sustaining themselves with blood. :)

At any rate, my character will be a sword-swinging lesbian with testosterone to match, I just have to decide what magic to go with. If you men are set on having a fluffy sympathetic female character to heal you and bandage your wounds, you might have to wait. I only play warriors in fantasy games. >_>
Nope, just incredibly sexist. I do agree diversity is a good thing. How about different people write differently, with different perspectives, and add different elements to the story, it has nothing to do with the gender of their character. :rolleyes:

Yep, that sounds better. See? People do think differently, although gender does tend to play a role. ...Opps. Sexist again. *smacks himself* No more sexism! *smacks himself again*

I read through the whole thread. I know vampires aren't playable characters, and I plan on playing a Keeper. However, I've got the impression that vampires are still using the same Focuses as Keepers, just that they're using those powers through the souls of other people to not risk themselves, and sustaining themselves with blood. :)

At any rate, my character will be a sword-swinging lesbian with testosterone to match, I just have to decide what magic to go with. If you men are set on having a fluffy sympathetic female character to heal you and bandage your wounds, you might have to wait. I only play warriors in fantasy games. >_>

Well, it seems you're right about the vamps. Guess Bi will have to clarify when he gets around to it.

Oh...a female fighter! Excellent! John is gonna be your best friend, or at least he'll try. You'll probably end up knocking his ego down a peg or two, which is always hilarious to watch. :D

I look forward to seeing the character you come up with. I say, welcome to the story Noira!
Oh hey, this looks sorta interesting. I love fantasy non-SRP RPs! And I haven't done one in sooo long. Riddle me a few answers, will you?

Be prepared to read this may take awhile, I have a bad writers habit of know 80% more than I ever write down, keeps some mystery in the story and I can make changes if i absolutely HAVE to

PS:I love questions ask Jedi :D

From one of your posts. Tell me, assuming that all magic is limited to these focuses regardless of whether one is posting as a Keeper or a rogue or a vampire, only that the level of these focuses and perhaps USE varies by the alignment of said character and well, insanity of said character, what magic did the guy use to READ its dreams? I have a strong preference for dream-based magic and given the option I will probably use it. :D I would assume a mist scribe, perhaps, writing cards to see through whatever your dreamspace is, or a shadow elemental, taking advantage of the association with dark and night.

All a focus is is a way to tap into the souls ability, its a way of organizing ones thoughts(extreme meditation :D) Vampires ability to latch onto the dreams of others is a part of their nature, being aware of 'other' things because no matter what they do they are 'dependant' on others for survival be it simply feeding off another's blood or using their souls it ties them into their prey giving them a sixth sense of sorts.

There are forbidden focus' though no law abiding Keeper would dare to use them:
Puppeteers; think voodoo dolls
Sirens; singing and mind control through it
Reapers; a violent death allows the wielder to use their victims 'entire' soul to empower their body like an Ink only four times as potent

I didn't reveal these because I reserved them for the stories villains

Scribes are armed with cards and ink. Have they also evolved three arms, then, if they go into battle with a card and a bottle of ink and a quill pen, or can we say that technology has evolved so far that there are indeed pens preloaded with ink. ;-)

Is having to find a horizontal surface to set up on the weakness of this character?


Do they have to draw what they want, or write what they want, or are there some magical mysterious runes or what?

If it's too much of a pain in the arse I'll probably make an elementalist instead because I like the idea of horribly risky magic that might tear yourself apart and kill you and everyone around you, y'know.

There's I reason I never layout the entire explanations...(it takes too long by the time I lay out everything I have planned it turns into a novel) its also why I love specific questions so I know what info folks need and skip my brain from babbling.
so here we go

First the symbols drawn are not standardized it is simply whatever the Scribe has memorized, a shape and design that focus's there thoughts into a single form, its like word association you see something you think of what it means (aka I say 'sharp' you think 'blade') because of this Scribes can manifest complicated shapes and forms and most of their elements are solid because of this.

Second Scribes carry ink and cards for several reasons, they can ink the cards ahead of time (think of them like grenades ready to go off at a moments notice) they simply need to look at the card to visualize the effect, trap, weapon or spell then poof its there but the cards only manifest smaller things.

Fact of the matter the scribe can draw out their spell on anything, many scribes have their homes littered with designs on the walls floors and ceilings or prepare traps to drive enemies into they simply need to see and visualize what they do, they don't NEED ink but it can be useful because its faster than carving a design into a tree or chipping one onto a rock.

Some questions regarding elements:

Elementalists require some of their element around. I guess light and shadow are pretty easy and air very very easy. So what about that sand element? Is this set in a desert or do we have to carry around sand to manipulate? And I suppose someone using fire has to carry around a bunch of matches?

Basicaly yes, funny thing is three of these elementals carry a similar item a
Lantern which can produce three elements Fire, Light, Shadow.
And the city is rather large the south end of the city is the closest to beach front property, along the entire south wall and port, and north east are the salt flats a miles of dead and dry land most sand elementalists are assigned to that district anyway, but its customary for them to carry it with them, I would've included the wider definition of 'earth' but think how much more difficult it is to move dirt and mud as opposed to sand, it was take far too much power to use any of their magic that most earth elementalists would die from using their power(so in short a sand elementalist CAN move any earth but its very draining)

Water is abundant throughout the city being the only modern utility left in working condition pipes wells sewers fountains ect...
Wind on the other hand is the most abundant but is not as lethal as fire sand or water but can be combined with any which lies most of its strength, because on its own wind isn't deadly until it forms into something like a tornado and any elementalist that have made that attempt have died.

But scribes aren't required to have their element around?
Scribes have the unique ability to transform one form of matter into another, not out of thin air unless its already in the air kind of like alchemy BUT using the soul as a kind of philosophers stone to substitute the missing pieces

Also, what's this about "needing" someone of the opposite gender. I'm not keen on playing a love interest or damsel in distress. I'll make a woman, because I prefer writing women, but I'll be sure to play a butch lesbian just to spite that comment. :D

This wasn't geared necessarily toward the damsel in distress or love interest, though I can see how easily this mistake can be made probably poor wording. Though its funny watching Jedi dig himself into a hole with this subject.
My meaning was simply to balance things out had I known that the mojority of characters would be male I myself would've created a female character, so if I seemed offensive in the comment...oops:eek: would be the best way describe it.

I find it interesting that the two sets of magic seem to break into two pieces: the feral and untamed (animals and elementalists), which are prone to going insane, and the domesticated and tamed (ink and scribe), which seems more controlled and therefore, less likely to drive someone batshit.

That was my intention I'm a big believer in balance, it keeps people from going over board with their selections and character creation:D

At any rate, my character will be a sword-swinging lesbian with testosterone to match, I just have to decide what magic to go with. If you men are set on having a fluffy sympathetic female character to heal you and bandage your wounds, you might have to wait. I only play warriors in fantasy games. >_>

Doesn't bother me in the least, I just wanted a female character to break with a completely male dominated cast, which makes the society kinda 50's like in ideology and that bothers me like I've mentioned 'balance'
Jedi: Be prepared for lots of words, though, if you're going to try be my character's best friend. ;) I usually write lengthy posts. By the way, I'm only psycho-feminist if you try pigeon-hole me into playing something I don't want to play. I like badassery at its finest. Looks like we're going to have a wonderfully disbalanced team of tanks.

Smiley: Just for the record I didn't mean much by my "SHO OFFENDED" by the sexism, only that when I play non-SRPs I get rather tired of my female characters being hounded by every male character in the group. I do a lot of Star Wars RPs and my character has been propositioned from the time I started playing... by Jedi, by Sith, by my apprentice... (sigh) It gets a bit tedious when I just want to play to blow shit up, you know. ;)

I wasn't actually offended, I'd only be offended if my playing a female character required me to be someone's love interest. ;)

You can never out-wall of text me, don't worry. Very nice, thank you for all the answers!

I shall balance things out by playing a female scribe. I'll get a character sheet together asap. I'm a fickle person who insists on drawing her characters. ;)

This comment helped nicely on straightening things out.

Scribes have the unique ability to transform one form of matter into another, not out of thin air unless its already in the air kind of like alchemy BUT using the soul as a kind of philosophers stone to substitute the missing pieces

And that's good enough for me to work with, I think.

By the way, here's a great resource for character builds. It has pictures of real people and their heights and weights on a chart, so if you guys want to include visuals to go along with your character's build, this is the way to go!
I shall balance things out by playing a female scribe. I'll get a character sheet together asap. I'm a fickle person who insists on drawing her characters. ;)

This comment helped nicely on straightening things out.

And that's good enough for me to work with, I think.

By the way, here's a great resource for character builds. It has pictures of real people and their heights and weights on a chart, so if you guys want to include visuals to go along with your character's build, this is the way to go!

I'm glad I could help if you or anyone have any questions just ask

I draw many of my own characters aswell >>>>> <<< so I know how you feel
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Jedi: Be prepared for lots of words, though, if you're going to try be my character's best friend. ;) I usually write lengthy posts. By the way, I'm only psycho-feminist if you try pigeon-hole me into playing something I don't want to play. I like badassery at its finest. Looks like we're going to have a wonderfully disbalanced team of tanks.

Lenghty posts are great. I would be disappointed with anything less.

Disbalanced team of tanks? That just means we can take more damage and hurt the bad guys for a longer period of time. Bring it! :cool:
Lenghty posts are great. I would be disappointed with anything less.

Disbalanced team of tanks? That just means we can take more damage and hurt the bad guys for a longer period of time. Bring it! :cool:

Just think how much damage a puppeteer, or a siren could do to such a group:D
I sure hope there are ways to defend against those powers, or else we'd be boned.

Seriously, is that the only defense? If so, that seems incredibly unfair.
A Siren is an area effect not direct commands, takes a bit of effort to resist but you have to REALIZE you're being controlled

Puppeteer only controls a single target but it is ABSOLUTE control as long as they are within a certain range.

Reaper, don't let him kill anyone otherwise you are most certainly screwed