more boys to fuel my imagination please

I suppose I should be picking a winner soon but the pictures just keep on coming and they're all so good...... How could I ask you boys to stop???

Dont you dare pick a winner yet, I say let the games go thru the year and you can pick then---sorta like the annualy winner. I would atleast need a couple more months of these pictures. ;)

I wouldnt want them to think they could stop posting such incredible pictures. Pretty Please keep posting--they are so yummy.

Oh, and Weatherd2---


I just cant get enough of your pictures and I love your pictures. I almost licked my screen you look so delicious. Thanks. :p
ocea said:
I suppose I should be picking a winner soon but the pictures just keep on coming and they're all so good...... How could I ask you boys to stop???

Oh let them keep coming....pick a winner say the end of the year maybe? :D
A Study in "Hard" Lighting (1 of 3)

Standing Profile
A Study in "Hard" Lighting (3 of 3)

Inevitable Outcum

Very artistic...I swear I was only looking at the artistic angle.... :D

I vote for #2, its my favorite......
Don't pick a Winner

Ocea, don't pick a winner, keep them coming(both ways). If you have to choose and need a vote, I vote for Aaron, because he was closest to showing the whole body and face. If we girls have pictures taken, it usually is the entire body and face, so in my opinion, guys should do the same.

Any way, to all the guys who posted and I am glad I found this, thank you...THANK YOU!
I agree...

...with Sabineteas, Aaron has it, hands down, (or around?). He promised more good stuff soon, too. In the meantime, Mae's "swimsuit issue" was so hot I just had to do something. Then after I did that, I went out and did this:
and finally...

Mae, you left the poor boys spent and lifeless, you naughty thing, you:
Oh goodness the suffering.........;) How ever will I get through these pics??

Weathered, does your lady kiss your balls? The reason I ask is that they look so kissable. That is something that is fun to do<laughing>.

Thank you for the third one.

Thanks ladies... fragile male ego will take all of that it can get. Yes, Sabine, she does like that a lot, especially now that I'm doing the smooth shave. That's the only good thing I can think of about being modest in size. When she decides to go down on the boys, she can gobble them right up. And, of course, I suffer through it stoically...just for her sake.

Well I have to say that my vote goes to..... Thunder69. What nice tan lines!!! I'd love to see more Thunder69.
TH, getting toooooo many Oughts right now.....

Thanks guys, keep them cuming :)

Weathered, I may be naive, but how do you shave them? I can understand on your abdomen, but your balls?

Once you have licked the shaven sacks you are there!

I challenged my man a couple of years ago to shave his balls. He has chosen to be hairless ever since to my delight. I would love to shave them for him, but he's scared I'll get to worked up and nick the wrong spot ;) I only get to soap them, watch and then do the taste test

...veeeery carefully. (Sorry, couldn't resist that). Good hearing from you by the way. My initial mowing and edging was done with electric mustache clippers, to get the "whisker" length down to something easier to shave. Then, I simply did the shaving cream and razor thing, balls and all. Granted, I went very slowly the first time and only built up a "technique" with experience. It's been injury free. I use the gel type shaving cream and a little bit better twin blade razor than the cheapest disposables. I use a medicated aftershave cream that has tea tree oil in it, (cheapo stuff but very effective, from Walgreen's, I think), to keep irritation down. Don't know if you really wanted to know all that, but there you have it. So, since I showed you mine you'll show me yours, right?

...when I popped back in with my post I saw THO's about the taste test. ABSOLUTELY!! I don't think I'll ever be allowed to go back. She really seems to like it this way. And I really think it's more sensative for me, or it's just that "all in the mind" thing getting me going. Either way, don't argue with success, right?
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