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From the look on his face, she was expecting the worst. In a way, she was almost hoping for it. If he was mad at her it would be easier. It would hurt, yes, probably just as much, if not more, than when he had asked her if he was nothing more than a joke. But...it would be easier to walk away. It would be easier for her to run away if he told her to scram, and though she certainly didn't want her last memory to be of her friend telling her to screw off, she might have been able to handle that. What she got instead, however, was a level of empathy and understanding that was so genuine, and so heart felt, that it absolutely cracked through every last wall that she had been struggling to keep up.
"Cora, I was kept prisoner by Kuznet too, and though it was only for a short period, I got just a hint of a taste of what you might have had to deal with...He killed people in front of me, then he cooked them and tricked me into eating them."
"He...what?.." she breathed, her eyes widening in disbelief. Though it wasn't so hard to believe, was it? They were his 'special toys', the ones whom he had done many disgusting things with that she both could, and could not remember. And she knew, on some level, that even those most horrific things that only ever came came to her in her deepest nightmares, had never gone so far. Where they as depraved? Perhaps. But what he had done to Sabastian was not even something that she couldn't have conjured up as a fear of what he might have done to them if they weren't compliant.
Rape. Torture. Murder. These were things that she knew and could have predicted, but that. That was a whole knew level, one in which she perhaps never wanted to imagine could happen. And yet it had.
Tears began to leak down her cheeks and she wanted to go to him. She wanted to wrap him up in a warm hug and tell him that it was sick and wrong, and she was so sorry. What kept her rooted to the spot, though, was his need to keep going and she didn't know if she had the strength at that moment to interrupt him.
"If Damien was abusing you, I know you would have already found a way to get away from him because you've had a shit-ton of opportunities."
Though she hadn't quite looked away from him, his words brought her eyes up to meet him full on as her own mouth started to twist with the barely controlled sob that wanted to burst out from her lips. Perhaps Sayori and Quint had not had enough time to see it, but why did it feel like Sabastian was the only one who got this? Who understood her? Because he was exactly right. If Damien had continued to be cruel to her...she would have found a way to get away from him. And yes, it was a possibility that he could have come after her, but she had had years to plan how she would run.
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm fucking disgusted about his actions, and that was part of why I was so angry yesterday...What I do know though, is that Damien ran into a burning building to save your brother's life."
Her shoulders started to shake as her arms went to hug herself and her tears became stronger. The relief that she felt in that instant-the validation, the knowledge, that she wasn't completely crazy and wrong, and that the good she saw in him was real, was damn near enough to bring her to her knees. She stood there, though, willing to let him go on because she needed to hear it. She needed to hear it from someone else who knew the bad, but wasn't a coward and could admit the truth as well. She needed her friend.
"so what if people look at him like he's shit? Prove them wrong! Show them that he can and will be better. Fight for what you know is right for you! You don't have to choose between him or us- you just have to stand your ground and let time show people that you were right!"
Prove them wrong? Do something that was good for herself? Cora didn't know if she had to the strength to be that strong, and yet, she had never wanted something so badly in her life. Sabastian seemed to believe her capable-he believed that she had strength, and it was because of that that Cora found herself wanting to do just that. To prove them wrong, just as he said, and wanting...Damien. Was it wrong to want him? Was that why she had been so scared? Because she was afraid that it was wrong to want to be with him? To be happy?
"Don't go."
A loud sob was heard before she suddenly closed the distance between them, and her arms went around Sabastian in a tight hug as she let loose against his shoulder, her whole frame shaking as she tried to just breath in enough air to speak, though the words that came out were nothing so flattering as what he had just beat into her.
"Why are you so stupid?!" she cried, all of her pain, anguish, fear, and love seeming to pour out through that simple sentence. She could only hope that he would understand, just as easily as he had saw through her before, because she was scared. She didn't know if she truly had the strength to do this, but she wanted to try. For Damien, for her friends, and for herself.
"Cora, I was kept prisoner by Kuznet too, and though it was only for a short period, I got just a hint of a taste of what you might have had to deal with...He killed people in front of me, then he cooked them and tricked me into eating them."
"He...what?.." she breathed, her eyes widening in disbelief. Though it wasn't so hard to believe, was it? They were his 'special toys', the ones whom he had done many disgusting things with that she both could, and could not remember. And she knew, on some level, that even those most horrific things that only ever came came to her in her deepest nightmares, had never gone so far. Where they as depraved? Perhaps. But what he had done to Sabastian was not even something that she couldn't have conjured up as a fear of what he might have done to them if they weren't compliant.
Rape. Torture. Murder. These were things that she knew and could have predicted, but that. That was a whole knew level, one in which she perhaps never wanted to imagine could happen. And yet it had.
Tears began to leak down her cheeks and she wanted to go to him. She wanted to wrap him up in a warm hug and tell him that it was sick and wrong, and she was so sorry. What kept her rooted to the spot, though, was his need to keep going and she didn't know if she had the strength at that moment to interrupt him.
"If Damien was abusing you, I know you would have already found a way to get away from him because you've had a shit-ton of opportunities."
Though she hadn't quite looked away from him, his words brought her eyes up to meet him full on as her own mouth started to twist with the barely controlled sob that wanted to burst out from her lips. Perhaps Sayori and Quint had not had enough time to see it, but why did it feel like Sabastian was the only one who got this? Who understood her? Because he was exactly right. If Damien had continued to be cruel to her...she would have found a way to get away from him. And yes, it was a possibility that he could have come after her, but she had had years to plan how she would run.
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm fucking disgusted about his actions, and that was part of why I was so angry yesterday...What I do know though, is that Damien ran into a burning building to save your brother's life."
Her shoulders started to shake as her arms went to hug herself and her tears became stronger. The relief that she felt in that instant-the validation, the knowledge, that she wasn't completely crazy and wrong, and that the good she saw in him was real, was damn near enough to bring her to her knees. She stood there, though, willing to let him go on because she needed to hear it. She needed to hear it from someone else who knew the bad, but wasn't a coward and could admit the truth as well. She needed her friend.
"so what if people look at him like he's shit? Prove them wrong! Show them that he can and will be better. Fight for what you know is right for you! You don't have to choose between him or us- you just have to stand your ground and let time show people that you were right!"
Prove them wrong? Do something that was good for herself? Cora didn't know if she had to the strength to be that strong, and yet, she had never wanted something so badly in her life. Sabastian seemed to believe her capable-he believed that she had strength, and it was because of that that Cora found herself wanting to do just that. To prove them wrong, just as he said, and wanting...Damien. Was it wrong to want him? Was that why she had been so scared? Because she was afraid that it was wrong to want to be with him? To be happy?
"Don't go."
A loud sob was heard before she suddenly closed the distance between them, and her arms went around Sabastian in a tight hug as she let loose against his shoulder, her whole frame shaking as she tried to just breath in enough air to speak, though the words that came out were nothing so flattering as what he had just beat into her.
"Why are you so stupid?!" she cried, all of her pain, anguish, fear, and love seeming to pour out through that simple sentence. She could only hope that he would understand, just as easily as he had saw through her before, because she was scared. She didn't know if she truly had the strength to do this, but she wanted to try. For Damien, for her friends, and for herself.
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