Movie Battle Royal

Wow.. both of these...

Rear Window vs. Book, Bell and Candle

(I remember when I saw The Birds for the very first time. I was babysitting and the kids were already in bed so was late.. I heard a crash in the house and just about had a heart attack. With my heart beating out of my chest and hardly able to breath... I wandered into the hallway and found that the ironing board... one of those that lets down from the wall.. .had fallen banging the door to the closet open. LOL )

Rear Window Vs The Third Man
have not seen either so in order to reboot this

The Green Mile vs Cast Away
haven't seen either... but am going to go with

The Green Mile vs. The Birdman of Alcatraz

Whaaaaat??? You need to see Shawshank Redemption missy!! I know that you are a big softie and this is a huge male weepy!! You'll love it...
(I cant even answer the current verses till youve seen the CLASSIC Shawshank Redemption. from wayyy back in 1994, I might add! pffffft. ;) :kiss: )
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Whaaaaat??? You need to see Shawshank Redemption missy!! I know that you are a big softie and this is a huge male weepy!! You'll love it...
(I cant even answer the corrent verses till youve seen the CLASSIC Shawshank Redemption. from wayyy back in 1994, I might add! pffffft. ;) )

LOL!!! oh please.. I have answered all you guys' stuff.. whether I liked it or not! I will check it out from Netflix and let you know what I think...
LOL!!! oh please.. I have answered all you guys' stuff.. whether I liked it or not! I will check it out from Netflix and let you know what I think...

Its universally loved by males and females! I wouldnt steer ya wrong! :kiss:
OMG there are people out there who have not seen Shawshank....

Greatest MOVIE EVER!

Shawshank vs A Few Good Men
You goof! That is not a western... it is a very, very funny movie.. check it out!! If I am gonna see Shawshank.. it's the least you can do... ;)

Stripes vs. Groundhog Day

(No, I was referring to why I didnt choose the Magnificient Seven before. ;))

Stripes vs. Caddyshack