My amateur pic

Real or Memorex???

Who gives a rip...I think it's funny as hell...

But seriously Amber...what size would you say is normal?? you like have a range...say from 4 to 7 or 5 to 8....I have always heard the average was around 4..don't know if that's true or just someone making it up trying to sell penis enlargement machines...or arobics...or oils...or whatever....

I was once ashamed of mine...til I heard a woman scream as I entered her....{{of course I had my hand on her long hair as she was trying to get up}}....guess that would explain that...hmmm...thought it was I'm back to being ashamed of mine again....dang....

Where's the web site for "stretch your shlong"....

OK to me it is from 4-6.5 and that is all if it was any bigger it would hurt like hell and I don't like that kind of pain. But I think all cocks are beautiful and never be ashamed of them. I like looking.


Daddy you are sweet, thank you I like average! Don't change a thing.

Jake...I luv ya crack me up...and I agree with your comments

Well this is cool that my thead opened such a cool subject. This is my real pic and i have but it on porn sites like and from there i dunno about the rest cuyz thats the only one i gave permission to. but think what ya want you are subject to an opinion!