My last orgasm was...

My last orgasm was 2 days before thanksgiving. I came in my cicksuckers mouth. Damn it felt good.

Tonight I hope to get to cum in my wives pussy. I expect that to fell good also.
Days ago. Days! I was hoping tonight might be the night but it's not. I'm absolutely too tired to enjoy anything other than a cup of tea and an episode of Sherlock. Don't think I even have the energy to fantasise about Benedict.

This will not be who I become!
A few hours ago. A slow buildup masturbation, ended in a powerful orgasm
Last night, just before midnight. Very satisfying and had a lovely partner to help me 🥰
Really intense. Went a month without cumming.

We’ve been practicing orgasm control
For years.
I had two earlier today. Once this morning around 10 I think and another one about 3ish. I don't know the times. I was busy orgasming. I can probably check my phone though because I have a friend who always seems to message me right as I orgasm...
This morning! I got an amazing handjob this morning, because we didn't have a lot of time.
Ruined just got to the throb and she said later.

It was still a lot of fun.