Mysterious Circumstances (pm to discuss joining)

"Let me treat his wound!" Called out Yuet, still being hindered by police. Hilde told them to release her and she moved forward, doctor's bag in hand, ready to help Alec who was wary at first but gave in to letting her cauterize, clean, and bandage the wound on his leg.

May was still held apart from the others. Policemen surrounded her in the wand beams now.

The others officers, still holding the others from her ship captive in an electrified ring of light, we're now discussing Hilde' s words. They agreed with her but also knew the colony needed new human life soon. The gene pool was ridiculously small.

Hilde added, "If we let them create a generation to add to and mix with our current babies it will add needed variety to the gene pool in the coming generations. The way proposed by you, Alec, doesn't open us up for that healthy variety of genetic material these men here also have to offer."

He considered this through the pain of trying to stand back up using Yuet' s assistance. "I see your point, Hilde. Perhaps we can come up with a solution which brings your point into the plan...and can make us all feel more comfortable, getting our needs met whilst also mollifying these newcomers too...I need to consider this." He said.
May didn't speak. She sat with her knees up to her chin. Cy was in his own electrical field, as long as they didn't smash him. The others paid no mind to her, they were hugging, and comforting each other. She looked around her space, life sucked. She took comfort in a robot while the others took comfort in each other. She hoped they would just kill her, jail didn't seem to bad either. Maybe being locked up in a cell would be better then this. Then she wouldn't care. She would just have to forget about them and care about the coldness of her cell. Jail now sounded amazing. She wondered what would happen if she just kept her finger on the field. She put it on and it instantly shocked her. And closed in a little. May began to constantly touch the field, and it got smaller and smaller, and more painful each time.

If they wouldn't kill her she'll just have to do it herself.
Alec indicated May and with marked distain for her behavior, commented to the guards, "...and, while I'm thinking please keep the basket case from harming herself or others. The field isn't working."

The police chief who was likely to retire once David had full orientation, looked down at May, "Traditional handcuffs, then?"

Alec nodded, "Harder for her to harm, then. Yes."

"Yes, Sir." The officer said. He pulled a set of handcuffs, never before used, from his uniform pocket. The wands went down and May was cuffed with her hands behind her back. "Now, behave until Alec knows what to do with you. Infinity has no nut houses."
Kate spoke up, "I'm trained as a Counselor. If you need a therapist for her, releasing her into my care would be a good choice. Once we're settled in I can give therapy to anyone who needs it. Just...don't split us up. Please, we're so far from everyone and everything we have ever known. We need each other in this time of change."
Nut houses. That pissed May off and she was about to lash out but decided it would be a horrible idea. She wearily looked at Kate. "Just- just don't try. It's better for you if I'm not here." She said calmly. But a hint of sadness leaked. Her knees still up to her face.
April spat and it sizzled through the forcefield and landed beside May. She growled at her, "Stand up and grow a backbone. Have some fucking dignity for once and stop trying to make every goddamn thing about you and how fucking sad you are. Get up and be an adult for the first time in your life. Show remorse without the self pity." May and April locked eyes and April continued, "Yes, I know your type and, yes, it's so unoriginal it is a type. Other people have lived through worse than you and maintained self control, dignity, and human empathy. Look around you, May. You won't make human connections until you get over yourself first. Why should anyone care about the girl who cares for nobody and constantly acts out for attention? Get up and take responsibility. Then, maybe some of us will start to see you as a real person and not just some whiny, emo kid."
May had it, and she did no move to control her sadness and anger "You don't know, what iv been through or what I go through every night I fucking sleep! Sorry I'm not in a fucking happy mood that I threw a knife into someone's fucking leg! Why don't you start trying to be something other then a fucking backup bitch! You have been a ass to me ever since I woke up! Sorry I can't heal for you in one damn day, sorry it's not that easy, so as the trouble I cause, it would be better for me to leave, at least I know when I leave, that you won't be stopping me, so the whole group hates me now, whoopty fucking dew, better to leave, why don't you go and fix your fucked up boyfriend." She spit all the venom and anger out. She instantly regretedwhat she said, but was to angry to take it back. May turned away and looked forward.
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"Enough! Both of you!" Austin shouted at the bickering women, before a coughing fit overtook him. After a moment he stopped coughing and spit a wad of blood onto the stage. "You both need to quit. May, you're pissing everybody off with the whiny crap. It doesn't work, especially on April. Trust me. And April, you need to cut May some slack. She's seen some real shit. Not to mention she's only been back for a few days. Just cut it out. Both of you." Austin typed into his arm computer. He was surprised by himself that he'd been the peacekeeper for once. "Must be the diplomacy training." He thought to himself.
April simply scoffed. "Whatever. Just neither of you do anything crazy for a while, then you can lecture me on behavior." She said, moving in the huddle so her back was to both Austin and May. She rubbed Natalia' s back, helping Erik to calm her down as something to do.

Kate sighed wearily. "Everyone just calm down." She said, feeling suddenly quite old when faced with so much emotional immaturity in one group and knowing she was responsible for all of them.
David made no comment on the argument. He decided it would be better to let the young ones seethe then to try to step in and try to solve anything now.

"So now that everything is somewhat calmer, what are you planning on doing with us right now?" David asked Alec and Hilde.
Alec turned to David and moved to speak but then seemed to second guess himself. He raised his index finger as he and other Council members murmured amongst themselves. Alec limped back to the podium to announce. "The top ranking officers in your crew after you? Kate, who's your first officer" he asked.

"April." Kate replied.

"Head of Security, Head of Medicine, Head of Farming?"

"David, Yuet, and Natalia." She replied.

Alec replied, "April, you'll take the others to the farmhouse we've gifted to your group and my son Jason and some he chooses from town will accompany you and give orientation. Jason, you'll also compile information on each of their psychological health and willingness to comply with Colony laws once learned. April and Jason, if any of the newcomers misbehave you shall be held responsible as well as the criminal in question. Kate, you and your three aforementioned department heads will join me and The Council in Infinity to discuss protocols and for your own orientation. Once you understand what we're up against and where we stand you can help us determine the place your people should have in our culture in the future."

Kate bit her lip. She'd prefer her crew not be split up at all but she also knew they were in no position to oppose at the moment. She looked to David and they nodded to one another as he ushered Natalia who was calming herself down, and Yuet (who kissed Aziz on the hand before letting his hand go) to join Kate, Natalia, and David.

Kate looked meaningfully at April who'd composed herself once more. April nodded and said, "They'll be alright,Kate. I'll keep them safe...even the annoying ones are under my protection, I promise."

Kate smiled at April, saying, "I know. I trust you, April. Be well. See you soon!" She called to her crew in the hopes of being encouraging. The four of them were shepherded to follow The Council.

April motioned for her group to follow her as she joined a man close to her age named Jason. "Ok, guys. Enough drama for one morning. Let's learn whatever the hell these people want from us. To the farmhouse!"
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Jason started walking beside the group as he led them up the hill. He motioned to the Captain of the security force and mimed turning a key in a lock. The man looked surprised but just shrugged and threw it to him. As they got halfway up the hill he stopped them.

"Okay I think this is far enough for now." He handed the key to April. "I would offer to unlock the young ladies handcuffs but I don't think she wants any males around her at the moment," he chuckled. "Oh and for your information, I think my father got what he deserved," he smiled at May. "Springing that sort of stuff on you as soon as you get off the shuttle and making out like you don't have a choice in the matter. My father may be good at getting things done but sometimes his people skills leave a lot to be desired."

He waited until May's hands were freed then introduced himself again. "Okay, my name is Jason and I will be your friendly tour guide this morning. Actually I will be looking after you until you get used to this place. Believe me though it is pretty easy. If you will follow me up to your new accommodations I will show you the conditions you will be living in and what the world you have come to does and expects of you."

He guided them over towards the two intact structures and gestured towards them. "Well this is going to be your home and that over there is your barn. We did have enough materials stacked up here for a house for each of you but.." he said glancing at the massive gouge in the earth where the shuttle had passed through, " It seems we have had a setback in that department," He smiled to show there was no hard feelings about it. "There should be enough to still build three or maybe four houses plus this one so I hope that's enough."

He took them inside and showed them around. "Okay first things first. The similarities from your old planet. We do have electricity, indoor plumbing, and flushing toilets." He smiled at some of their relieved looks. "However out here there is no television and we only have a few radio stations. Most of those are Council stations, broadcasting information only. There are one or two that play music but I doubt it will b anything like what you are used to."

He took them further into the house and showed them to the large table that had been crafted for them gesturing for them to sit down. "All of our cooking is done on electric stoves, we have fridges and pretty much what you would find in a typical house on earth or so I am told except for a phone. There is one on the wall over there," he said pointing, " But that is for emergency use only and there are penalties for misuse. It basically only contacts the fire station, the security forces and the emergency department anyway. It will also ring to alert you of any disasters approaching like floods, windstorms, or locusts etc. If you want to talk to a neighbor or someone else there is a shortwave radio for that."

He sat down at the table with them and then smiled. "Look I know it is a lot to take in and I really don't know what it is like. I am one of the minority that was actually born here you see. I have never been on another planet so I can't imagine what you are going through. What I can tell you though is that on this planet we have no pollution, Hardly any crime and our population is very healthy. Most of the people are farmers, producing either grain, vegetable or fruit crops or livestock or a combination of both. Myself I produce a combination of everything. Most people travel around on horseback or by wagons out in the villages."

He looked to make sure all this information was getting through. "This is the sort of society you are joining. I believe it is similar to your American colonial days but with the added benefit of some modern technology. Of course that is Village life, There is also Central city which is more advanced and then the Cousins islands, although I believe Austin will be the only one to go there any time soon. You will be working with the old lady that took charge down there. I wouldn't give her any grief by the way," he told him grinning, "She may not look like much but that stick of hers hurts like hell and she can wield it better than any person I have ever seen even now."

He could see they were getting a bit restless so he looked around the table. "Okay folks I have talked enough for now. That about covers the basics anyway, so hit me with all those questions that you are just bursting to get out."
April and Jocelyn undid May's cuffs. April immediately moved away from May once the deed was done. Caleb smiled reassuringly at May in April's absence.

Jocelyn spoke up first, "I've been assigned the task of part time farm hand but body art is my true calling. If I can get May and Aziz to help me get tattooing and piercing equipment built and running, will I be able to set up my own studio?"

April added, "And, Jason, thank you...for acting normal...We're all a bit shaken after the dramatic arrival." She smiled at him, somewhat longer than necessary, for Austin's sake (She was still annoyed that he'd defended May from her.) more than any other reason.
It was a horse driven carriage which drove Kate's group, along with Hilde and Alec, into Infinity. The sprawling town was like a Steampunk Little House On the Prairie town. It was beautful and frightening all at once. It took about twenty minutes to drive to the Town Hall. Once there, they entered a beautifully decorated, modern looking building and were ushered to a conference room where a receptionist named Layla brought them a pitcher of ice water, a carafe for imitation coffee and a pot of tea, then provided accoutrements and cups enough for the entire council plus the four guests.
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April and Jocelyn undid May's cuffs. April immediately moved away from May once the deed was done. Caleb smiled reassuringly at May in April's absence.

Jocelyn spoke up first, "I've been assigned the task of part time farm hand but body art is my true calling. If I can get May and Aziz to help me get tattooing and piercing equipment built and running, will I be able to set up my own studio?"

April added, "And, Jason, thank you...for acting normal...We're all a bit shaken after the dramatic arrival." She smiled at him, somewhat longer than necessary, for Austin's sake (She was still annoyed that he'd defended May from her.) more than any other reason.

Jason looked first at Jocelyn. "Sure there should be no problems with that. You can set up a shop in Central although you may want to hold off a little. No disrespect intended here but if you are any good then I suggest a different machine. From what I understand a Tattoo machine allows you to put a drawing on a persons skin that is then there for life and will never come off using needles and inks?"

"Well quite by accident one of our scientists discovered that using a low level laser, different color pigments and a special quartz crystal on this planet you can do the same thing. There is virtually no pain or scarring and if you change your mind a simple wash in a special nutrient bath get's rid of it. This makes for a lot of repeat customers." He smiled at her. "I can have the blueprints of a machine sent here but you will still have to do some field hand work. Sorry that's the law."

Turning to April he continued to smile. "As for acting normal, you will find most people will after a few days. Look I might as well get this out in the open now. You girls got stared at because, well you are not related to anyone. A little while ago there was a plague that virtually wiped this place out. It wasn't big to begin with and it is pretty small now. If you know anything about genetics you know what that means, so anything new to the gene pool...You get the picture. As far as I knew Earth was supposed to be increasing the amount of newcomers, well that is what my dad says, but you have seen Mr sensitivity."

Jason sighed, okay best get this out in the open now. "Look there is one law that has been passed since the plague and I don't agree with it and I know you won't either. It states that any couple living together in a house has the span of 18 months to conceive a child or they must split up and never form household again."

There he had said it. It was the main reason he had refused to marry and why he did not have a woman in his house.
April gawked, " mean...You're saying that if we want to keep our current boyfriends we have to conceive a child or...What happens when you split up a couple?"

Jocelyn swore quietly and Caleb spoke up, "...What? You make them shack up with a new guy and the same rule applies again? Musical spouses? How many rounds before it's over? Do they at least get to choose their mates? How many kids from varying fathers? What happens to the infertile? And, wht happens to those who conform to no one gender?"
May smiled at Jason's words, quite polite considering she just stabbed his dad, he was friendly throughout the tour, he could be one of the males she could converse with. And he certainly lightened the mood, at Aprils ignorance. She found herself somewhat smiling until he practically said that couples had to have kids or they would be separated. She looked at all their faces, and felt sympathy for them. "Wha- what?... What if females don't have a couple?...Or for that matter refuse to have children with anyone?"
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Austin gasped in shock at the news Jason revealed. "You can't force us to have kids! No one in this room could handle having a kid, some couldn't even handle the sex! Caleb like dudes for fucks same! You're not going to split up me and April just because she doesn't start popping out babies." Austin typed into his wrist computer. He wished the flat mechanical voice the computer produced could show his rage, but his face would just have to suffice. "I don't give a fuck about your laws. You're not using April, or any of the girls, as breeding stock." Austin typed while starring daggers at Jason. He walked across the room and placed himself in front of April, his protective instincts overriding the fact that they were still mad at each other.
"P-please, there's gotta be a different way, you gotta convince somebody! Adam and Eve weren't forced! Why can't you guys be patient like earth and wait!" May said angrily but in a begging voice.
Alec returned to the conference room with a cane to aid his new limp. He sat acrossed from Kate. "I'm going to level with you Ms. MacHugh..."

"...Then, start by calling me Kate." She interrupted.

Alec nodded, "Alright, Kate...We need more genetic variety. It makes the most sense to use the material from all of you eleven newcomers, fresh blood, literally. You can follow our laws which have been explained to you by now, or we have some nasty decisions to make. The thing is, you have options. You could marry your current partners and have viable pregnancies during the predetermined time of eighteen months. You could donate the materials for others to use at the fertility clinic... You could keep the babies, or put them up for adoption and not have to parent if you feel too young or unprepared; open or closed adoptions are possible...or, you can raise them yourself if you wish...But, Kate, if we don't get a pregnancy from every fertile pair of humans within eighteen months...New pairings will be arranged either via the clinic or an actual second (or third) marriage." He sipped a glass of water then continued.

"We do, however stop switching partners after the third try. Then, the clinic seeks out what medical issues may be causing the infertility and works on correcting it. Women at that point usually end up impregnated using in vitro fertilization and an anonymous sperm donation. But, ever since the plague nearly killed us all ten years ago, we are all responsible for increasing the colony population. The hardest time for this populating plan falls on your generation, I'm afraid. But, it must be done to keep us from going extinct, here. I'm pleased you are somehow pregnant already, Kate. Your child will lead its generation to greatness in a time of fruitfulness and peace. How did it come to be? It couldn't have been a month since your death. Yet, you appear to be well into your second trimester."

Kate was watching David, Yuet and Natalia's faces as they absorbed this heavy load of information and Alec's question initially distracted her from her swirling miasma of thoughts. "...Oh, the training and tests left me injured. The MeRPs aged me and my child twice to heal me well enough to perform my duties. I got aged a total of 22 weeks more. David is the father. I'm not leaving him..."

"No, I suspected as much. You're safe. Just marry him before the end of this week and your household is settled. Although, if a second child isn't along within six years you'll be set up with fertility drugs. We intend for enough children to be born to at least replace their parents in the population. That means a minimum of two children per couple."

"Pardon me, but I really dislike being ordered to make major changes in MY life according to YOUR schedule."

"Imagine your colleagues's discomfort. They haven't necessarily committed themselves to their beaus, and certainly don't feel ready to marry and procreate anytime soon. I know, I know it's terrible. But, it's necessary. Every woman between eighteen and forty-four is in the same boat. Every unattached male between twenty and sixty must also donate regular deposits of sperm to to fertility clinic. Nobody gets out of their responsibilities to maintaining the colony." Said Alec. "I lost my eldest child, my daughter Mia, in that plague. She was fifteen. I know if she'd have lived she'd happily have been a participant in this program because she loved her colony and would have wanted to keep it thriving. I'm sorry...But, the law is the law. Tell your people and let us know how you've decided by Friday."

Kate sighed and looked at David. "Would you even marry me after I got us into this mess?" She asked, half joking, half serious.

Yuet was quiet, thinking.

Natalia was softly weeping. "I don't...I can't..."
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Jason held up his hands in surrender. "Hey I agree with you guys okay. I think the plan is stupid and should be scrapped, but supposedly wiser heads have decided this is the way to go." He sighed and looked down. "Look I know it is a crappy system but that plague scared the older population to it's core. The problem was it seemed to target the young and very old first, so that's why you won't see very many of them about. I don't think there is one family on this planet that didn't suffer a death in it and some were wiped out entirely. Me I lost my Sister," he said getting a little misty eyed.

"Look the situation isn't as bad as you think although it is bad I agree. I can help you work your way around the system. For the guys there is really no problems. You just have to make regular sperm donations at the fertility clinics and everything will be okay." He looked at them and raised a hand again. "Yes I know that is not what you want to hear and doesn't help the girls but hear me out."

"Okay In answer to Aprils and Jocelyn's questions the rules are this. A couple have eighteen months to conceive a child. If they fail they have to split up and are no longer able to be married. This does not mean she then has to get married again straight away however although that is what my father is trying to push through the council. She has a year to select a new husband and try again, and if that fails a third time. However after three times she must accept artificial insemination to become pregnant. If this is the case she may move in with the man of her choice. Once the first child is born in whatever way it is the parents then have 6 years to bear their second child. This is supposed to ensure that both the parents will be replaced when they die."

He looked at them in silence and let them digest the news. "Now as I said there is a way around it but it is not all that pleasant, well I have been informed it's not. Just as a male can donate so can a female and those donations will be used to impregnate women who are happy to do so. You can then take care of the baby or it can be adopted by a loving family."

He could see this was not going over well and quite frankly he didn't blame them for taking it like this. "Look at the moment no decisions have to be made anyway. You all have to get settled in, build a couple of houses so you get used to the way of life here. Learn how to grow your own food and a heap of other things. Plus there is no way some of you are going to be asked to form bonds right away," he said glancing at May and smiling, then at Caleb. "I'm sure there are a few of you still traumatized by your deaths and I'm sure even my dad's not that stupid he wouldn't start your time before all this mess was sorted out," he smiled in reassurance.
May wanted to smile, but her lips couldn't form it. She felt like she was falling through a dark hole, that would never end. She would have to be paired with someone, have kids, get married. At 19? 18 maybe? She wasn't ready. She didn't want to go through it again. She stiffly moved to the stair case, and sat on the second to last stair. She did not shed a tear, and just kept a straight face. Not wanting to believe any of it. She stared straight ahead at the wall. A new beginning. A new start. Had just become a nightmare.
Jason saw May move over to the steps and sit down looking ahead vacantly. Oh this wasn't good, he didn't want her to shut down again just when she was starting to smile and sort of come out of her shell a little.

What could he have said that would have made her start to act like this again. He started to think back through his speech and then hit on it.

"Oh look I seem to have given the wrong impression here and I think this is mainly for May, Jocelyn and Caleb, but also for everyone else too. You do not have to go looking for a mate as soon as you come of age you know. You start at eighteen and finish at forty four, but most women decide that their early to mid twenties is a good time to start looking for their first and hopefully only mate. However others have left it till their thirties. There is no law saying when you have to get pregnant just that you must have two children of your genetic makeup by age forty four."

He also looked over at Caleb. "As for gender ambiguity, well it is not all that common but not as uncommon as you would think. Central has a few clubs and nightspots for both males and females and honestly as long as you continue to donate what you do in your own time is your business."
Information packets about the laws, expectations, amenities and services of the island, and descriptions of each of their new jobs were given to the shellshocked newcomer senior staff. They rode back to the starter house in silent contemplation, in a taxi buggy paid for by the Council who could see these people were too lost in their own thoughts and shock to take in any more information that morning.

Kate held firm to David's hand as she ascended the porch steps, entering the house they'd all call home for a while, for the first time. The four entered to see everyone assembled around a table talking with Alec's son while police stood guard. One was not far from where May sat huddled at the foot of the stairs. They all looked equally as shocked and afraid. Yuet reached out and Aziz immediately rose to come to her, holding her close while she let her calm demeanor slip for a change, succumbing to quiet sobs against him as he too shed a tear. This brought the tears to Kate's eyes. They hadn't left the eyes of the usually vivacious Natalia since the stunt at the podium a few hours ago. She lost it again when Erik looked up at her.
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