Naughty Nipples - tug, tease, torment and ornament

Enjoying the early show

Enjoying the early show

Oh, fuck!! Sexy pose and so suckable!!!😋
Amazing balancing act. It must have taken a lot of practice to get just right. 👏 👏
I was thinking about that. It's obviously a professional photo shoot. I wonder if maybe there is a rod or some connection to the icecube which holds it suspended over her nipple?
Right. Of course it's likely photoshop.
Taking another look, I first wasn’t sure about that because the water drop focuses light onto her nipple and the ice cube throws a shadow, but of course those could be manipulated as well. However, there are other clues that it’s a composite. If you zoom in, you can see that the ice cube and water drop are more pixelated than the breast - so different resolution base images. Furthermore, there’s actually a subtle watermark on the breast image.
So, busted! (Pun mostly not intended, but you get my point. ;) )

Nonetheless, as @naughty_stories noted, very well done and a great erotic image.
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Taking another look, I first wasn’t sure about that because the water drop focuses light onto her nipple and the ice cube throws a shadow, but of course those could be manipulated as well. However, there are other clues that it’s a composite. If you zoom in, you can see that the ice cube and water drop are more pixelated than the breast - so different resolution base images. Furthermore, there’s actually a subtle watermark on the breast image.
So, busted! (Pun mostly not intended, but you get my point. ;) )

Nonetheless, as @naughty_stories noted, very well done and a great erotic image.
The watermark covers the ice cube as well. It also wouldn't be that hard to photo shop out tongs or even fingers holding the ice cube if they were placed correctly.