Needy? What are you needing right now?

I need to be off this boat, at home, so that I can wake my Domme Goddess up properly, the way she DESERVES TO BE....

...the first thing my Domme would be feeling this morning when she wakes is your slave, under the covers, rubbing your sexy feet, kissing and sucking your coconut oiled, sexy toes, while massaging your beautiful feet... If you reach, or look down, you'll find a really hard cock... I've had it all morning, from listening to you purr and petting your soft, beautiful, silky skin... still soft from the coconut oil I rubbed you to sleep with... You'll feel me use my fingertip, to rub my precum into your sexy nipples, saving it to later, kiss and suck from them... It'll dry, but it'll turn slippery and delicious, mixed with your lovely pheromones, as my wet lips and tongue lightly caress and kiss, lightly sucking on them... the thought of having my cock inside you is sooooo beautifully overwhelming....
I saw a question recently to men and women both, regarding "cumming inside... "Deep, or near the opening?"
it asked... I didn't reply, but I'll tell you, Goddess!
I want to spread it out thoroughly, completely throughout your lovely flower... some on the outside, some, just inside the opening, and some DEEPLY inside of you Goddess... that creates the PERFECT HOT, WET, MESSY, DELICIOUS CREAMPIE to clean from your beautiful flower (slightly pungent from playing hard last night... Mmmmmm)
...lightly kissing, licking, and sucking the cum from your sexy lips and clit, gently sucking it out of your hot opening, as I curl the tip of my tongue to collect and pull it from inside of you Goddess... pleasuring you until you start pushing, using your muscles to push out the cum that's deeply inside of you, pushing the beautiful mixture of both of us, straight into my needy mouth.... I LOVE when you do that Goddess... the way your flower feels, wrapped around my tongue as you serve me my FAVORITE breakfast... DELICIOUS!!!... playing with your swollen clit, sucking it deeply into my mouth, awaiting the precious flood of your juices, flooding me, flowing into me, flowing down my throat and into my very soul.... pleasuring your sexy asshole with my tongue, to make your orgasm last, to gently carry you through it, allowing the intensity to taper off slowly...
That's a tough act to follow.

I was going to post something sexy, but in truth, I just need to lay my head in someone's lap.
I LOVE when my Wife/Domme lays her head in my lap! I am perfectly content, holding and petting her for hours, feeling her silky skin, her beautiful hair... I love everything about her!
I LOVE when my Wife/Domme lays her head in my lap! I am perfectly content, holding and petting her for hours, feeling her silky skin, her beautiful hair... I love everything about her!
Good for you, I guess? I didn't ask.
That's a tough act to follow.

I was going to post something sexy, but in truth, I just need to lay my head in someone's lap.
...and PLEASE, post anything sexy that's on your mind!
Everything can can be sexy, even if it's not "sexual!"
A new shoulder….no matter how hard I rehab I just can’t get rid of the pain totally…

Oh and I could always go for a nice back/shoulder/neck massage….