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you look great to me Amy, I could eat at your lunch counter forever

I don't know who gave you shit amy, but you are very pretty and just tell whoever to fuck-off as long as you enjoy doing this keep doing it. very nice keep up ze boys, I think you av so far

lovely addition, and I'm so jealous of the lucky guy spewing his wad on your belly. I think I have a load here for you too.

whoever they are they are way wrong.
you are one hot little lady. lets see some more......
I believe I agree with the consensus here that any negative postings you had previously received were simply wrong. You have displayed great beauty and bravery here, and I for one salute your efforts. Very nice indeed ;)

I can not imagine anyone in their right mind saying anything negative about your looks. So just remember, the opinions of the naysayers don't count when they are WRONG.

I like your use of black and white too. It makes the tittilation factor that much stronger. :)
I must agree. Looking pretty damn fine. I also like the black and white. Keep it up!!