Newbies, this one's for you!

I agree, everybody's doing pretty well, I havn't seen any mistakes by new arrivals yet. Just relax, take a deep breath, and jump right in! Everybody's here to help you guys out, and like Starfire said, you get the hang of it, slowly but steadily.
Keep up the good work everybody!

lol doesn't it just seem like yesterday when we were talking about losing my status virginity blaze? now i'm comming up on 100
Khadgar said:
lol doesn't it just seem like yesterday when we were talking about losing my status virginity blaze? now i'm comming up on 100

Well, technically, it was yesterday, Khadgar. We just posted to that thread about it again last night, remember?
Seriously though, yeah, time flies, you're coming up on your avatar pretty quick. And check it out, I was in the two hundreds back then, and here I am, a Lit Guru now! Hoorah!!!
Pardon my enthusiasm, I've been looking forward to this.

*scratches head* i thought it was longer than that. like a couple days meh, doesn't matter, congrats on becomming a guru man. that alot of damn posts for such a short time lol
Lot of posts? Hell, you don't know the half of it. Saturday night alone, I posted 137 times. (Now THAT took a long time) I was damned and determined to get that bloody guru tagline.

you have got to be kidding.... 137 times? is there a place where you just fill up with posts to get your count up? i don't think thats real... or whatever you want to call it. i mean, it's not THAT important. if someone doesn't want to pay attention because i've got... what? 95 posts? then meh, their loss. i wouldn't go and just count post.

NOT SAYING YOU ARE lol if that was 137 legit posts. holy shit man.... thats.... impressive
It was legit, man. I wnt into the general board and started getting to know everybody there. Eventually, I ended up with posts in nearly every post there. I only had one illegitimate post, when I was sitting at 499 and there was nobody left to talk to. So I bumped an old ORP thread. Other than that, I shared my opinions in the general board, for about 9 hours. Took quite a while. Nobody complained though, and I got quite a number of posts to the effect of "Quite right, Blaze", so my posts obviously had at least SOME merit.

Damn that avatar is taaaasty Crysede!

Well I'm not the posting hounds that you guys are hehe, but I'm definitely looking forward to my avatar at 100. Just have no idea what I'm gonna use. Hrmmmm
You damn well got that right, that av is DAMN sexy!!! I sure am glad Crysede is all mine...

Well someone wants to show off, not mentioning any names or titles, Blazeoflife, gopher slayer!
oops... once again I've said too much...
could be worse trey.... could be worse *smirks* gophers. been playing whack-a-mole much lately blaze?
What are you doing down here you silly thread, no newbies will see you here! *bumping back up*
LOL Crysede!
Welcome to all newbies, feel free to post any comments, questions, or queries you may have!
This thread is here specifically for your use and enjoyment!

Hey, Blaze-

I read you and crysede's little thread... I must say, it is a very interesting little short story. Pretty graphic too. Kudos on the imagery ;)

PS- check your PMs
Lormegil said:
Hey, Blaze-

I read you and crysede's little thread... I must say, it is a very interesting little short story. Pretty graphic too. Kudos on the imagery ;)

PS- check your PMs

Thanks for the compliments, man, and the heads-up! I always forget about the damn PMs...
I really should reset the cookies to activate the emails and pop ups when they arrive, but I just can't be bothered about dealing with it...
Oh well.
Welcome to Lit, Lormegil!
Enjoy your stay!

Well, I dunno whether I'm a newbie or not, but they do say the definition of being one is having to ask the question, so I guess am one. In any case, I'm certainly a newbie to starting threads, so I'll bring up my idea here.

I've an idea for a thread, and I'd like to know if enough people are interested in it to make it worthwhile.

The setting is a twisted prodigy of Tolkien. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but there are some bothersome ideas of innate racial superiority in 'The Lord of the Rings', especially considering the time it was written.

My setting (Neo Middle Earth ;)) would be at the technology and cultural level of the 1940s. The elves dominate the world, and inflict their notion of racial perfection on it. A race of humans (think the Dunedan) are considered just about worthy to be allowed around elves and very occasionally an elf will marry one of this race. Most other humans are kept in slum districts of the huge, smog-ridden cities. Orcs and the "lesser" human races are imprisoned in concentration camps under horrific conditions. Half elven progeny of the elves and "greater" human race guard them.

Orc and human resistance movements try and bring down the elves from within the cities and camps, but the ruthless elven secret police, the Athel Loriat, stamp them out with ruthless vigour. In the vast wildernesses between the cities small bands of rebel partisans carry out furtive raids on isolated elven stations and outposts.

Infighting and political intrigue between the elves themselves is common; elven society being divided into many different factions and groups. Magic is very rare and consists mostly of small cantrips and minor enchantments. Many do not believe in it at all

So what'd you all think?
Ok, I'm gonna be extremely biased in this reply, (not that I think you should abandon your strip) but simply because I'm an elf fanatic and can't stand by without putting in my two cents.

First of all, I'd like to say that there is nothing really "wrong" about the storyline, but because I've read almost all of Tolkein's books, I need to say that the elves in Tolkein's middle earth are aloof from all the other races, and the imprisoning of the other races would be a waste of time and effort. Also what about the dwarves, hobbits, and other beings other than human scum ;)?

Then, there is the fact that the Grey Elves, being the wisest of all middle earth, would know that enforced racial superiority is wrong and put a stop to it.

Just remember, my opinions shouldn't matter to you, but it might be a turn off to any true Tolkein fans out there.

In another note: Three cheers for scantily clad women weilding blades!
Hip-hip- hooray, hip-hip-hooray, HIP-HIP-HOORAY!!! :D
Go for it, Lethe, it sounds interesting.
Don't forget, Lormegil, he did say prodigy of Tolkien, meaning a different take on a basic premise.
It just means he's being somewhat inspired by the great author, and creating something of his own for those not entirely satisfied with the plots within Tolkien's own works.
I say you go for it, man. You'll probably get plenty of takers, its the exact thing to appeal to a lot of the people on this board.
I reccomend that you look up a thread called "What's your interest level?" and describe it there, everybody alredy uses that one to bounce ideas around so they'll come in to take a look at it, as opposed to here where its mostly newer people.

Sorry, I should really have added the disclaimer that my idea should be taken with a pinch of salt; I'm not seriously trying to claim that Tolkien was a Nazi propagandist or anything of the sort. I am, in fact, a big fan of Tolkien. But we've had countless novels and stories and yes, threads, where elves are good and beautiful and orcs are mean and ugly, I thought a twist would be refreshing

Secondly, my calling it Neo Middle Earth is just a wry expression; it's not the actual Middle Earth, and there are no dwarves and halflings in it.