Newbies, this one's for you!

more assaults with feathers?!! i donno if i can survive!!

read it, and i approve lol
you'd be lucky i didn't have the chance to hug you and pretty much tar yourself up then *smirks* well. it's about midnight. should sleep get up at 5:30 tromrrow.... or is it 6.... damnit.... oh well. find out tomorrow. lol.

good night people!
SpectralDragoon said:
So Tyrael, I haven't seen your nick in any RPG casting calls. Need a hand? A shove? :)

I took too long thinking up stuff for the Resident Evil thread.

I'll have to wait til I see something that interests me.
Arc da Rat said:
Tyrael we could always use another body in Res Evil. :D

Ain't it against the rules or something to join a thread already started?
Nope, not that I know of ... If it was then I would npot be in any of the threads I am in :D
against the rules to jump in? good god.... we'd have some kind ot riot and pandemonium! by all means Ty! i'm the DM in RES, if you're interested post in the OOC, come up with a charechter, and theres nothing you really have to catch up on, unless you want to join a group, but even then we can tell you about it in the OOC.

in RES, all players are welcome, because we don't have alot of them. lol if you're also interested, you can check PM's thread Know Your Enemy. he and i have been carrying it for... what? 110 posts or so on our own.... need more people there too.
Tyrael said:

I took too long thinking up stuff for the Resident Evil thread.

I'll have to wait til I see something that interests me.
You are joining a thread this summer even if I have to invent one specifically for you and then drag you into it kicking and screaming god dammit!!!

Oh, and lovely to see you here again, stop by anytime babe! :D

(Just figured I'd stop in and check on this thread, see which direction its going in THIS time...)

Blaze ... nobody has posted here since Khaddy put up his ORPs thread ... :D
Oh, sure...
Just because this one's older, everybody abandons it for the first new young thing that walks by...
Go ahead, leave, go for it...
I understand...

*sits and thinks for a minute*hmmmmmm....hey both of our threads died when khadgars came along rite?

I would kiss you & get all mushy like but you would throw up on me again ...
. o O (i don't remember Hy having a thread.... well, i mean other than normal game threads....)

Hey Blaze, it's just that i'm the "sexy evil man" that probably it!

lol i donno why i got/get sop many posts on that! but i definatly don't mind *grins*
Khadgar said:
. o O (i don't remember Hy having a thread.... well, i mean other than normal game threads....)

Hey Blaze, it's just that i'm the "sexy evil man" that probably it!

lol i donno why i got/get sop many posts on that! but i definatly don't mind *grins*
He had that tester thread that I broomed to death, in which you two talked about your silly games and took shots at the really cool games like Diablo II and Baldur's Gate II!

True Khad, but Blaze is the sexy deitic personification, I guess this just goes to show you that evil triumphs - at least when good isn't around! lol