Not Another Medieval Thread...

Rassid seemed to stride effortlessly across the firm sod, after all he had to learn to stride across the perfidious sands of his home, dirt tightly packed together was no challenge.

"It is a mere hour's walk from here. The town has a road house so we can rest properly once we arrive."

The group made it over a hill and the lights of a small town were evident. It didn't seem too busy at this hour but one of the younger nomads was able to point out to roadhouse to the prince and the warrior.

"There, that is where we shall rest. That is where the camels are stabled. We shall get food and water for our journey and be off tomorrow evening."

Alexander nodded and sat down on the cool grass. It felt good to give his legs a rest. He wished his horse wasn't taken by the orcs; it would have been very useful.

He leaned back against a tree and yawned deeply. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of color from the edge of the woods. He turned quickly, but the figure disappeared.

"Rassid! Del!" He yelled to them. 'I-I think I saw someone over there!"
Immediatly Del's hand droped to his sword hilt. He looked from Rassid to Alexander. "Did you see what they looked like?" he asked the prince.

"No, just a flash of colour. May not have been a person at all."

The two warriors shared a concerned look. "You stay with the prince," Del said to Rassid. "I'll take two of your warriors with me to investigate."

Alexander pointed out exactly where he saw the flash and the three moved off.

"I want you two to flank each side and come around from the other way." Del said.

He waited silently in the bushes for the other two to get into position. When the time was right, he blew a whistle and lept into the clearing sword first.

He adopted possibly the most confused look he'd ever adopted. There stood a dwarf holding a human baby riding an amazon woman.
The moment the men entered the glade, she swung the dwarf from her shoulders and readied her staff.

"I should have stayed home," She muttered under her breath as she put herself between the small man and baby and the strangers. "I swear I did less fighting there than I have since I left. And that is saying something when you grow up among the Amazons."

Facing the confused looking leader type, she called out. "Let us pass. We have a wraith on our tail and no time for this now. Any delay and it will catch up to us all."

Keldak brushed aside a small tree and came to a clearing. he skidded to a stop. there were many men here.... maybe more than he cared to pick a fight with.... he paused and waited.
Seven emerged from the brush and stood a few yards away from the couple with the baby. No way someone was going to steal his loot away from him. Preparing himself for a brawl, he readied a hand made smoke pellet in his palm.

Alexander stood up and looked around. He heard a pretty female voice from the glade. He tried to see who it was. His eyes stopped on the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He nearly coughed and he almost missed what she said.

"Del!" He yelled to him. "Wraiths are bad news! Let them go!" Rassid gave him an odd look.

"Prince Alexander, you don't even know who it is. How do you know it's safe?"

"A woman with a dwarf and a baby cannot be too dangerous, can they?" Alexander asked.

"Anything can be dangerous." Rassid said. "Never let your guard down."

Just what he needed.
There he was, holding a baby in his arms and running from a wraith, and what? A group of people decide they need to investigate?
"Look," he began. "Just let us pass. We intend no harm, and if you wish to explore the wraith, do so with us and this baby, safely headed in the opposite direction."
He hoped rationality woud prevail, especially now that the large creature from he village and another stranger who'd apparently followed them were behind them.
Rassid considered the possible outcome of a battle with a wraith, besides himself none of his comrades had lore or arms to fight them. He knew not of the other two who had just joined his company and the dwarf was obviously in no mood or condition to fight.

"We fly, guard the dwarf and the child. We shall make it to the town, the wraith will not follow us within."

He had the others run ahead of him, armed with moon-blessed steel he could keep the wraith from getting to close as they fled.

Alexander ran along side the woman and dwarf. He was very intrigued by the newcomers. He kept pace with them, although he didn't know what to say.

"Um...don't worry. Rassid and Del know what they're doing." Alexander tried to smile. The woman and dwarf didn't pay him much attention. So he sighed and kept running. I guess questions would have to wait for later....

Keldak grimaced. he knew nothing about this wraith creature. all he did know was thieves had attacked him, and he'd be damned to let them get off. He also wasn't going to start clubbing in the midst of a bunch of people.

He followed behind, brooding and sizing up the rest of the group....
Seven, stood, still holding the smoke pellet in hand. Before he realized it, the pellet slid out of his hand and landed on the ground. As the smoke filled the air around him he began to hack and cough before stepping out of the cloud. He wondered if anyone noticed......
Swinging the dwarf back up onto her shoulders, she trotted off in the midst of the men. When one of them tried to talk to her she simply nodded. She really needed to save her breath for the run. She was now regreting very much skipping out on warrior training. She could use the extra stamina right about now.

Still the thought of the wraith behind her kept her feet going and her mind on things other than her aching shoulders and back and the fact that her legs were beginning to feel like lead.
Seven leapt in front of the running amazon, "Wait a minute, perhaps we can all work together to stop this wraith."

He was looking forward when the man jumped in front of her, almost causing her to drop him. he gripped tightly to the baby, hoping she'd hold him well in place.
"Stop it?" He shouted down at the man. "You idiot, who wants to stop it? Let's just get the hell out of here to somewhere safe!"

"I agree with the Dwarf." Alexander said. "I've only heard stories of Wraiths and I would like to keep it that way." He pointed ahead, over the hill. "Besides, I can see the light from down the hill. The town is near and we will most likely be safe there. We can rest at the inn."

Alexander smiled at the thought of a warm bed. He needed some good sleep.
Del trotted along listening to the converstation.
"You lot make for the village," he said. "I'll drop back and see if I can lead the wraith off or buy you some time."

One of Del's faults was his bravado, especially in the company of members of the opposite sex. This got him into many situations he would rather not be in.

The others were running towards the village as Del jogged back in the opposite direction.

"Why did I open my big mouth?" he wondered aloud. As if in answer a piercing scream came from directly infornt of him.

Del froze, and would have been caught had not his self-preservation instincts took hold.

Del ran. As fast as he could back the way he had come.

It wasn't long before he caught up to the others. "See you at the tavern!" he yelled as he overtook them at a dead run.

He was almost there. Screw the wraith, what he wanted to get rid of now was a bottle of wiskey.

Keldak growled. the humanhad apperently been scared mad. his vision was no longer flaming with rage, but his legs carried him a little faster then before.

the shriek had been strange. certainlyhe had never heard it before, but the group would be in the village soon enough. only a couple minutes now. the thought crossed his mind 'why am i with them? it's obviouslyafter this dwarf and his man child. i beling at home.' but of course he couldn't tell wether he'd be attacked if he turned back, so onward he pressed.
Rassid grit his teeth as the others ran past him, he was glad to see that Del was going to stand with him. His elation was quickly shot down when Del ran ahead of him then turned tail and fled. He had nothing to say about that really...

As the shrieking, thing neared he slashed at it with his moon-blessed scimitar. If this thing could not be dispatched within a few moments he would also run. His promise had only been to delay it after all. In the meantime his men would protect the others from anything else that might come for them.

"I am your enemy fiend! The others are of no concern to you!"
Seven followed the others. Perhaps a few coins would drop from their pockets while they ran? Anxious to get something out of this trip he made sure he ran behind everyone.
OOC: Sorry about not posting lately, everyone. We have had several people at work quit and my work schedule has been nothing short of insane.

IC: Avis shook her head at the goings on. Bravery and foolishness shared a fine line. If you didn't watch it you were sure to step over that line without realizing it. As for herself, she was headed to safety. Giving one's life for a cause was one thing but she wasn't sure what this cause was or even if she wanted to be involved in it. The more time passed the more she was sure the answer to that was no.

Town broke into view over the hill. He could see regular sized houses, not the dwarven homes he'd gronw up in, but full-scale, human sized houses, ones that often meant that the violent taller race was there, and that often meant safety to those who were welcome there. As of late, dwarves and humans were not so much worse for thier dealing swith one another, though now and again, one encountered the unkind thief or traveler who opposed whatever race.
Holding tightly to the baby, he looked down at the amazon, smiling.
"Almost there," he shouted to her.

"Celcia!" Alexander said with a smile. He was glad the town ahead of them was Celcia; Celcia and East Rim have been allies for the longest time. They would rest easy in this town.

Del had taken the lead again (obviously, Alexander thought, to protect them from any attacks from the front) and Rassid and fallen behind...he hoped the man would be alright.

Celcia was a large town, and at night it looked especially inviting as the warm glow of lights radiated from the buildings. The thatched roofes and cobble roads reminded Alexander a lot of East Rim and he smiled to himself slightly.

When they reached the town gates, Alexander took the lead in front of the group. The guard waiting there lifted his lantern suspisiously at him. "Who goes there?" He asked.

"Prince Alexander Cobat of East Rim." Alexander said proudly.

"Prince Alexander?" The guard asked. "Is it really you? Gosh, I haven't seen you since you was a tyke when your father brought you here."

"Well, I would like to catch up with you, but me and my...enterouge need to rest at the inn."

"Very well, sire." The guard oppened the gates for them to come in.

"Oh, and another man should be coming along shortly. He has dark skin with black hair and weilds a scimitar. He goes by the name Rassid. He's with us." Alexander noted, then entered the city.

The inviting atmosphere instantly put Alexander to ease. It was like coming home. He remembered some of the streets and found the inn rather quickly. The inn was seperated on to two floors. The top floor had all the rooms, and the bottom floor had the tavern. Alexander dug into his pouch and gave Del a handful of gold coins.

"Go see to getting us some rooms and I will see to getting something to eat."

Alexander walked over to the bar and found a barmaid cleaning up some of the tables. "Excuse me." Alexander got her attention. "I would like to purchase some warm meals for me and my companions."
Del quickly put the coins out of view. There were several sets of eyes now regarding the prince with more then a passing interest. It was foolish to be so obvious about having that much coin. Del expected trouble would come of this.

Moving to the bar, Del greeted the Landlord. A portly good natured man, by the look of him, and dressed as though his Inn were bringing him a good deal of coin.

"Have you rooms enough to lodge the group of us that just entered?" Del asked. The innkeeper frowned slightly and shook his head. "I've only four rooms open."

"That will have to do," Del said and ploped down a stack of coins.

The inkeeper reached under the counter and produced four keys.

"Anythin' else?" he asked

"Yeah, bottle of wiskey. Northern if you have it."

"Not much call for that paint thinner 'round here, im afraid. We just have the local stuff, and a few bottles come in from the east."

"Your strongest local then," Del said, somewhat dissaponted. No one made a good wiskey like they did in his home in the northlands.

Bottle in hand, Del moved back to join the others.
The monster was premature in its threat assessment of Rassid, but once the moon-blessed blade had tasted of its ethereal form the Wraith learned to fear, if only a little. Rassid was growing tired however, and the evil spirit had a well of unholy stamina to draw upon. After another minute Rassid fled towards the town, he was let in by the guards who recognized the him from the description and from his previous visit. The evil spirit dared not tread near the town's light, and it lingered in the hills.