Not English, but not Spanish, German, French, Italian, or Dutch?

isso nao e muito fair... nao acha que tenho que ter a posibilidade de defenderme?

Este sitio es una vergüenza al internet. ¡Las personas aquí están estúpido, egoísta, y malo! No me gusta...para nada! :mad: :devil:
Bacteriophage68 said:
Este sitio es una vergüenza al internet. ¡Las personas aquí están estúpido, egoísta, y malo! No me gusta...para nada! :mad: :devil:
damn. i have been figured out.
Hey, what about submitting not stories but translations of already submitted texts? I select some of english stories and translate 'em for my own pleasure. Then I repost it on some russian sites (eg or, +archive in my own livejournal). All rights reserved of course. But what about official section - for example?