not sure how many words

eagleyez said:
Summer time and the livin
Is Porgy
Is Bess
Languid sun falls
Smoke trails Miles
Through the upstairs-

A huddle of books
Laughing orgasm
Smoothie Queen
No mail today
No mail today.

Stuffed bell peppers
Jersey style, eh?
After endless symphonies of
Talks and Broadway remembrances
Daddy packed up the car
Come on girls-

How layered we are

Ooooh. I went away to work and you put up my favorite av of you. Swoonies.
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Next Week

I can't guarantee that my goodbye
will take me to tomorrow. All too soon
it's yesterday and I haven't done enough.

There's still joy left to be found and trials
to fight. Who wins if I don't try? I've never
been a quitter and tomorrow's not the time.

Not enough time for endings to come.
Don't kiss me into sleep, I'm still awake
with love to live and happiness to cry.

Let's look ahead to beyond tomorrow's night
plan for morning and breakfast at dawn; of days
that last beyond yesterdays yet to come.
Roadside Memorials

Appearing over night
crosses sometimes rough
with flowers
fresh and plastic
left to fade or blow away
in the slip stream
of passing transport trucks
watered by the spilt blood
and tears of those
left behind to grieve
past years' crop still stands
here and there sadder
even than when new
forlorn in their neglect
and scattered flower remnants
faded names
Jason, Shelley, Dan
all torn by metal
too fast, too soon, too late.
Tristesse2 said:
Appearing over night
crosses sometimes rough
with flowers
fresh and plastic
left to fade or blow away
in the slip stream
of passing transport trucks
watered by the spilt blood
and tears of those
left behind to grieve
past years' crop still stands
here and there sadder
even than when new
forlorn in their neglect
and scattered flower remnants
faded names
Jason, Shelley, Dan
all torn by metal
too fast, too soon, too late.

I want to hold them. I try
to imagine their weight
in my arms, how the greater
curve of a back might feel
arched into my empathy not
just that but the rose petal days,
rain mist and and stifled giggles
as we pull dampening sheets
from the line. The rain falls

harder and growth uneven
in fields yields stubbled crops,
stunted maybe my regret
wilts flowers into the mud:
too much imagination, over
active dreams of bones
bleach my memories
to dust. This is the dark side
of the moon, the blank space
under the bed I can't
go there anymore so I
pray to dream until dawn
when I can remember lilacs
in bloom, the picnic table
laden with laughter
and potato salad, the way
my key tightened the skates.
From months of dreaming-
Grandfathers and Mothers,
Splitting wood on snow
Then where did they go?

Candles in windowpanes
The old riverhouse vacant
The creaky stairs lead me up and up-
The ghosts of the Russian women pass outside-
Dogs and Men with walking sticks,

I settle at dawn,
Build a fire from within
For without them I must
Move, with more to do,
Until again they appear and take me

Its only a dream
And its over now...for now,
As the crows caw and stars dissappear.
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Angeline said:
I want to hold them. .......

......laden with laughter
and potato salad, the way
my key tightened the skates.

:kiss: That's lovely, Ange.

Black Bird Blues

we're old acquaintances
from five years back
but we have a love-hate thing
the crows and I
I risked losing an ear
to check the raspberries
frantic feathered parents
hurled invectives and themselves
at this two legged threat
200 feet below their babes.

On hot days they bring
the fledglings to our waterfall
and watch proudly
as they splash and squawk
like any other children
but now as summer passes
the parents tire of being
chased and begged for food.

I wonder do crows mate for life?
He's a good husband
preening her tenderly
and sharing the babysitting
funny and clever.

But I wish they'd just
shut up once in a while.
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Tristesse2 said:
:kiss: That's lovely, Ange.

Black Bird Blues

we're old acquaintances
from five years back
but we have a love-hate thing
the crows and I
I risked losing an ear
to check the raspberries
frantic feathered parents
hurled invectives and themselves
at this two legged threat
200 feet below their babes.

On hot days they bring
the fledglings to our waterfall
and watch proudly
as they splash and squawk
like any other children
but now as summer passes
the parents tire of being
chased and begged for food.

I wonder do crows mate for life?
He's a good husband
preening her tenderly
and sharing the babysitting
funny and clever.

But I wish they'd just
shut up once in a while.

Love you PoeTess. Gracias for the inspiration and the beautiful poems. :heart:

You know, between you, me, ee and tath, we have a chapbook of crow poems. :D

A Comedy Of Buddhists (inspired by Cathy Jones)

The birds cast shadows on the sky
in flights of sunlit moon beams
swooping low over prairie mountains
in a moment of chaotic contradiction.

I close my eyes only to see the tear
as it hovers beside laugh lines
on the face I so love to smile in sly
secrets that melt on my tonguey kisses

with whispered coolness that tells me
butter was here and stayed whole
until we shared humour and fear together
in songs of hurt and synchronicity.

Be with me inside the light of this cloud
held close to my struggles inside a net
of flimsy thread knotted into a carpet
where shadows fall onto the sky as birds fly.
For Ange...

Endless talks reach far into night-
Non verbal some, and others, sardined with word messages,
No subject off limits-

Thats how its become-
Some whispered, some full of laughter.
Others irrigated with tears and subsequent proclomations-
Side by side, in car, on walks,
The red lily and the dwarf tree.

I make a fresh salad, you, bread and wine,
And "writing" this forms diamonds,
Far flung across a gemstone night, lapidary gold.

To know, to understand, a miasma of connection
Barrelling downstreams and set adrift on stillwater rivers.

I sense the avalanche that surrounds us in crystlline beauty,
Time slips away and blesses us with the minutes truth.

How far, how long, the water reaches water,
Summers fade, Winters linger, Springs return to this mutual muse
As lips brush every so gently,
Under the giant, twisted spruce tree...

Live now marveling at the world,
2 children kick the can on strolls

What do you see in this coot-
What do you value?

The simple silence and the click of the hammer-
Shooting down stars and catching them in our collective chalice,
A hollowed out gord filled with the sweet mik of love,
I swap liquids all around you,
Honey sweet, reflecting the white light surrender.

Mine, yours, the great spirit made you for me,
To have a chance again, and from the cave of our own past makings,
We seemingly cum together as we rise and walk in the light.

Forever in a day.
Sailing on Sunday

Doldrum-dull, still water hides
an undertow of thought.
Jib hangs slack ready to flap
frantic for absent velocity.
Air hangs heavy between us
pregnant with possibilities.

Silent slapping waves
from no ones wake
wake us from our dreams
and rock us back again.

No cloud nor bird braves
this heat,
the water, cool, calls me.
Sink silent, swim languid,
tonight there will be magic
fluorescence dancing on the swell
and, at last, a breeze.
messages in bottles
floating just out of reach
tantalize on the tide
of mixed emotions
we'll never know
what we want to say
and the wind carries away
the screams.
marled and colorless
in predawn vacancy.

dead calm save for the chestheaves
breath of night angels
pipers scurry,

a wind
a clock
a tide neverending.
i watched snow flakes land
my arm flecked white,
birds made silent prayer
and a sea of pearls grew slowly,
stretching over the horizon
purifying scoured farms
marrying me in a veil
to the land.
Birds of pray-
Night drummers
Silent sounds
of feet creeking
on midnight floors.

The procession in
Dharma cloaks,
Vestments of burlap
And spangles of starlight
The steady heartbeat
Of repetition,

Birds of pray
Scuttle and soar
Scratch the dirt for seeds
Awake at dawn
I herald them
And recognize the majesty

World turning on their axis.

I'm still trying to catch my breath after reading wildsweetone and eagleyez's last two poems here. Gorgeous images and nice wordplay with pray eagleyez. *raises a toast, unbuttered* ;)
cherries_on_snow said:
I'm still trying to catch my breath after reading wildsweetone and eagleyez's last two poems here. Gorgeous images and nice wordplay with pray eagleyez. *raises a toast, unbuttered* ;)

Many thanks!!

Harmonica headache-
Hobos ridin by
She's up on blocks
Needs a new pair of shocks.

Well I smoke like a fool
Diggin thru my tools
And her jazz makes me want an ambulance
To come fix the trick of it.

Cardealers and men with guns
Hey baby, can i get some gum?
Allnight watchmen howl with laughter
They know what little boys are after.

The hotel is a close crawl
I enter the visionary hall,
A museum of repetition
The doors confuse me with their position.

The long and short of it-
The birds sing at dawn
The coffee shop girls head in early
While the guardog snarls on the lawn.
jolly guard dogs *giggling*

just a little waffling...

Wandering down the street
eyes on eyes
hands held loose
jeans riding low
walkin' slow,
Twigs dangle hair snared
as hearts arterial roots
in silence hiss life
trickles along the drains
graded grime over time.

Wandering down the street
eyes on eyes
hands held loose
jeans riding low
walkin' slow,
Twigs dangle hair
snared as hearts.
Arterial roots
in silence hiss.
Life trickles along the drains
graded grime over time.
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wildsweetone said:
jolly guard dogs *giggling*

just a little waffling...

Wandering down the street
eyes on eyes
hands held loose
jeans riding low
walkin' slow,
Twigs dangle hair snared
as hearts arterial roots
in silence hiss life
trickles along the drains
graded grime over time.

:rose: :rose:
wildsweetone said:
hi sweet man, hope all is well with you. please say hi to your honey from me. :rose: :kiss:

Things go well, thanks, hope the same apllies to you. Im not around much, but when I feed the muse his favorite cigar, he cackles at me in the corner.

Love reading your stuff. Its so, um, sweetgirlish, dare i say, with vision galore of important things.

Look forward to more. Now that kiss and squeeze for the Poet Chick. :heart: :heart:

:rose: :rose:

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eagleyez said:
Things go well, thanks, hope the same apllies to you. Im not around much, but when I feed the muse his favorite cigar, he cackles at me in the corner.

Love reading your stuff. Its so, um, sweetgirlish, dare i say, with vision galore of important things.

Look forward to more.

:rose: :rose:


cigar you say? i might try doing the same. ;)

i wish i could write the important things directly but they still come out as preachy. i need more practise. :)

i love reading your stuff too. :D very down to earth, gutsy, full of imagery and told with great story telling technique. i is learning stuff. ;)

have a great rest of the day love. assessments are calling me.

arohanui :rose:
He is taller than me now
An amalgam of she and I
Her eyes
My chin and face.

He is taller than me now
Still looks up to me when he
Borrows a buck,
Holds the secrets of his unfolding as he
Drives and rides byways and highways
Thru the hills and valleys of his youth.

He drops in unannounced,
My home his home,
He's thin like me
We share clothes
To keep each other warm.
Always to keep each other warm.
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This ones a song-stored here wwritten today

When i first heard the news
Oil leaking blood was gone
When I first heard the news
Highways couldnt stretch that long,

Then I first got the clue
Supplyhouse was broken down
I knew just what to do
Hold my hair back and hit the ground

I watched you crawl round the bender
I caught your fall and you surrendered
Then the sky fell down
And the birds made that sound
Calling me, to fly- fly away.

After so long on the ground.
Its true Ive struggled hard to fly
After so long with that sound
The silence then, it passed me by.

Till I heard the rain and wind
The midnight moons of love again
The mystery slips away
dont even try to remember what to say.

I know you''d rather not remember
The river freezes in November
And the sky is blue,
Just As blue as you, and
The things you had to do
I made you out a pretender.

When I first heard the news
Oil leaking tears "so long"
When I first heard the news
Powerlines couldn't stretch that long.

fade out...

verse Am-Em-G
chorus Fmaj- G
hold Em back to Am Em G
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