not sure how many words

Fog, mud, must,
Lilting piano indoors
He coulda been middleweight champeen of the world.
Horn arpegios, step outs, climb ins, the same, the same.

Folk music medication,
Bent notes and historic voices,
Yeah I read the news today-
Its fair to be king.

Itchy to spring
Winterlong in the middle,
Coolie dank home sidewinders
Opiate chinaman Wizard of Iz
Dance a stepback
Moving forward,
Candle fires burn darkday
Beauty surrounds like reverb
Hand slaps the signature, all in time, all in time.
eagleyez said:
Fog, mud, must,
Lilting piano indoors
He coulda been middleweight champeen of the world.
Horn arpegios, step outs, climb ins, the same, the same.

Folk music medication,
Bent notes and historic voices,
Yeah I read the news today-
Its fair to be king.

Itchy to spring
Winterlong in the middle,
Coolie dank home sidewinders
Opiate chinaman Wizard of Iz
Dance a stepback
Moving forward,
Candle fires burn darkday
Beauty surrounds like reverb
Hand slaps the signature, all in time, all in time.
The hand slaps the signature
all in time, all in
time moves the beat, goes
on and on until another
sunrise sparkles off strawberry
-lime shards through mescal
oils our palm itches
we remember to clap
the beat and our pleasure
to the music
Melody forms a pointed
Duncecap, tip of the moment
Above crabapple tree in bare, she shapes
And woodtrucks haulin pulp churning underdust,
Remembrences like A-minor chord hitchhiker luck,
Central Montana riding east on porta shitter ship,
Camel straights sliding on dashboards,
Sleeping on barbwire fenceline and jolted awake
Snarling black horse leaning down low just before dawn.

Pickups swerving to hit me, godamn hippie,
From Butte to Billings with Buffalo freights humming steady,
North to covered wagon, on Lamb watch spying Coyote,
Fencecrawlers and a horsechase, 30-30 visits from the boys,
Sheep shearing Saturday dance around chimney of fire,
Form country girl fiesta,

The run up Idaho was like a pedal steel
Descending into Washington,
Overtime amphetamine sleeplessnes
Jawin with ticket boys,
Dumped in Bend,
Short trucker lift to Safeway onramp-
Clanned up with Applepickers barrio boys
Chevy Suburban piled us all in, southern Oregon to
I-5, home to California, riding shotgun with geologist fresh in from Sudan,
Falling asleep every ten minutes I talked at him about everything just to keep
Him awake, while chicano's laid out in the flatback,
We crossed the delta and I smelled the fog,
Crawled hardturn west and I strode off at sunrise,
Hiked it up chapparal hills opened garage door,
slept forever in bed,

The symphony replacing the dirt songs,
The coffee hot.
Today, allover again.
The motorway ended at Oakley.
A ten foot high fence
separated the crazy people
from the normal,
those who joined motorway madness
at 7am, queued in that stop
start, stop, start jaggered way
travelling to work each day.
They were behind crossed wires
and we were trapped
in juddering steel
watching the sun rise
beyond glass, watching it
set beyond glass
when we joined the queue
to return home.
revisitation, revision, blah,blah, bladiblah.

dear science:

please stop telling the tadpoles
about change.

they know.

dear artists:

please stop talking
so much about death,
you're drowning out my music.
you can't talk about silence,

dear crowd:

please stop looking at me
as if I have any answers other
than my voice
and the times i choose
not to use it.

alright, alright,

if you listen to the silence
of a cornfield shorn of
summer's green pride,
god will tell you secrets
about stillness.

when the sky stretches blue.

when empty says, "is" into
the bowl of your ear
where all the day's strangers
have left pieces of themselves
like car-keys on counters,
like spare change,
like prayers,


i have no shapes within me
that will fill the holes in your chest.

i have only a handful of truth.

i have no ideas that you will not find
small, but if you give me time,
i will build you anything you want,

silence echoes.
if you hear it once,
it will confront you, again,
dopplering out and back,
any stone can cripple a pond.

here and there is no different
than you and i and i am
not in here and you
are not out there

god has told me a secret.

i haven't the breath to repeat it,
but, here,


Camped 70 miles north of the city,
One hitch out and a small hike up,
Taking the highground, spying chicano saturday night like a roman candle,
Firing up down below.
Left camp and mingled thru tequilas and tres eches,
Climb up tired, one day out, and theatre all around,

Sunday Morn-Jesus its a long haul to Montana,
Still Oregon still Washington gotta go down to the road.
Late September warm in the pickers and ranchers mile,
Upright and clear hitching early sunlight Sunday.

She wavered past, 280 two seater Mercedes, lipstick smear dark glasses,
I thumbed, dug the car going by, first non smoking clunker all morn,
She navigated her Exxon valdez into a wideswing trucker turnout
And uturned back up the windy way and passed going south.

Giving short wave I,
Thinking short shrift,
She turned and offered me a lift,
A dentists wife, I thought,
All nite Gin and Blow fest
radio dialing driving and driving,

She tipped her shades down her nose
And asked "what's your name."
I said Dennis trying to out a t on the end,
Soon realizing reality instructor in my midst,
And we drove to 101 and north past Santa Rosa,
I listended as she said she needed to rest south of Ukiah,
Moonwalked into parking lot motel hell,
Checked in as Dennis Williams, thinking Lucinda, who I had
Unpacking and trying to walk thru the door,
38 and heeled, nyloned, and a wildebeast of truth.

Room service took forever.

I bashfulled out to the road and caught a ride to
Rogue River City, southern Oregon,slowly smoking and barely talking in the morning,
A scientist at the wheel in his green jeep.
He talked hydrology up past Shasta
Then clammed up till he dropped me.
Buried my gear in steep gorge above river with decidous leaves, memorized the spot
And headed into the tiny town of small loggers and dope growers.
Copland compact whirling
common man takes a bow
to the scent of coffee brewing
then the Appalachians spring alive
in glorious harmony as only
Aaron can make it live
Cities quieted
freed by the strings
and muted brass baying
like lost dogs on empty lots
and then the girls come stepping
as if choreographed
by Agnes de Mille syncopating
heel to toe in gingham
and straw while the boys smirk
and wolf whistle Turkey in the Straw
until the last long chord of sunset.
The drumkit sits cornered like a pyramid,
Black and white checkered tile floor underneath.
I walk as if lead by a scrooge spirit through visions of my past life,
All we were ever after was some redemption,
From the things that troubled us, and gave us notions about it.

Lapsteel lays sideways, center stage and tiny,
Walk up, walk away, with the gain right you get a freight train
On a steep decline, if you hold the steel and vibrate right,
Barrelin downhill aimed at the river basin.

When the crowd thins out, you notice monitors,
Hip shakin, misquitos, the Clint Eastwood poster.
Big Dave backed up and bent your door way back.
The first Black Crows pushing PA, earthquake the buildings.

Smoke rings blow into my screen,
When the song is over, I'll get some lunch.
Ferrar leaks into the middle of me,
Music and dance, sound and this vision.
Excellent. A rowsing good read.
"Theories on thump
Thesis on thwack." :cool:

Music as theme
Works for me,
Walkin with a toothache
In my heel,
Shufflin on errands over and
Across the room,
Stereo "on" lights say Happy Christmas
Green on Red (what a band)
Everywhere I go is music,
Young folkies recording backwards guitar
"We know when we get there
We'll find mercy."
Lennonized lionized
Dylanesque dance to Modern Times
Bullhorn voices Winchester Cathredral
Pedal to the metal just out of Las Cruces.
Gasoline junkies and all the rest.

Tap toe
Riddle down,
High pitched organ
And the unexpected
Crash and crescendo,
Run the car into concrete embuttments,
Snake down overtreed limerock 2 lanes,
The metal and the dobro go backbeat and kickset,
Backseat the chronicle is being conducted.
The map is drawn only as a suggestion,
But its entirely up to you.
we ignore the humus of our lives.
too humble. monochrome wormdirt.
debris and detritus of who we were.

i like it between my fingers, though,
touching traces of years faded.
i like working it into the hard clay
of my everyday life
making me a bit more arable.

i like its ripe smell under my nose
and the kaleidescope of
rough-edged shapes
and many muted colors
i see when i really see.

i feel your fingers draw through my humus sometimes.

other times i know your muted rough-edged shapes.

today i want your ripe smell under my nose.
I shopped too early
found better gifts
but passed by
knowing my pockets
no longer jingled
and you would never know
something better
never was because
I shopped too soon.
Buy me a box papa.
Wrap it pretty curls
of ribbon, bright paper
and no matter what
is or isn't inside love
the package, the moment
of fingers tearing open
and put the lid on my head,
color the sides crayon
heart crooked bluebird
made me laugh.
Creation Myth

- it was real before he lifted it in his hands
but he didn’t know its shape until he touched
each thing and nothing had a name –
(and name it now)

I had a name before you spoke it
but your tongue and teeth defined its edges
you shaped my name new with your mouth
made it more than sound, gave it
color, made it tangible
(and say it now)

there was a drum, there was a roundness, a shape to me
and there was a universe before it fell
into your hands and your face reflected it
before you gave my name rope and timber and salt
before your fingers formed and sweetened its borders
(and say it now)

your hips turn and the world now has rivers
your belly gives names and subjects to pleasure,
the deep lakes measured by your bones
the ocean defined by your lightning
striking, making life.
I am divided into syllables. I am a map you trace
with border and title
my body untouched till you found it my
name unsaid till now
(and say it now)

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