not sure how many words

sigh. you create an entire reality with these words, so i feel as though i've been there, trod the loose stones, heard the wind through the sequoia and fir, tasted the dust and the tang of bayberry ...

a wonderful journey

He's wonderful, isn't he? Guess you can see why I fell for him, my Gary Snyder-esque cowboy-poet. :heart:
He's wonderful, isn't he? Guess you can see why I fell for him, my Gary Snyder-esque cowboy-poet. :heart:


isn't it great to be able to be proud of your other half? i wish you both every happiness this new old world might offer :rose:

isn't it great to be able to be proud of your other half? i wish you both every happiness this new old world might offer :rose:

Thank you. We'll have our seventh anniversary of meeting (here on this very forum) in October, and we're still going strong, better all the time.


PS I know I've mentioned this before but you're really a lovely person. :) (Ok. back to poetry before people start throwing tomatoes at me!)
Thank you. We'll have our seventh anniversary of meeting (here on this very forum) in October, and we're still going strong, better all the time.


PS I know I've mentioned this before but you're really a lovely person. :) (Ok. back to poetry before people start throwing tomatoes at me!)

7 years? cool!

and meh, now jacket potatoes, hot, buttery, scrummy jacket potatoes, they're lovely :D
Thank you. We'll have our seventh anniversary of meeting (here on this very forum) in October, and we're still going strong, better all the time.

.......and I was here to witness it. :D :nana: Roll on October - there should be a related challenge IMO.

His features were too sharp,
his mouth a little cruel but
he was my favourite
from the start.
He seemed myopic,
peering at the world
as if mildly puzzled
but amused at its passing.
More popular than Jesus, yes,
prouder than royalty yet
a very common man.
I felt his confusion in NY
that day - why me?

I had to excavate this thread.
Imagine world peace
accepted like blessed host,
what's bigger than that?
His features were too sharp,
his mouth a little cruel but
he was my favourite
from the start.
He seemed myopic,
peering at the world
as if mildly puzzled
but amused at its passing.
More popular than Jesus, yes,
prouder than royalty yet
a very common man.
I felt his confusion in NY
that day - why me?

I had to excavate this thread.

i'm very glad you did :rose:
bullethole guardrails sweep
down electric foliage interstates,
fly down switchbacks along
creek lines in Cherokee land,
driving mountains ancient
with scree and shale fields
where the music is smoke
and the tune is vision-

from the flatland I rise
and feel the fall
as home with smoke chimney
holding maple and ash,
burning like memory
as the sun slopes slowly
and the night falls.
Cosmogony for Agnostics
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
—Genesis 1:1

Suddenly, everything was there
like a lost book found in the refrigerator
behind some lunchmeat and a old loaf
of stony bread. Does it matter
if this miracle was His divine thought
or just froth thrown off
the churn of quantum foam?
The physics are the same in either case
and love is still a wonder
descending ex machina from the clouds.

Cosmogony for Agnostics
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
—Genesis 1:1

Suddenly, everything was there
like a lost book found in the refrigerator
behind some lunchmeat and a old loaf
of stony bread. Does it matter
if this miracle was His divine thought
or just froth thrown off
the churn of quantum foam?
The physics are the same in either case
and love is still a wonder
descending ex machina from the clouds.


Outstanding. "Suddenly," which starts the poem, something for the Creatonists; "the lost book" makes me think of "The Word," the Dark Ages, and the Celtic monks keeping literature alive, such as it was then, mostly biblical; "refrigerator," science, humanism, deism, "The Enlightenment."

This may be more than what you intended, but, hey, that's what good poetry does.
Last edited:
Cosmogony for Agnostics
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
—Genesis 1:1

Suddenly, everything was there
like a lost book found in the refrigerator
behind some lunchmeat and a old loaf
of stony bread. Does it matter
if this miracle was His divine thought
or just froth thrown off
the churn of quantum foam?
The physics are the same in either case
and love is still a wonder
descending ex machina from the clouds.

This is really nice. I love the transition from the kitchen sink physics to large-scale emotion. I think you should pursue this one.

Quantum foam. A latte with God.
bullethole guardrails sweep
down electric foliage interstates,
fly down switchbacks along
creek lines in Cherokee land,
driving mountains ancient
with scree and shale fields
where the music is smoke
and the tune is vision-

from the flatland I rise
and feel the fall
as home with smoke chimney
holding maple and ash,
burning like memory
as the sun slopes slowly
and the night falls.

I like the way the "s" sounds evoke a twisting mountain road! Good job, ee!
Cosmogony for Agnostics
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
—Genesis 1:1

Suddenly, everything was there
like a lost book found in the refrigerator
behind some lunchmeat and a old loaf
of stony bread. Does it matter
if this miracle was His divine thought
or just froth thrown off
the churn of quantum foam?
The physics are the same in either case
and love is still a wonder
descending ex machina from the clouds.


you poets, the playgrounds of your heads... what landscapes to adventure in
Outstanding. "Suddenly," which starts the poem, something for the Creatonists; "the lost book" makes me think of "The Word," the Dark Ages, and the Celtic monks keeping literature alive, such as it was then, mostly biblical; "refrigerator," science, humanism, deism, "The Enlightenment."

This may be more than what you intended, but, hey, that's what good poetry does.
Yeah, it may be more clever than I intended. :)

Thanks, anyway.

That "uddenly" thing is supposed to evoke both God making stuff out of nothing and the Big Bang (which is, as I understand it, which is more or less to say not understand it, kind of the same thing--hey presto, the universe appears from a singularity or a disturbance in the aforesaid quantum foam and the vacuum energy).
This is really nice. I love the transition from the kitchen sink physics to large-scale emotion. I think you should pursue this one.

Quantum foam. A latte with God.
Thanks, Dogboy. I'm having problems with this one. Rewrote it to be about three times as long, but then scrapped that as I didn't think it added anything except me trying to be clever. I'm currently back to something quite similar to what appears here, though with a different title.

Fucking poetry. Pain in the butt to write.
you poets, the playgrounds of your heads... what landscapes to adventure in
Thanks, cb. The drugs help. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it may be more clever than I intended. :)

Thanks, anyway.

That "uddenly" thing is supposed to evoke both God making stuff out of nothing and the Big Bang (which is, as I understand it, which is more or less to say not understand it, kind of the same thing--hey presto, the universe appears from a singularity or a disturbance in the aforesaid quantum foam and the vacuum energy).
Thanks, Dogboy. I'm having problems with this one. Rewrote it to be about three times as long, but then scrapped that as I didn't think it added anything except me trying to be clever. I'm currently back to something quite similar to what appears here, though with a different title.

Fucking poetry. Pain in the butt to write.
Thanks, cb. The drugs help. :rolleyes:

You had my attention at "Fucking poetry..."
A day broke,
The cold red tree in the chocolate Earth.
Outside the syrup of sound
With no cadence of virtue
But hailstone halos
Slug the hat rumored to be medicine.

A remedy for the riddles
The rolling of R's
The disappearing dune,
The driftwood fire
Smokes signals from
My chair to Japan.
A day broke,
The cold red tree in the chocolate Earth.
Outside the syrup of sound
With no cadence of virtue
But hailstone halos
Slug the hat rumored to be medicine.

A remedy for the riddles
The rolling of R's
The disappearing dune,
The driftwood fire
Smokes signals from
My chair to Japan.

this is one to enjoy contemplating slowly, allowing it to roll right through me ....
A cold wind sweeps down
from the Gatineau Hills
carrying the scent of snow.
Is it this that makes these old eyes water
or the memories?

What horrors have they seen,
these mundane men,
grizzled and bent, standing now
like monuments?
Comrades together once more
to salute those left behind at

There were good times too,
friendships forged and pride
that shines, even now,
in the rows of medals and
those same sad eyes.

None who fought in those four
awful years remain
to remind us. Twenty million died,
but still we sacrifice our young.
As the jets fly low, respectfully
In formation and guns salute the dead
the wounded memories are too fresh
and young men crumple and weep
in their wheelchairs,
mortally afraid again.

A pearl of understanding,
if not remembrance,
glows in the eyes of this child
holding his mother’s hand
and in the other a picture
another soldier lost in

This makes me want to weep especially after what happened in London yesterday as it stopped for that precious minute
This makes me want to weep especially after what happened in London yesterday as it stopped for that precious minute

What did happen? So few people still take that still minute to think - what if it happens again? Here it seemed more important to spend up to four hours in traffic waiting to cross the borfer to "save" a few bucks. Sick....

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