Nut Nightly November

Are you doing No Nut November

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Anybody else doing no nut November?
It's going to be hard, but I think if we all stick together it'll be easier to get through it. It's going to mean not looking at the avatar/profile pics of sexybritches69, suz_anne, indiesoul, smnaughtywife, shi_one, corbal(?), prettylilpussy19, moochienanu, pornochic, barefootgirl69, catherinewheel77, default24, ddbustybrit, aussiegeekygal, and about a hundred others (my apologies to those not listed, you're sexy and you know it)
It'll mean not reading jerseyjade's posts about how bad she wants to suck dick, not perusing suz's thread that is an absolute misnomer and real pitfall for anyone trying to get to the end of the month. It'll mean not jerking off to hotwords' pic threads night after night after night. So who's up for a challenge?
Why would anyone want to forgo wanking for any period of time?
Fortitude. Discipline. Hotness.
I like this take. It sounds sooooo much more sophisticated than what I actually have going on. 🤣

I don’t think I’m the only one that would really love for you to participate in 90 Nut November with @Wriggle and see what happens 🤣
For that, I would need a partner.

Which . . . do not even get me started. 😂