Oh man I wish i was close enough to eat that candycane right now and of course I would have to eat the rest for dessert
That has got me licking my monitor again, I just wish they could figure out a way for me to taste you here and you to feel my tongue there. That way we both could enjoy it.
you give me a lick of your candy cane, I'll give you a lick of mine. And when you get done, there's a special surprise for you! Don't you love those creamy centres?
Get your candycanes here gents, I have to say these unregistered ppl really do have a yellow streak up and down their back, heres your doggie biccie mr/miss unregistered loser. asAnee says You are the WEAKEST link.... Goodbye
You wrote "u all can have a lick of the candy cane." I'd love to see you go first. Stroke it between your puss lips, and then up to your mouth. Whaddaya say?
Got to love the pix but especially the candy cane pic.
But have you taken the wrapper off? I once put minty toothpaste on a sensitive inner membrane (during my experimental stage) and that did not feel good.
I hope Nekkid has just gone down to Fezell's to pick up some new goodies to play with. Where are you, darling? Come back home and show us something new!