OOC and Casting- Marvel

All right, since so little of the actual parents are still around, the old plot of having Doom go and kill them before they make children is scratched.
I'm trading it in for a newer model, so to speak.
Here's the new plot.
Doom did go to the future, and has seen that there was a huge war, nearly every supervillan grouped up, and tried to take over the universe (lame, I know, but bear with me) this made all of the superhero's join forces, and try and stop them.
It was a bloody battle, many people died, but in the end, the hero's were victorious.
With the few surviving hero's, they vowed this would never happen again, so they all teamed up to make a Super Force team for the future.
The hero's still alive?
Punisher, DeadPool, Spiderman, Blade, Rogue, Colossus, and (anyone else that wants to join?)
Doom realizes that if he kills the hero's now, in the present, he can go to the ultimate war, and make the supervillans become victorious, and thus rules the entire universe.
Now he's brought back with him, some super-new high tech gear, including ultimate weaponry, cyborg/robots, and even a couple of new villans (very powerful).

~HAH~ What do you think of that? It's still open to some changes, if you feel any are necessary, but that's the basic structure of it.
I'll start off easy, sending a few drones and old lackey's after you first, but the good stuff will come soon enough.
I got your twist Pm, and can easily fit it in. If anyone else has some twists or something they'd like to see, just ask, I'll do my best to put it in.
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Works for me, that plot sounds good. Boy are we in trouble if this collection of Heros, is the best of the best. lol.

Ok Poohlive, how much tougher are these robots. It is gonna be tough for some of the other characters if they are all as strong as Colossus is, he was able to lift 75 tons with some difficulty. I plan on pretty much ripping the pieces apart and stomping on them, hopefully , it will not be able to reassemble like Nimrod did.


Hey guys, sorry but I'm gonna have to drop out of this thread here due to a couple of things, the biggest being that I have shoulder surgery coming up soon, so I'll be one armed for a while and it's a bith to type one handed, let me tell you.
Sorry to hear that DarkLord, hope everything works out ok with the surgery.

Ok, where did everyone go? Hope its just the memorial day weekend.

No, what you did was fine Chewey. Honestly, I didn't think your character would have much problem with them, it was the others where I wanted to have fun with, but everyone seems to have disappeared. I can't start phase 2 until phase one is complete.

Sorry to hear you go DL, get healed up. That's the important part.

Hey guys, I can only DM so much, without hardly any response. You all said you were still in this thing...

Ok, whew, I thought I screwed up with the way that I destroyed it. Brute strength does have its advantages. lol.


And I am still in, dammit.
Well since I was playing Colossus from a gangster angle I would imagine he has not met Prof X, or even been an Xman yet. So therefore, I am going a roundabout way to find out what is going on.

Ok, guys and gals, Am I the only one still interested in this thread? Am I just playing with myself? Thought I got that all out of the way in Junior High. :rolleyes:

Since I was a kid, lo those many years ago :( , I loved comics. But, to be truthful, the only one I still read, even at my advanced age, is Legion . I know, it is from DC, not Marvel, but I would love to see someone start up a game that I could get involved in as Spark , Shrinking Violet , Shadow Lass , or Saturn Girl . Any chance of THAT happening?
PmTick said:
....I think this thread is a goner pal.........:(

Yup, I would have to agree. Damn, thats two of the threads that I am on that have died. Is it me???? Maybe if I used more deodorant......or at least used it......
