OOC: Casting Call; Resident Evil (New)

Funny he says 7 Chewy, because theres only 7 of us left in the group at the police station. So does that mean he is going to use each one of us to wipe Mr X's ass???
Oh ok, I was wondering what he meant, hehehe.


By the way.. I am glad to see the Sexual Humor thread has awakened again.
Ok, PM, fess up. Was it your idea to change Carter over, or was it you and khad together? I got to know, that was a great way to throw us a knuckleball.

*grins evilly* heh heh heh go pm! i thought you'd be a little more subtle about it! but damn!
tee hee, wouldn' t you like to know Chewie? Going away tommrow be back on Sunday.
HEY how cool is that???? Leaving me in suspense for a couple of days, geeezzz. I used to like you guys lol.

I hope that we can keep this thread going, its been fun so far. Where the hell is Roughneck and Kelson?

Ok, It looks like Kelson is back in the thread. I will Pm Roughneck if you guys are interested in reviving this thread. I always liked this one and am willing.

Yea, sorry about disappearing...I had to leave for a few days and all my threads suffered. I have, however, revived all the ones that deserved to live...which doesn't explain this one, but everyone is allowed to get carried away, right? *Will post replies now :)*
Im still here Chewey, never left. Been posting alot on the sexual Humor thread. I say the three of us take the thread over and make a break for safety. Seeing how Pm and Khadgar are nowhere to be seen, this might be the best time to make a run for our lives. :D
Cool, I am all for getting this one back up and running. QC seems to be back in Lit now, so maybe he will rejoin too. PM and Khad seemed interested too, at least they were a few weeks ago. LOL

Roughneck said:
Im still here Chewey, never left. Been posting alot on the sexual Humor thread. I say the three of us take the thread over and make a break for safety. Seeing how Pm and Khadgar are nowhere to be seen, this might be the best time to make a run for our lives. :D

Hey Roughneck, good to see you man. I was just checking the sexual humor thread earlier as a matter of fact. I love that one.

what'chew talkin' 'bout fools?! *smirks* come on! both of us just attacked you! got to give your chars a bit of a break! DO SOMETHING!
LOL, I was waiting for Roughneck to break out the arsenal. This shotgun just doesnt do it for me anymore.

Well Chewey, being that my Char is electronically inclined and is sorta like McGiver, I think I could whip up a dirty Nuke and just send the whole town along with Khadgar and PM into the Twilight Zone.
Now there is an idea, lol. Hmmm maybe,

Hey I got a picture to post on the sexual humor thread but it is 32K so wont upload. Can i send it to you so it can get posted? It is very funny

yeah sure, i can try and down size it to lit guidelines, but cant promise it will work, also I belive you can just post it on the thread itself, not sure as to how. I am going to post two mre jetson pics and some new pricless pics.
Ok, cool, Why dont you pm me the email addy and I will send it tommorrow.

Yessss It lives again .......... "Arise you evil thing, come back to the land of the living"

Hmmm kind of sounds like my baptism......
