OOC Casting Call; The Lengend of Zelda: Future Atonement

Every one enjoy Halloween?

I'm not going to post the next part of cresents past til. I have a little more info on the triforce. So if you could back to me on this I would aprecate it.
Sorry I haven't been replying... my RL has gone from bad to worse as of late. I won't tell you what the problem is, but I'll try my hardest to reply more. Sorry for making ya'll wait.
Sorry to here about the comp problems. They always seem to slow things down.

Any answer to the triforce. There are quite a few possibletys. It could be in three peopl or it could be in 12 like in the original, or it could be one solid pice that still has a tangible location like in link to the past.

Then there is a matter of what it dose. Dose it grant a wish, dose it contain the fabric of the hyruleian world, or dose it just have a ton of power?

Any answer would be nice.
I'm bowing out of the thread, nothing really going on for my character. Bye all.
Bye PmTick. Thanks for being with us even if for a short while.

*Sigh* It seems every fic I start or join is cursed to end way to early. I wonder if it is me??? Oh well.... I'm glad the rest of you can keep a fic going. The past two days have been hectic. My car broke down, and I had to put my cat of 13 years to sleep. I'll still be a part of the trend.... so here goes.
Ok, here's a suggestion. Let's create situations and monster for our character's to deal with. That's pretty much it. Keep up the good work everyone!!!
This thread isn't even close to death yet so don't worry. But I do agree with you, the threads here just seem to end way to soon.

As for the monster thing. I'll get there a bit latter, I'm working on seting up some plot right now.

And lastly very sorry about your cat, I've had my oldest cat for 15 years and to be honest I can't picture my life with out her so I feel for you man.
Ok folks..... tomorrow and until late Saturday I'll be away doing something for my school. I'll post my next.... post..... tonight, then my next one late Saturday as soon as I can. Hope you all have a good time. cya later!
Hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh look Dude's back. When did he get here? I hadn't notice. Disclaimer. Cats will not be held acontable for any bodily harm cuased buring the use of this post.
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!!!:D

And on another note, for this weekend, I will reply whenever I get a chance.... I am currently working on a project for my government class (I FUCKING HATE IT!!!) that is a real pain in my ass. Welp, hope to hear from ya'll later. Ciao
Sorry about forceing every one to leave Cresent behind. But its important to a plot idea I have. I'll try to avoid moveing any one in the future.
Sorry about the delay on my part.... I've had one hell of a huge school project (fucking government class.... I HATE GOVERNMENT CLASS!!!).

Thankfully it's over, so I'll try to post something this afternoon when I have more time to think things out and make it lengthy. Hope the rest of you have a nice day, and take care.
Yeah yeah... I know... I disappeared yet again (becoming a regular Hudini... Hudian........... David Copperfield). Between being stuck with tons of school work, Xmas shopping (on an interesting note.... the X in Xmas is old Greek for Christ.... who knew?), and the notifiaction of new post on my trend not sending me anything!!! I will be on Xmas break soon... so then I shall be able to reply more often. Cya around folks!

Excellent writting so far poohlive and cats!
Ok...OK!!! I promise to reply faster than ever four days.... but you all know stuff happens. Well... I just want to wish ya'll a Merry Christmas! And I'll repeat the message on Xmas day (oh, and putting the X in Xmas is not sacreligious.... the X is actually ancient Greek for Christ.... bet ya didn't know that one). Cya later and have fun!


Hope Santa brings all that you wanted!
I didn't get what I wanted but it's hard to wrap a cute girl and stick her under the tree, with out me noticeing.

Actully I had a good Xmas and hope every omne else did too.
I think it is time to bring this up to the present, and see who decided to leave, and who still has an interestin the thing. I don't mind if real life causes you to write a bit slower, but I haven't seen some people post in over a month, and I just want to know how everyone is doing.
I am still in it... of course. It pisses me off that I cant reply as often as I want to. But for those who do wish to drop, then I won't be angry if you do.... hell, this story is doing a hell of a lot better that I originally thought it would do... I thought it would've been over by day three.
You aren't giveing the thread credit; I figured 4 days.

I'm still in. That should keep some people from playing.
Hi again everyone.... hope your all doing well... cuz I'm not.

It's the flu season as you know.... and I have an extremely bad case of it (so bad in fact, I almost had to go to the hospital).

Anywho, since I've been bed ridden for a while now, I would like to reply just so things can move along for Zelda, Jinx, and Link. Keep up the great work everyone, and I hope the BUG passes you by!
I'm still reading. I'm just waiting for Pooh to reply.
Boy.... things been kinda slow lately (myself included... although I've been helping my Mom clean the house to get it ready to sell on the market). Not that its any excuse. I dont know what has happened to Gohan18 or Lady Siren. You Poohlive and cats have been the ones that basically stuck to this like I have, and I thank you both. If neither of them reply soon, then I'll have to ask other writers out there to either join..... or worse... shut down the trend (maybe start it up later in summer.... more people seem to be on then and I will have a hell of alot more free time too). Keep up all the good work on this trend and any others you guys may be working on