OOC/Casting Call - The Lion's Return.


I'm also guilty of sometimes using bad spelling. I try to catch it as much as possible, but since I usually get to post only late at night I'm so brain fried I miss things, working on that though. Also, GM has a point, and I think I can try to be a bit more... umm.. bad is a word I could use. But playing an aging, drunken, still broken up over his sons death, retired fighter who thinks of his buddy's son as also his should do. (If you didn't know, he'll probably die later saving Garad or something, or liver failure, whichever comes first..) Anyhow, lets see what Lat comes up with for us to do...
The elven mystic's resons will be revilled later Im Doing it slowly for mystorys saek
Ah yes, the vest villans are the ones you can truely hate, loath and dispise.

Just a quick note before I go off into the daylight ( ouch it hurts my eyes! ).
I know the characters all seem to be competing for the role of biggest hero and fighting using magick and brute strength as if it were only themselves in battle, but that would seem to make sense to me at the onset of the story as no real bonds have been made and nobody knows who they can count on or trust as of yet. It's my opinion that as we forge deeper relationships, responsibilities will begin to be shared and there will be a more "teamwork" type appearance to the whole shabang.
The characters are just feeling their way into the story as randomly gathered folks at a bar would be, all looking out for themselves til they realize they have a common goal/bond.

I could be wrong though, it happens often.

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Fun is the important part here. And as long as we enjoy ourselves, it's all good.

Well,.....as long as we all/ enjoy ourselves.

Liver failure or sacrifice? Lucky dog. Tobias will probably die in a horrible accident while trying to light a campfire....
"Oh no!"
Case no one has notice i am collapsed on top of the rubble with me head busted opened And my leg bleeding refusly And unconscious
Vixandra said:
Ah yes, the vest villans are the ones you can truely hate, loath and dispise.

Or a villain you can sympathise with. Those are good to because you say "He has a good point." Nothing like saying "Prehaps the hero should die." Before the end of teh story.

Talon I thought you were waiting for us to leave that way you stay alone tell a dramatic point, thats all.
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true, true...

I must say this thread is getting entertaining. By the way, mad props to Xenocide, man your playing this hate/hate relationship between our guys real well man. Anyhow, the big thing is we're going to have to get a move on soon before we bog down just talking and not getting anywhere. Now I know I said we shouldn't march on the Evil King yet and we shouldn't but we need to do something soon so we don't over stay the welcome of the inn's fiery warmth.
This is true but these peace times are the points at wich people interact. I'm not much for kicking down a door with out a reason so some one needs to adress the adventure seed metioned. We need to head into the hills and get suplies.

A trip to the mountains! Always a fun thing. And it'll help bring us closer together too.
Well Cat I figured that my character since he knows whats going on he could worn every one that they need to get a moove on
Thanks for the props, and not a bad job yourself for setting it up in the first place. Dwarves just aren't dwarves without someone or something to complain about. I guarantee everyone will probably get sick of the dwarf's antics, either that or highly amused. Either way, Balfor is a blacksmith and thus a supplier for this little "expedition."

Oh, sorry if it seemed i was overly critical on spelling. We are human, as much as we don't wanna be sometimes.
Originally posted by Xenocide_613

Oh, sorry if it seemed i was overly critical on spelling. We are human, as much as we don't wanna be sometimes.

I don't think you were OVERLY critical about spelling. There is a fine line where it can get pretty distracting and frustrating trying to read posts with multiple misspelled words...
OMG ~ i just spelled misspelled as "p"isspelled. Just goes to show... shut me right on up, didn't it? Funny how that goes.
I guess my point is, typos happen, but you weren't off base in asking to have posts spellchecked in a word processor first.
I have seen that request in other stories too.

Thanks, I'm done.

By the way...
Can anyone see Fahin?
She's gettin' damned lonely in this story.
She's not THAT anti-social! LOL
Yeah but some of us are damn lazzy like me. I once put up a survey about a megaman thread the options for the thread were Mega man, Mega man X, Metriod, or god Cats your spelling sucks. Because I wanted to see witch world would be more popular. Guess what hadd the most votes, Mega man, but Cats your spelling sucks was a close second.

Also I am not human, I'm an army of eline kind thank you. Note armys of feline kind aslo make mistakes similar to those caused by humans as such they should be treated as human.
ok ok, I'll stop, cats.
Wasn't trying to instigate anything poopy.
I'll save that for the story when my weakness rears it's ugly head.:catroar:
Can't we all just get along?

Creme I've thrown in an opening for you to get involved if you like. You were right we weren't paying attention to your character.
As for the spelling, well yeah sometimes unreadable stuff takes away for a moment while trying to translate the gobldygook into modern english but tis not that bad.
cremebrulee said:
ok ok, I'll stop, cats.
Wasn't trying to instigate anything poopy.
I'll save that for the story when my weakness rears it's ugly head.:catroar:

Are you impling your charcter has a weakness and it's shit.... I can't think of what short of crap would be good against a character like yours, but whats the chances that your foe has crap like that in his arsenal?

I'm just haveing fun. Good night.

Sorry, guys, I kinda got occupied with... stuff... for a few days there, and I've fallen behind my own thread. Gah.

So, I'm trying to catch up. Haven't even looked up at the IC thread.

In response to the argument about overpowered characters - I have to agree that some people have, perhaps, gone a bit overboard with the characters. ;) But I blame myself entirely, I should probably have not been so lenient. Or I should've said something when I started the thread. But... meh. Just means I'll have to make the dudes we face a tad harder than I at first thought. ;)

Sorry if I inconvenienced people with my absence. I'm sure I did, but some things can't be avoided. Sorry.
It wouldn't be the first thread I've been in were the owner quits before me.
We're okay

We've been moving along okay, probably not the exact direction that you wanted but okay enough.
Apparently Dark Talon's character Luckis is now my wolven shadow. Part of his healing I guess and he just hasn't turned back to human yet. So, for lack of anything else to do with him, he's going to stay in puppy form until Talon returns to change him back.
That work?
I think we all should thank talon when he gets back. I'm impressed at how responsible he was. Most people don't make an escape for their charcter when they have to leave for any reason. Then the thread dies because some many people were witing on one persons reply. I really am impressed.
Guys- you can't eat pork unless the blood is completely drained right after its killing. There's a reason behind this- pigs release toxins into thier body after death. If their blood isn't drained, the toxin spreads. Not a good thing- tis probably the basis behind Muslim belief that pigs are unclean and evil- people die if the meats not prepaired right.
Sighs I suppose I could just cook it anyway.
Hi Guys I'm going to be in and out So Ill post as Luckis in wolf form for a will So that he can be moved easily by others for sorry flows sake And Lateral I hope you will let me keep playing My Evil Mystic Elf Ive modeled him after they carnal from three Musketeers. Oh and on that character i have set up some fail safes of people who can cover me but if that fails ill work relesses for him so that my problems dont kill the story. And so far my divorci is going fine. case yall were woundering.
Talon and others

The big factor is that as long as the other people are willing and capable to take your story and or lines for a while you can go off for a few days. BUT, and I'm guilty of this, don't just disappear and not leave some notice with at least one other person in the thread, thats a common courtesy thing. But otherwise I think things are going well considering.
You know I thought talons brother was jokeing when he mentioned devorce. My mistake I guess.

Well Talon come and role play when your in the mood. No point being here if it'll just ad stress.

(Edit: Typo)
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