OOC/Casting Call: The Wanderers' Quest

damn left some things out... and I cant edit it!

oh well I'll just post it here

Build: slightly tall, kinda powerful looking

Attire:ninja suit that can change colors depending how he feels or if needed to camafloge, Has the shinobi symble on his left arm and the dragon symble on his right, has an black fox that travels with him called Yami
Hows This

Well here is my character.
Name:Feng Brilam
Race:1/2 Orc,1/2 Human
Religon:Is a worshipper of Kard, god of strength
Build:6'9, very muscular, grayish skin, two big teeth sticking out of mouth, and coarse body hair all over the place.
Weapons: He carrys a Mercurial Greatsword that was given to him by an elven ruler for doing a brave deed.
Fighting Style: Start swinging and if anybody is alive ask questions. Wears a long hooded robe to hide his true identity
Bio: Grew up in a Orc communtiy. His mother and father lived together. Around 18 years old he saved the life of a elven princess but had to kill an orc to do it. He was banned from the Orc community and his parents disoned him. Has been wondering ever since.
*smiles sheepishly* I'm not sure who is in charge of directing the flow of the story. But based on what I read on what was posted, the treant was meant for some other purpose. What, I have no idea. I simply took an opening and went with it.

I had also assumed the party was in the designated woods but that long horse back ride proved other wise and I got confused.

I enjoy writing and participating like this really keeps my creative side going. And as you can tell, I am a newbie at this. *blush*
However, I honestly don't want to step on any toes and mess up the originators' idea/story. I assumed from what GrandMage posted as a hint/clue that things were getting out of hand. (Isn't he and Dark Warrior leading this thread?)

From the looks of things, two other players will be joining and they seem more suited for this thread. My little character really was kind of out of place anyways (sucky fighting skills, clumsy, scared, no offensive powers whatsoever, and the staff she started out with has long since disappeared, etc).

I would gladly stay but I'm so afraid of messing things up even more. Dark Warrior was more than kind in letting a newbie such as I into this thread in the first place. I really wanted to write with some of the best and to learn. (I am totally blown away at the talents in this thread...WOW! I really shouldn't even be here!) Blame my hasty departure as newbie nerves. I just really don't want to mess things up.

Thus I wrote Koyuki's exit neat and tidy out of fear of screwing up the story line.
Silhoutte and everyone,

First off I'd like to apologize for taking liberties with Grand Mage's tree-ant. I assumed that it was just part of the scenery, so I went ahead and made something out of it. Unless, it was something that was cooked up between Grand Mage and DW, then I truly apologize.

Silhouette was just following my lead and she is entirely blameless. So guys, please help me convince her to stay.

hey DW..... Could you do me a favor and give me a short analasis of whats going on? I just want to see if I'm right
Alright, I wrote the treant (not tree-ant, it's not an insect! Gah! I don't kno if you're using a spellchecker or not, but could you stop doing that?) in for one reason: TO ADD FEELING.

I made a race of beingstrong enough to kill us all, and placed them in the background to add dramatic effect. No one was supposed to fight them, they were just supposed to be there! Suddenly, everyne's writing an attack, so I bring in one because eveyone's calling the attacking thing a treant. I wrote one in, close by, to stop chaos from breaking out.

As to my character: He simply sees the whole damn thing as too cmplicated. He gre up fighting,he' an undereducated twit. It meant nothing abut what anyone was doing. Anyone ever wonder why Linden doesn't wear shoes? He finds tying them 'too complicated'. No matter what anyone oes, he's always going to think it's 'too complicated'. It's just the way he is.

Your character as fine. It was good not to have some super ninja freak that can defea anything. It was a nice touch, and you weren't messing with anything. Don't worry about it.

And I'm not leading this thread. I'm adding dramatic effect and a few roads. Linden is not a major role, never will be, and I'm not going to write in a whole lot of enemies. And your writing is fine.

Besides, what origional idea is there? I'm still trying to find the plot. Don't worry, yo can't fuck aything up unless you suddenly become a God. Now stop worrying, and get back in the thread. Your charcter is great, an, by now,is probably waist deep in the plot. You can only make things worse on our poor plotgiver by leaving.
Thank you GM.

I do use a spell-checker, and there is no such word as a treant. Doesn't mean it don't exist, just my spell checker doesn't have that word. Besides, your first post where it appeared was spelled as Tree-ant, and so I followed the first instance. Then somehow it got changed to treant, and a new character of a Tangler, another non-existent word in my spell checker, appeared beside the treant/tree-ant. And now we have a mighty confusion going on around here, with treant/tree-ant and a Tangler.

Even I was confused. Initially I thought that the treant/tree-ant was part of the background. Like I said, I wanted to spice things up a little bit, by the treant/tree-ant acting 'abnormally'. I don't know the plot that DW has in mind. By that, your treant/tree-ant could be part of the larger plot, a sign of the world going to hell in pieces. I've stated as much in my last post.

I'm not trying to piss you off GM. And if you feel that I'm, please say so, and I'll withdraw from this thread.

Thank you.

Piss me off? Pfffft.

I don't give a shit. I just want a map so I know which direction everyone else is heading in so I don't fall behind. Do whatever the Hell you please, it's your perseption of reality.

Besides, it's easy to tell if I'm angry or not. Is every third word an explative? That's when I'm angry. I'm not angry. I'm simply mildly annoyed.
lol - I guess this is what happens when it's left to someone like me to take control of a thread. Not blaming any of you for that - as the thread starter, I guess most people assume that I would, and that's fair enough - but I never really take control over much of my threads. Not that that's neccessarily a bad thing: you just get a bit of confusion, like as to where we're headed.
Yes, I do have something in plan, don't worry, it's just this whole situation about treants and people leaving and new people coming in has left everyone a bit dazed, I think :p
By the way, G18 and hybird, good characters. Just a couple of problems with your character, hybird: hybird, you said your character can "transform into different werebeasts and use dragon powers".... first of all, I've never heard of someone who could turn into different werebeasts, considering to be like that they would have to be suffering from multiple forms of lycanthropy, when having one is rare. Perhaps you could consider making it more like a shapchanging thing than a lycanthropy? And with "use dragon powers" ... that's a bit vague, there have been many dragons with many very different powers over the years. Plus I'm hoping you didn't mean something like, he could belch forth fiery death on everyone in the blink of an eye... just, try not to make it too ultimate like that, hehehehe... if you're talking about some kind of spiritual "power of the Dragon" type thing, that's cool.
Oh, and G18, I like the twist of a half-Orc that does valiant deeds, very interesting indeed :D

Now, as for that plot outline: it goes like this. (Like GM said, there isn't really alot to it) Zeslakk, Linden, and Altalus were in a town (I can't remember if it had a name) when all of a sudden, all three were spoken to telepathically by a God by the name of Lyskall. He gave them the short answer of what they had to do: undertake a quest. He told them to meet him in a forest to the North. Linden went a bit berserk in the town, and Zeslakk and Altalus followed him as he ran to the north. All three found themselves in a clearing with a little pond, which is where Lyskall came in contact with them in the form of a gnome-like man. He told them a little more (little being the key word here), and that was, that they had to undertake this quest, or the world would see an untimely and very ugly death. This was about when Talia showed up, she had been spying on the group, when Lyskall brought her out into the open with his magic. All four of the "companions" had many questions for this Lyskall, but, to everyone's frustration, he wouldn't tell them much, except that the world was at stake, and that they were free to undertake the quest if they wanted to, or they were free to walk away. Each of them for their own reasons decided that they would go to undertake this quest, and Lyskall told them he would contact them again further North, in these evil woods, your standard no-one has ever come out of there alive, evil things, yadda yadda yadda, story about this forest, you get the picture, I'm sure. Anyway, we were on the way there when we ran into Koyuki - being chased by a group of Wraiths. With the aid of Zeslakk's holy abilities, they managed to defeat the Wraiths, and save Koyuki. They then continued to travel, Koyuki with them, which is when the kind of ugly, confusing encounter with the treant and tangler occured. Best not to ask any questions about that. Heh. Koyuki had some kind of spiritual connection with the treant, and then the treant took her away, and she said farewell to the companions.
And that's about where we're up to. We are yet to be contacted again by Lyskall, and we have only just entered this evil forest place. So that's where it's at. If you can think of a way of slotting your characters in, feel free to do it. I'll wait until both of you have joined before Lyskall contacts us again.
Alright. Phew. I'm out of breath.
Ok I'll change the were-beast formation into half way shape shifting, since he only was at the school half the time he was suppose to be there.

And yes I do mean "dragons Sprit" type of stuff, Since his deity is Azure the sky spirit
Not sure. I don't think so. But if she is reading this, she's always welcome to. (nudge nudge, wink wink)
Hi everyone,

Thank you very much for letting me play. But I'm bowing out of this thread. It had been a blast playing.

So thank you again.

Damn, everyone's dropping out. Oh well, that's OK, I guess.
Sorry ta see you go, Z.