OOC Casting Call X Men RP

Here is the bio you had requested Feisty: ( I can change whatever you need me to)

Name: Scott Summers
Age: 25
Alias: Cyclops
Powers/Abilities: Optic blasts, Skilled in hand to hand combat, Gifted strategist tactician, pilot

Scott met Professor X as a teen and was later brought to the school to learn to both utilize and control his power. Under the Professors tutilage, Scott learned became a strong and fierce fighter, his accomplishments only eclipsed by his reputation as a loyal and trustworthy friend. He met his then girlfriend and now wife Jean Grey.
Scott spends the bulk of his time as a teacher and counselor for other mutant youths that make their way to the school, but will also dawn the uniform and his ruby quartz lensed visor and join forces with his teammates to fight.

Scotts stands 5'11" and weighs 178 lbs. He keeps his dark brown hair short and neat, with a part on the left side. His eye color is undetermined due to the blast of energy that emanates from them when his eyes aren't shaded by his glasses.
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Oh I forgot to mention, please include physical descriptions for the purpose of the RP, I mean we mostly all know what they look like but....I like descriptions! I feel it helps other people when interacting with each other. It wouldn't make much sense if I referred to someone's blue eyes when they imagined their character with brown eyes, y'know?
Ok, I can add that, but I figured I would leave that up to you. I don't really care what I look like, you are the one that had to sleep with me, lol.
Okay here is what I am thinking, we have plenty of people to go ahead and start writing so what if we wrote into the RP that Beast and Storm are off in DC working with Congress on mutant rights laws? If we get writers for those characters they can just say the Congressional session was up or they came back to help in a crisis situation that comes up.

Also...I was never thrilled with Famke Janssen as Phoenix in the movies. She looked too matronly, especially with the costume they had her in, BLEH. Phoenix is a redheaded bombshell in the comics, and I will be portraying her as one.
Jean Grey-Summers

Name: Jean Grey-Summers

Age: 29

Alias: Phoenix

Powers/Abilities: Empathy, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Eidetic Memory, Phoenix Force: travel unaided through space, psionically manipulate matter and any form of energy, cosmic fire, resurrect from death, manipulate life energy in others, manipulate timelines.

Jean Grey (now Summers) grew up in a normal two parent household. After her abilities presented themselves she came to live with Charles Xavier at his school for the gifted. She met Scott Summers and they fell in love as teenagers before marrying. They were rock solid for much of their marriage until the last couple of years. After merging with the Phoenix Force she has found it increasingly difficult to control the new power that arrived with it. Her previously hidden attraction to Logan was brought to the forefront by the primal nature of the Phoenix. Jean loves her husband intensely but when the Phoenix overtakes her mind she is drawn to Logan like a magnet. He agreed to resist her after she begged him not to let her do anything to jeopardize her marriage but within the last few months Logan confessed to her that he has found it much more difficult to resist her advances. Jean only retains shadowy impressions of what her physical body has done when the Phoenix consciousness uses her body as a vessel. Sometimes the extra power comes in handy in a crisis but much of the time Jean finds it equally annoying to always be on her guard against it.

Most of her days are spent teaching at the school for the gifted. She acts as counselor for the female students and teaches them everything from ethics and philosophy to an extra curricular cooking class and some modified outdoor sports. Mostly, she loves her job with the children. She finds them bright, engaging, and mostly very sweet and well meaning humans that will someday make fine examples of mutants. She worries over them as if they are her own children and helps them through their first heartbreaks as well as finding their identity as mutants and controlling their powers appropriately. She managed to earn a Masters in Education with the help of the Professor and she assists him in any administrative capacity that he requires. She thinks of and cares for him like a father figure and trusts him to help her with any problems she has in her personal or professional life.

Jean is a stunning redhead, standing tall at 5’9” and her goddess-like proportions are enough to make any human man fall to his knees in worship of her hourglass curves and piercing blue gaze. Her full lips have a natural pout and she never wears lipstick for fear of appearing too clown-like, although her adoring husband assures her she looks just as perfect with or without it. The body does not come without work, her rigorous training schedule requires a battle simulation at least three times a week and she spars with Scott or another one of her peers almost nightly after classes. She and Logan avoid contact during these times because exhaustion and the increase in her endorphin levels tend to bring the Phoenix closer to the surface. They have shared a handful of passionate kisses after sparring matches and even though Jean has no desire to betray Scott she has sick feeling it won’t be long before the seductive Phoenix proves too much to resist for Logan’s primal urges.
Name: Remy LeBeau

Age: 34

Alias: Gambit

Powers/abilities: Ability to manipulate potential and kinetic energies in objects, down to the molecular level. Can charge objects with kinetic energy to create explosives, but charging times differ with the size of the object. Hypnotic charm by those who do not know of the power. Static barrier that is unconsciously created by his abilities that blocks all psionic abilities, like those of Jean Grey, Professor X, or Emma Frost. Superhuman physical traits, like speed, agility, strength. Can control all aspects of kinetic energy down even to the molecular level, allowing him to manipulate the potency of his bio-kinetic energy to burn, cause molecular discomfort, incinerate, create timed detonations (and manipulate the potency of the energy release), fire energy blasts, defy gravity, heal wounds, charge objects within his line of sight without contact, and effectively exist as an energy being. Under such conditions, he holds sufficient power to cause another being to be unable to move—or unable to stop if in motion. He has been able to cause or simulate various energies by manipulating the kinetic energy present, such as infrared and microwaves, by increasing molecular agitation, or cold by reducing it. He was also able to use his powers to travel through time by transforming himself into living energy which joined with the kinetic flow. Finally, Gambit was able to heal himself by stimulating his cellular activity. Can also transform into the Horseman Death, if we ever go into that storyline.

Remy LeBeau grew up in New Orleans, starting out stealing at an early age. He was kidnapped at birth and raised in the Thieve's Guild. Growing up around thieves and assassins gave Remy a very deep knowledge of stealing and fighting. He was inducted into an even more powerful guild at the age of ten. After having to do what he could to survive, his skillset and powers grew with age and practice.

Remy started an intimate relationship with the granddaughter of the head Assassin in New Orleans, only to kill her brother in a fight. Since then, he has been banished from New Orleans. He has wondered the US since then, gambling successfully wherever he goes.

He stands 6'4", and weighs in at about 180. He typically carries a Bo staff, which he uses in combat. He also dresses in light body armor and a duster. He is proud of his Louisiana heritage, and speaks in a cajun accent.
OK Char for my Wolverine. Still going by the name Logan though.


Real name:James Howlett

Aliases:Weapon X, Patch, Logan, Canucklehead Plus others.

Age: 100+yrs old
Weight:300lbs because of Adamantium skeleton

Powers and abilities:Healing factor. Able to regenerate his cellular structure at an amazing rate. This allows him to recover from wounds that would kill normal people in minutes. Has survived a stake in the heart, multiple (50) gunshots at a time, severe (80%) burns to his body and other such injuries. Length of time to recover depends on severity of wound. At height of power he could regenerate a gunshot wound in a minute, a knife slash in seconds and severe injuries in weeks. This also provides him with a protection against poisons and drugs and diseases. Also he has a strong immunity to a bodies natural fatigue mechanism giving him a greater endurance and sharper reflexes and agility. He is also immune to the ravages of time. While not technically Immortal he is over 100 years old but has the body and fitness of a young adult.

Enhanced senses allow him to recognize people and things by scent and to track them by this. He can also hear and see much better than a normal human.

Adamantium skeleton. His natural skeleton has been coated with Adamantium thus making it virtually unbreakable. His 3 natural bone claws housed in his forearms are now coated as well and can now cut through most substances on earth given time and the amount of force he can put behind his swing.

Wolverine was born in the late 19th century and was a small sickly boy for a lot of his childhood. He has only recently regained memories of this time and still does not know if the are real or not as a lot of damage was done to him by Professor Cornelius at the weapon X project.

His first real memories are of working with the Canadian super hero team Alpha Flight, Fighting the Hulk and meeting Jean Grey. He only agreed to stay with the X-Men to be near Jean. He has always loved her and has made no secret of the fact that he does. The fact that several of the other X women have taken a liking to him as well is all down to "The Animal in me Darl'n". For the sake of his friendship with her he has backed away from her and Scott as they have grown closer although he has warned the 'Boy Scout' if he ever hurts her he will jam all three claws up in his guts slowly and twist.

Now the dark phoenix has been making moves on him and even though it is not really his Jean he also knows that some part of it is, and maybe it is the part of her that actually wants to be with him. It is getting harder and harder for him to resist her as he no longer really wants to.
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i think some powers should be forgotten or toned down. because writing them sound like deux x machinas.
i think some powers should be forgotten or toned down. because writing them sound like deux x machinas.
Right now, we have a balance though, so no one member of the team is over-powered. I can ignore 99% of Jean and Professor X's powers, but Logan would destroy me. Logan can ignore most of Scott's powers, but Jean or Professor X could nullify him mentally. Kurt can escape pretty much anything. Scott has the tactical knowledge to get out of most confrontations. We are pretty well balanced currently.

We are also not making someone a Dues Ex Machina. These are the actual powers as listed by Marvel.
I agree with raiguy. We've all stayed true to the carachters personalities, powers, and backstroke but changed the timeline and situation. I think it will all work out fine.

Im logged in on my phone but when my kid goes down for his nap I will start working on the RP thread post.
I agree with raiguy. We've all stayed true to the carachters personalities, powers, and backstroke but changed the timeline and situation. I think it will all work out fine.

Im logged in on my phone but when my kid goes down for his nap I will start working on the RP thread post.
You might want to edit that post as well....Apparently our carachters have a backstroke as well. :p
Just imagine what a prehensile tail could do for the ladies hands would be almost obsolete ;)
-crouches on the rafter, arms resting on knees-

Well my favorite X-Man is taken, I am not in the mood for Colossus and the only Magneto I'd like to write is the one who can manipulate the polarity of atoms and through that destroy an opponent totally...


Should have reacted sooner

-gets up and slips out through the window-