OOC: D&D For All!!

Never heard about night elves in D&D, but there are dark Elves, level adjustment +2, means you have to get twice as much xp then normally to get a level, the drows, evil underdark elves, sensitive to light, males are strong wizards and rangers/fighters while the females are good rogues and clerics. So sorry no night elves.

Here's some info about high elves, the elf the base race of the elves is, and their subraces.


Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead.

They prefer longbows, shortbows, rapiers, and longswords. In melee, elves are graceful and deadly, using complex maneuvers that are beautiful to observe. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won’t affect other elves.

Elf Traits (Ex): Elves possess the following racial traits.

* +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution.

* Medium size.

* An elf ’s base land speed is 30 feet.

* Immunity to sleep spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)

* Low-light vision.

* Weapon Proficiency: Elves are automatically proficient with the longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow.

* +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

* Automatic Languages: Common, Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.

* Favored Class: Wizard.

The elf warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

The above information describes the high elf, the most common variety. There are five other major subraces of elf, in addition to half-elves, who share enough elven characteristics to be included here.

Half-elves are not truly an elf subrace, but they are often mistaken for elves. Half-elves usually inherit a good blend of their parents’ physical characteristics.

Half-Elf Traits (Ex): Half-elves possess the following racial traits.

* Medium size.
* A half-elf ’s base land speed is 30 feet.
* Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
* Low-light vision.
* +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A half-elf does not have the elf ’s ability to notice secret doors simply by passing near them.
* +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks: Half-elves get along naturally with all people. This bonus may not apply in situations or settings where half-elves are viewed with distrust.
* Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf. Half-elves, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect elves as their elf ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by elves.
* Automatic Languages: Common, Elven. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).
* Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass half-elf takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing, her highest-level class does not count.

Aquatic Elf

Also called sea elves, these creatures are waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling elves.

Aquatic elves fight underwater with tridents, spears, and nets.

Aquatic Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.

* +2 Dexterity, –2 Intelligence. These adjustments replace the high elf ’s ability score adjustments.
* An aquatic elf has the aquatic subtype.
* An aquatic elf has a swim speed of 40 feet.
* Gills: Aquatic elves can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution (after that, refer to the suffocation rules).
* Superior Low-Light Vision: Aquatic elves can see four times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination. This trait replaces the high elf ’s low-light vision.
* Favored Class: Fighter. This trait replaces the high elf ’s favored class.


See: SRD:Drow
Gray Elf

Taller and grander in physical appearance than others of their race, gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple.

Gray Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits.

* +2 Intelligence, –2 Strength.

Wild Elf

Wild elves are barbaric and tribal. Wild elves’ hair color ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. They dress in simple clothing of animal skins and basic plant weaves.

Wild Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.

* +2 Dexterity, –2 Intelligence. These adjustments replace the high elf ’s ability score adjustments.
* Favored Class: Sorcerer. This trait replaces the high elf ’s favored class.

Wood Elf

Their hair color ranges from yellow to a coppery red, and they are more muscular than other elves. Their clothing is in dark shades of green and earth tones to better blend in with their natural surroundings.

Wood Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.

* +2 Strength, –2 Intelligence.
* Favored Class: Ranger. This trait replaces the high elf ’s favored class.

I like the twins, very good and thought out, perfectly acceptable along with some bonuses. ;)

Druid Twin (Cartographer): As there was no details about your profession I can only give you a little bonus. +3 Knowledge (Geography & Nature), +3 Survival, +1 Wisdom and Bonus Feat: Alertness.

Bonus Item: (Heavy Wood) Shield of Dawn (+3 AC, +2 Spot, +2 Listen and +2 Search.)

Ranger Twin (Wilderness Guide): As there was no details about your profession I can only give you a little bonus. +3 Knowledge: Nature, +3 Survival, +1 Dexterity and Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shoot.

Bonus Item: Cloak of the Wild (+3 Handle Animal, +3 Hide, +3 Move Silently and +2 AC)

But I'd like to know why you are on the nobleman's ship to greenfawn, after you have written down their reason for that I will accept the twins. And also, your ranger gets a companion at level three I believe. ;) :rose:

And Hotkittygirl, I am always welcoming new players. :kiss:
Its looking like you could use something of a skill monkey. Are there limits on what books I can use, classes or anything like that? I won't do anything game breaking, promise. :) Even when I play in RL my characters are more focused on RP than anything. Just as a warning, I'm not nearly as familair with Forgotten Realms as some other settings, so I might need advice on some background for a character as to where specifically he comes from ecetera.
Never heard about night elves in D&D, but there are dark Elves, level adjustment +2, means you have to get twice as much xp then normally to get a level, the drows, evil underdark elves, sensitive to light, males are strong wizards and rangers/fighters while the females are good rogues and clerics. So sorry no night elves.

night elves as in warcraft? they're in DnD, i could hunt down the stats on them if you want
There was a WoW rpg, that basically stole D+D 3.5 and that should night elves in it. I don't have the book anymore or I'd share. The races and classes from there were a little cracked out in terms of power levels compared to standard 3.5 though.
There was a WoW rpg, that basically stole D+D 3.5 and that should night elves in it. I don't have the book anymore or I'd share. The races and classes from there were a little cracked out in terms of power levels compared to standard 3.5 though.

yeah, it was kinda overpowered, but ive already started downloading it, so meh
Hehehe well there's no real limti to what characters you can be or what books you use, and this is not a forgotten realms rp, that was the other two, this one is a plain 3.5, but that doesn't mean yo ucan't use forgotten realms in it. and I'd be glad to know the stats of night elves, sounds interesting. :)
• +2 Spirit, –2 Charisma. Night elves have keen
instincts and an innate connection to nature, but they
tend to be distant and aloof.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, night elves have no
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Night elf base land speed is 30 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: Night elves can normally see two
times farther than a human can in starlight, moonlight,
torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination.
Night elves retain the ability to distinguish color under
these conditions.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and
Survival checks. These skills are considered class skills
for all night elf characters.
• Weapon Familiarity: Night elves treat
moonglaives, moon swords and warglaives as
martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Darnassian.
• Bonus Languages: Goblin, Low Common, Orcish,
Thalassian. The night elves once worked with the orcs to
halt the Burning Legion, and now they retain knowledge
of the race’s language for tactical reasons.
• Racial Levels: Unlike humans and some other races,
night elves can take a few levels in “night elf” as a class
to develop their racial qualities fully.
• Favored Class: Scout. A multiclass night elf’s scout
level does not count when determining whether she
suffers an experience point penalty for multiclassing
(see Chapter 3: Classes, “Multiclass Characters,” XP for
Multiclass Characters).
Spirit would be Wisdom I believe. and I cannot see night elves with minus in charisma, I think Intelligense would be a better point. Darnassian would probably be Elven. Other then that night elves would fit very well into this rp.
Spirit would be Wisdom I believe. and I cannot see night elves with minus in charisma, I think Intelligense would be a better point. Darnassian would probably be Elven. Other then that night elves would fit very well into this rp.

yeah, spirit is wisdom and Darmassian is elven (and stamina is constitution, agility is dexterity as well as a dozen other tiny diffrences) but the cha penalty makes sense, night elves arent the best conversationalists, you have to remember, charisma is more than just how good they look
True, all too true. Well then, if Nick wants to be a night elf then that's completely acceptable. Now then, anyone else who has ideas for the plot, items, characters and the likes? I am all open to suggestions and there's always fun to read other's ideas. :D
I believe I'll be playing a hexblade, I'll be more specifically relatively soon. Let me ask, how combat oriented will this be? Will it be RP heavy, combat focused? Basically, how is this going to work, so I'll be able to focus my character appropriately.
say drakk, how did you character tell his paladin order to basicaly go screw themselves without falling?
Let me put it this way, they put their most powerful weapons and armor in his hands to show the public they were not lazy fuckers who lived off the people's donations to the temples and the share of taxes they got from the king, which the nobles and the merchants did very much the same. They had no real powerful guards to take him on. This is a lot like the French Revolution ,except here the people leave the land instead of taking over. I will write down his speech in detail soon enough.

His god saw this as an act of justice, and even though Charles has forsaken Thalmas' as his deity does the Light God have a very flickery mind, he can be punishing, forgiving and even both at the same time. While Thalmas has no direct command over a Paladin who has turned his back to his religion, can he still grant him power as long as it is in the line of his domains, justice, good, healing, law and the others. I will have Charles discover a new deity to worship, one who shall give him a much clearer view of life then his forced life of purity, chastity, law and so on.

This will be heavy rp and heavy combat, though the combats will be far between sometimes to give the people rp chances. :D
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Night Elf Stats look Awsome im not sure where i stand now esspecially after i read the elf stats but the night elf stuff looks bad ass
Tiefling fighter or barbarian.

As Night Elves have +2 wis and -2 cha I'd say they are more fit to be clerics or druids and not sorcerers.
I might have missed it skimming over all of it. But what level are we starting at? How do we roll and what about gear? <3 Thanks in advance.