OOC: Earth 2202 - Casting call

Here it is so far...

We havethe Earth group and the Moon group in a truce... We have a 3rd group, nutral to the war, who benifit of selling weapons to both groups... With no war, the 3rd group has no buisness... So the 3rd group starts off the war again...

We still need to namethe groups as well.
Earth group: Starfleet Command
Moon group: New Republic
3rd group: Orion Remnants

hehe just kidding. :)
i was in pain untell i saw just kidding!

lol i donno but we need a home for the third oarty, a place they can hide and have acess to materials, thats why i suggested the asteroid belt. there are trillions of asteroids, how do you know which ones their on? and they can mine the asteroids. right?
Khadgar said:
i was in pain untell i saw just kidding!

LOL I didn't know it was that painful :)

Earth Group: Buck Rogers Loyalists
Moon Group: Galactica
3rd Group: Flash Gordon/Captain Proton Alliance

hehe j/k again :rolleyes:

Khadgar said:

there are trillions of asteroids, how do you know which ones their on? and they can mine the asteroids. right?

That'd make it easier for them to hide from two major sides, giving the 3rd party an edge, with a good mining supply too.
You'll never win Khadger! *Bring Lghtsaber to bear*...

Wait, this isn't my Star Wars thread...

I don't know how many thje 3rd group should be. But enough, they do have to mine, build weapons and all that.
ok lets see names for the partys...

  1. earth united leagion
  2. moon colony squadron
  3. neutral astroid allience
i donno about legion and squadron... or aliance LOL

the asteroid peoples aren't allied with anyone! and squadron means 12, so no... leagion means one group... not sure how many lol so.... somethign else i would think
Hey I haven't been thinking too well here! You think of something after you get in a big fight like i did!
#1 - United Commonwealth of Earth
#2 - Terra Federation
#3 - New Wind Highlanders

1 = Earth
2 = Moon
3 = Astroide group
i like it, one question. why would the moon be the "terra" federation? terra is earth
Yeh Terra is Earth...

What about Luna Federation?

or Lunar Federation, come to think of it. :)
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Khadgar said:
i like it, one question. why would the moon be the "terra" federation? terra is earth

Remember the Moon Group wants to retake Earth.

They wish to get rid of "Earth" and use "Terra" for the name.
Oh. I guess when you put it that way.

But still the Moon's Base of Operations is in the moon.
And after some 150 years living on the moon, I would think people on the moon think themselves as being "mooners"

Oh well, I'm not too picky about the name tho.
The Terra Feeration (TF) and the United Commonwealth of Earth (UCE), are in a truce in the year 2202.
Both sides who have beenm at war with each other fr over 100 years are sick and tired of figfhting and are neogitating peace.

There has been a 3rd party involved, not on either side. But draw proft from the war, by selling weapons to each side... This grop, is the New Wind Highlanders (NWH), which live on a large rock in the Astroide Belt, mining astroides.
The NWH plan to destroy hope for peace, and continue the war between the TF and the UCE; in order to maintian buisness.

Repusenatives of both the TF and the UCE have been murdered, by the NWH, and framing the TF and he UCE for killing the others repusenative, starting a war... This time driven by hatred and revange...

We'll start of just as the NWH murder the repusentives, if any one would like to add any ideas, changes, or what every, please post ASAP.

I will write up the intro and post the it in 48 hours from this momment if no objections pop up... Itis 3:46pm GMT +10 19/07/2002 East Cost of Australia time.
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Is it okay if I could have two characters in this thread.

I wanted to have one in the NWH and the TF if possible.
i wouldn't mind where i am, but i think i'd like to be NWH if i could.