OOC: Firefly

firefly cast

Hello, I just watched the entire tv show on dvd and then followed up with serenity last week! this is so very cool!
May I play Inara? Please?
I have a little time to kill. I loved Firefly, Own the whole series and the movie. Seen both numerous times. After Movie, Hmm. I'd have to think there is the doctor and I could give Simon decent Justice. If he's not taken already that is. However I'll start with a dust character, to set mood, so you all can see if you want me playing Simon. I've noticed someone has him but he doesn't seem to be writing yet. I have a bit of RP experience so think of this as a tryout, and if you want me to keep this one I will, and If you think I can or should play Simon, We can always scrap him later.

I got intrigued by the whole white slavery thing that was mentioned So I gave thought to serenity being a character and who she allows into her self. Eventually I thought that since there are no more real refugees on Serenity I'd add one. Meet Lucas:

Name: Lucas ?????
Age: undetermined appears mid 20's
Gender: Male
Height:6'6" But due to Walking bowed and a slouch he appears 6'0
Weight: 190 lbs. he hasn't been fed well and has been worked hard. He's a whip all lean cord and muslce.
Job: Drifter/Escaped Slave. Lucas Is trained in a variety of functions from basic piloting (people need chauferrs), Hand to Hand and Marksmanship (Gladiators and Bodyguards are popular), Anatomical Systems and Nerves. (he's not a doctor but he understands basically where to put his hand to stop bleeding. He's not Inara, But He could give a massage.) Cooking, (you think the master will) and Upkeep. (which is to say he's tidy.)
Traits: Lucas is an escaped slave and as such is very cautious about what he says. he has a habit of thinking things over many many times to determine if they'd be all right to say, and thusly never says much. This gives him the appearance of being slow, which he has learned to take to his advantage. Lucas was helped by Free Runners, people who ferry slaves, Like the Underground Railroad. He's fidgety and nervous because he knows someone might try to turn him in. (Even though there's no real reward he's just paranoid due to upbringing)

Lucas was left on persephone with some funds and the thought to go somewhere. Now that he considers himself free He want's to see more of the worlds. He's Currently curious and has been working Scrap and Illicit jobs for a small while on persephone. He has some money and belives that some ship will take him on to do something for them. In his time as a slave he's pretty much been used for almost everything so he doesn't have a lot of qualms.

RolePlay Notes
Lucas is a large man, and physically imposing, He tries hard not to be because he knows that upsets people. He tries to make himself as short as possible without notice. Which Means he bends his knees when he moves and walks quickly using long strides. He bows his head due to training, which makes him seem shorter. his arms look much longer though because of how he stands. Lucas is much stronger than people would assume, Easily capable of lifting 3 times his body weight. Or Holding His own weight with one hand. This isn't demonstrated much. Lucas is quite shy and passive meaning he does what he's told. As long as it's politely asked or sharply commanded. Lucas doesn't fight but can and will kill without qualm if ordered. But unless told will accept a beating rather than defend himself. It's easier for all involved that way. Despite massive size lucas doesn't make a lot of noise when he moves, He simply moves, trying to be un-noticed. Un noticed servants are un yelled at servants. It should be fun and I look forward to interacting with the crew.

HUGE browncoat here!!!! :D

Is this still open? I'd LOVE to play Niska....
Absolutely, feel free to post and add onto the story, but beware with Niska, I was pretty set on settling him for good at the end of this large arc. Feel free to pm me with ideas too.