OOC: Forgotten World Tavern

Thank you

This is a note of Thanks: Everyone bow your head. Wait!! You can't read if you bow your head. Read first, then bow your head. :))

First, Thank you Chewie for checking up on me and letting me know this thread was back.

Second, thank you to ALL of you for the "Welcome backs." Much appreciated.

Third, Thank you Arc. Your picture/icon or whatever that is, just made my day. Is that Really you?? ;)

Now, I have a question, When and where do we begin??

Okay, now you can bow your heads. :)

Woo hoo ... Doffy you are over the 100 mark ... so what is yer avatar gonna be?

BTW ~ no thats not me in my avatar .. but I am of Asian descent.

Congratulations!!!Doffy 100
Ooops sorry! i was chasing an ambulance!

He was supposed to be driving me to the hospital! i'll go where Arc goes!

*leans over to Arc, chin in hand*
i know i look a little young, but you wanna go out for a cuppa coffee after the thread is over? i like the Kona...with cream and 2 sugars.

Where we headed? Do i need a horse?

This is a test

This is a test of the Emergency Avatar service. If this doesn't work...

Must be to big or something. Try again later. :)) Hadn't even noticed I was at 100. Thanks.
okies whats the problem Doffy ...

pic you want as an avatar too big?
Avatars have to be max 150 by 150 pixel in size & no more than 20KB large.
My Problems

Oh there are so many of them hehe

1) I'm not quite sure I did it right. I uploaded it from my hard drive. Not sure it worked first off. I never actually saw it download or would that be upload.

2) I think it might be to big. It's not a huge pic. Just a little bigger than your avatar actually.

Any help would be appreciated.
One more try

At getting the Avatar to work. Called in the wife. She's good at this stuff.

<<With fingers crossed>>
Woo hoo it worked ... Cheers ...

I lightened it a lil & sharpened the color ...
So what's the Story(line)

Okay, back to why we're here. I have a FEW questions

Is the thread still going on a different board?? If so, can someone give me a link?
The backstory here is... Chewie sent me a PM, I read it and I thought the whole thing had ended and he was just trying to get it going again. I didn't realize until now, that, in fact, the thread NEVER ENDED. This is just continuing. :) I went back and read the last couple pages of posts. If there is an ongoing storyline, I'd like to catch up on it. if we're starting anew, it isn't important. Anyway, is there a thread? Is there some storyline already working? Do I need to write myself back into the story or are we starting fresh??
You are a wizard, Arc!

Oops i mean a cleric...

But they're magical too aren't they?
Nice work with Doffy's av.

And Congrats AND welcome back Doffster!

Hi everyone,

First off: A big Thank You to the following people:- DrxBlue, Chewey, Arc, Doffy, Hybirdx, Elbryan and Gohan.

Doffy, in answer to your question, I'll be basically restarting the entire plotline. Here are the changes: I'll be retaining the original idea of a Sorceror taking over the world. But the difference is that He will be trying to take over the world instead of already done that. We're here to stop him.

We'll be re-grouping in the Port City of Bayaran. I will post my return in that city. Bayaran is close to the place where I left the group... meaning by the ridge where Perrin and Devlin first woke up (Chewey's characters)... One by one or in a group, you all can make your way to Bayaran, or if you prefer, already be in Bayaran.
This is very flexible. I'll be in a tavern(no surprises here).

The first part of the plot will be revealed in my first few posts upon my return.

OK...here comes the hard part:

I need ya'll favor by dowloading these fonts : Here and here

Unzip them into a newly created folder, any name will do, but remember it.
Then go to <Settings> <Control Panel> and click on folder called <Fonts>.
From the <File> menu drop-down, click on <Install New Font>
This will bring a pop-up new window.
Find the folder that you have created to store the unzipped files.
Click on the C: Folder to bring you out to your main directory. You'll see all your unzipped files.
click <Select All> and <OK> and you're done.

(these only work on Windows... I don't know the procedures on Mac, if anyone has a Mac)

Thanks for the favor guys and gals. You'll soon understand why.

And a very grand welcome to a new addition to our band of adventurers, Maid of Marvel.

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Thanks for the welcome, Z.

I'm looking forward to writing with all of you and hope I don't disappoint. You're all spectacular.

As some of you may know, I will be moving in with my sister as of tonight. So I will not be no Lit much at all over the next 6 weeks. I am hoping to try and sneak in here and there, but I can not guarantee it. To those of you that have me on messenger, I will try to be on that at least so you can all keep in touch. Also, my email addy is on my profile if anyone wants to send me one. I will miss all of you while I am not here.

Hi, everyone.

The Revisiting of the Return to Forgotten World is Up.

The link is HERE

See everyone there ! :D

Hope noone minded that my first posts to this thread looked kind of familiar, but time on here is at a premium, and wanted to get into the thread fast. lol

Hi Chewey,

Yup, from a program called Izandawo, a map generator. I do have the entire map but the file is too big to serve as either attachment or image. I'll zip the entire thing for you guys to DL.

HY, just jump whenever you're ready... we're just re-grouping


Was that an actual language that the map as written in or did you make it all up?
